Despite its pervasiveness, many students do not realize how online communication can impact their careers and relationships. Cyber-vetting occurs when people use online search engines, social networking sites, and other Internet tools to uncover information about others. Because cyber-vetting is a relatively new concept, most communication textbooks have yet to include information about it, and many instructors do not know how to teach their students systematically about the fundamentals of cyber-vetting. This activity aims to address these issues by providing the steps to teach students about the fundamentals of cyber-vetting. By completing this activity, students should be able to: (a) explain the importance and pervasiveness of cyber-vetting; (b) investigate how their identities are portrayed online; and (c) implement strategies to make their online personas more professional. This activity is suited for a variety of communication courses, including those that focus on business communication, social media, interviewing, interpersonal and organizational communication, communication ethics, and new media.