186 results on '"Gorter, R"'
Search Results
2. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y feeding jejunostomy as a long-term solution for severe feeding problems in children
- Author
van Braak, H., Gorter, R. R., van Wijk, M. P., and de Jong, J. R.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Distress and post-traumatic stress in parents of patients with congenital gastrointestinal malformations: a cross-sectional cohort study
- Author
Roorda, D., van der Steeg, A. F. W., van Dijk, M., Derikx, J. P. M., Gorter, R. R., Rotteveel, J., van Goudoever, J. B., van Heurn, L. W. E., Oosterlaan, J., and Haverman, L.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Anesthesiology Airway-related Medicolegal Cases From the Canadian Medical Protection Association
- Author
Crosby, E.T., Duggan, L.V., Finestone, P.J., Liu, R., De Gorter, R., and Calder, L.A.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Pre-treatment cortisol awakening response predicts symptom reduction in posttraumatic stress disorder after treatment
- Author
Rapcencu, A.E., Gorter, R., Kennis, M., van Rooij, S.J.H., and Geuze, E.
- Published
- 2017
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6. Imaging in pediatric appendicitis is key to a low normal appendix percentage: a national audit on the outcome of appendectomy for appendicitis in children
- Author
Bolmers, M. D., van Rossem, C. C., Gorter, R. R., Bemelman, W. A., van Geloven, A. A. W., Heij, H. A., and On behalf of the Snapshot Appendicitis Collaborative Study group
- Published
- 2018
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7. AGREE-S:AGREE II extension for surgical interventions: appraisal instrument
- Author
Antoniou, SA, Florez, ID, Markar, S, Logullo, P, López-Cano, M, Silecchia, G, Antoniou, GA, Tsokani, S, Mavridis, D, Brouwers, M, Dayem, YSA, Bertolaccini, L, Alonso-Coello, P, Akl, E, Chand, M, Como, JJ, de Borst, GJ, Di Saverio, S, Emile, S, Eom, BW, Gorter, R, Hanna, G, Immonen, K, Lai, Q, Lumen, N, Mathew, JL, Montendori, A, Moya, M, Pellino, G, Sanabria, A, Saratzis, A, Smart, N, Stefanidis, D, Zaninotto, G, Paediatric Surgery, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, ARD - Amsterdam Reproduction and Development, Pediatric surgery, and Consortium, The GAP
- Subjects
Clinical practice guideline ,Quality appraisal ,Surgery ,AGREE-S ,Guideline quality ,AGREE II - Abstract
Background: The Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument was developed to evaluate the quality of clinical practice guidelines. Evidence suggests that development, reporting, and appraisal of guidelines on surgical interventions may be better informed by modification of the instrument. Objective: We aimed to develop an AGREE II extension specifically designed for appraisal of guidelines of surgical interventions. Methods: In a three-part project funded by the United European Gastroenterology and the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, (i) we identified factors that were associated with higher quality of surgical guidelines, (ii) we statistically calibrated the AGREE II instrument in the context of surgical guidelines using correlation, reliability, and factor analysis, and (iii) we undertook a Delphi consensus process of stakeholders to inform the development of an AGREE II extension instrument for surgical interventions. Results: Several features were prioritized by stakeholders as of particular importance for guidelines of surgical interventions, including development of a guideline protocol, consideration of practice variability and surgical expertise in different settings, and specification of infrastructures required to implement the recommendations. The AGREE-S—AGREE II extension instrument for surgical interventions has 25 items, compared to the 23 items of the original AGREE II instrument, organized into the following 6 domains: Scope and purpose, Stakeholders, Evidence synthesis, Development of recommendations, Editorial independence, and Implementation and update. As the original instrument, it concludes with an overall appraisal of the quality of the guideline and a judgement on whether the guideline is recommended for use. Several items were amended and rearranged among domains, and an item was deleted. The Rigor of Development domain of the original AGREE II was divided into Evidence Synthesis and Development of Recommendations. Items of the AGREE II domain Clarity of Presentation were incorporated in the new domain Development of Recommendations. Three new items were introduced, addressing the development of a guideline protocol, support by a guideline methodologist, and consideration of surgical experience/expertise. Conclusion: The AGREE-S appraisal instrument has been developed to be used for assessment of the methodological and reporting quality of guidelines on surgical interventions.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Impact of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients in global surgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., An, Y., Piciocchi, A., Khanna, K., Campanelli, M., Efetov, S., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Giorgio, A. D., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., Brocca, A. L., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Sensi, B., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., C. -Y., Wu, Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., De Azevedo, C. T. M., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., Torre, F. L., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pinto, J. P., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Siragusa, L., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Franceschilli, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., Leeuwenburgh, M. M. N., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., De Cillia, M., De Rosa, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., De Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Mukai, R., Riquelme, R. F., De Luca, R., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Carlo, S. D., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Maria, S. D., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., De Jesus Flores, T., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Akagi, T., Mizushima, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Nekoval, V. M., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Zhen, Y., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Z. Q., Ng, Dambrauskas, Z., Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Graduate School, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, AII - Infectious diseases, Surgery, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Paediatric Surgery, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D), Bellato V., Konishi T., Pellino G., An Y., Piciocchi A., Sensi B., Siragusa L., Khanna K., Pirozzi B.M., Franceschilli M., Campanelli M., Efetov S., Sica G.S., Kefleyesus A., Hoofwijk A.G.M., Eldaly A.S., Gonzalez A., Jawad A., Jooma A., Hafez A.M., Rubio A.V., Landaluce-Olavarria A., Wu A., Nagatsu A., Inoue A., Kanamoto A., Ouchi A., El-Hussuna A., Vazquez-Melero A., Wolthuis A.M., Peral A.M., Lozano A.C., Efremov A., Ryasantsev A.V., Di Giorgio A., Parente A., Tamburrini A., Alo A., Forero-Torres A., Vahrmeijer A.L., Varabei A., Hinojosa S., Balkan A.Z.A., Frontali A., Oleg A., Soler-Silva A., Makni A., Andre A., Cabrera A.M.G., Fernandez A.M.G., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Rodriguez-Sanchez A., Musina A.-M., Pangeni A., Zolotko A., Tonoyan A., Balla A., Belli A., Cavallaro A., Chierici A., Divizia A., Bucci A.F., Salido A.J., Morini A., Muratore A., Vignali A., Chitul A., Sebastian D.A., Pcolkins A., Shchegolev A., Hollenbeck A., Wisneski A., Iossa A., D'Amore A., Hunter A., Hesketh A.J., La Brocca A., Spinelli A., Caires A., D'Alessandro A., Correo A.F.S.L., Macri A., Navarro-Sanchez A., Pronk A., Akunc A., Mehri A., Pelta A., Papadopoulos A., Kechagias A., Rashid A., Ramazanov A., Chandio A., Kohyama A., Nishimura A., Ohkawa A., Dulskas A., Jamal A., Mariani A., Unal A.G., Karagoz A., Ozkan B.B., Salih B., Gulcu B., Pessia B., Martin-Perez B., Ielpo B., Tulelli B., Yang B., Mhamed B., Murphy B., Langenhoff B., Belevi B., Guney B., Ng C., Rueda C., Roxburgh C.S., Feo C.V., Ferrari C., Gazia C., Pratesi C., Ratto C., Santacruz C.C., Arroyave C.R.M., Macias C., Fernandez C.G., Fernandez C.C., Curtis-Martinez C., Fortmann C., Kim C., Galeano C.U., Barroso C., Baldi C., Foppa C., Formisano C., Li C., Ding C., Wang C., Iacusso C., Yang C., Pizzera C., Skias C., Chouliras C., Liakos C., Matsuda C., Wu C.-Y., Ozaslan C., Tanda C., Tommaso C.M., Dagorno C., Ramos C.P.A., Arcudi C., Coco C., Morales C.M., Ali M.Z., Lozano C.C., Sala C., Leo C.A., Scarpa C.R., Ferro C.V., Fernandez C.M., Morales-Garcia D., Nakano D., Cristian D., Hechtl D., Canovas D.T., Calabrese D., Rega D., Ferraro D., Morezzi D., Sommacale D., Brogden D., Miskovic D., Merlini D., Pertile D., Coniglio D., Zhu D., Wu D., Coletta D., Rubio D.R., Sasia D., Fillipov D., Russiello D., Dardanov D., Consten E.C.J., Smolskas E., Muttillo E.M., Jones E., Sunami E., Etienne E.-H., Chalkiadaki E., Giacomelli E., Karbovnichaya E., Ruiz-Ucar E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Jovine E., Treppiedi E., Vaterlini E.M., Zambaiti E., Moggia E., Coetzee E., Chisari E., D'Errico E., Ciofic E., Pena E., Kurt E., Balik E., Gunay E., Sivrikoz E., Andolfi E., Araimo E., Lucci E., Opocher E., Pinotti E., Rubino E., Reyhan E., Mazzotta E., Navarro E.B., El-Helou E., Licardie-Bolanos E., Porto E.I., Contreras E., Boerma E.-J., Cianchi F., Marino F., Uggeri F., Han F., Calculli F., Falaschi F., Ghignone F., Perrone F., Borghi F., Garcia F., Agresta F., Cananzi F.C.M., Mendoza-Moreno F., Cengiz F., Almeida F.M., Baracchi F., Carannante F., La Torre F., Fernandes F., Friedmacher F., Grama F., Carissimi F., Pecchini F., Bianco F., Colombo F., Ferrara F., Litta F., Carrano F.M., Martignoni F., Tasselli F.M., Milone F., Pata F., Sammartino F., Zambianchi F., Barragan F., Herrero F., Schlottmann F., Den Boer F.C., Pfeffer F., Fujita F., Navarra G., Herrera-Almario G., Pozzo G., Capolupo G.T., Van Ramshorst G.H., Liscia G., Gallo G., Asawa G., Wang G., Raiyani G., Beets G., Naval G.S., Jin G., Chang G.J., Saakian G., Kahane G., Borroni G., Secco G.L., Baiocchi G.L., Baronio G., Pagano G., Pattacini G.C., Lisi G., Milito G., Sinibaldi G., Serrao G., Bagaglini G., Sarro G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Mangiameli G., Giuliani G., Martin-Martin G.P., Bodzin G., Leon G., Mackay G., Vasil G., Palmisano G., Giovanna G.M., Fernandez G.C., Steingel G.B., Zhang G., Choi G.S., Chen H., Hirose H., Kayano H., Ulgur H.S., Impellizzeri H., Ariola H., Liu H., Medina H., Miyauchi H., Takahashi H., Hayashi H., Ishikawa H., Ishida H., De Vries H., Ulman H., Kon H., Ota H., Akamatsu H., Tamagawa H., Shoji H., Egi H., Matsubara H., Miki H., Elfeki H., Lin H.-H., Giani I., Caravaca-Garcia I., Takemasa I., Angriman I., Negoi I., Volkova I., Russo I., Kronberger I.E., Shageev I., Aydin I., Mora Guzman I., Novak I., Giuliano I., Rachmuth J., Ngu J.C.-Y., Glasbey J., Stoot J., Zatecky J., Melenhorst J., Van Der Wal J.B.C., Leijtens J., Bogach J., Elliott J., De Wilt J.H.W., Han J., Cui J., Liu J., Khan J., Wirawan J.P., Zhang J., Manyari J.D.O., Doerner J., Bock J., Konsten J., Castro J.M., Grobas J.P., Pereira J., Juloski J., Laina J.L.B., Solorzano J.J., Lopez J.R.G., Li J., Watanabe J., Kwak J.-M., Hasegawa J., Hiro J., Sergey K., Zhang K., Nagahori K., Martinez K., Tokuhara K., Danno K., Uehara K., Yoshimatsu K., Ehara K., Ueda K., Suda K., Yamamoto K., Ishimaru K., Kimura K., Hirata K., Deen K., Imaizumi K., Yamada J., Tanakura K., Rida K., Sugimoto K., Kotaro K., Shi K., Okabayashi K., Hida K., Kataoka K., Hongo K., Xia K., Tseng L., Reime L., Lorenzon L., Ruano L.M., Zhou L., De Nes L., Brandariz L., Morini L., Petagna L., Ripamonti L., Martinez L.H., Pio L., Sacco L., Carvalho L., Zorcolo L., Perez-Sanchez L.E., Esparza L.H.R., Aguilar L.T., Garner M., Sugimoto M., Nagashima M., Shiozawa M., Simone M., Ferrer-Marquez M., Carvalho M., Alifano M., Arganini M., Calussi M., Catarci M., Allaix M.E., Forlin M., Milone M., Paci M., Fodor M., Antipova M., Martos M.B., Giuffrida M.C., Tabernilla M.D., Quiros M.J.A., Lemma M., Correo M.L.R.D., Malowiecka M., Bellomo M.P., Fernandez M.R., Socias M., Rizk M., Aurora M., Antolinez M.A., Ninkovic M., Giuffrida M., De Roos M.A.J., Lara M.C., Agustin M.C., Cuadrado M., Pascual M., Lemmerer M., Carlos R., Okamoto M., Miyo M., Inomata M., Ikenaga M., Tsujie M., Yasuno M., Kotake M., Sato M., Yasui M., Lavazza M., Rottoli M., Zuin M., Zuluaga M., Cervellera M., Cesari M., Zizzo M., Garino M., Ghirardi M., Montuori M., Podda M., Santarelli M., Koc M.A., Baini M., Manigrasso M., Zuolo M., Cunha M.F., Misca M., Slavchev M., Danilov M., Shigaev M., Martens M., Kobayashi M., Ren M., Ishizuka M., Hassan M.M., Siblini M., Sahloul M., Keramati M.R., Karunakaran M., Markel M., Majeed M., Younis M.U., Akin M.I., Laraibe M., Derebey M., Kendirci M., Fukunaga M., Matsubara N., Ordaz N.E.C., Samalavicius N.E., Keeratibharat N., de Angelis N., Gica N., Mariani N.M., Ramino N., Falco N., Smart N., De Korte N., Kok N.F.M., Jamieson N.B., Aberyasev N., Bruklich N., Ichikawa N., Miyoshi N., De Palma N., Figueiredo N., Torrecilla N.O., Dybov O.G., Yudin O., Crepin O., Gomez O., Sert O.Z., Lominchar P.L., Menendez P., De Nardi P., Tejedor P., Jordan P., Tan P., Marsanic P., Natalya P., Banos P.P., Rebasa P., Neary P.M., Tanis P., Giustacchini P., Anoldo P., Concejo P., Cao P., Chandrasinghe P., Abeyratne P., Wang Q., Klicks R.J., Riquelme R.F., Galli R., Gianesini R., Moorjani R.G., Deshpande R.K., Gorter R., Ledesma R.L., Ruslan R., Chhabra R., Talreja-Pelaez R., Suzuki R., Balestri R., Rosati R., Kiblawi R., Martins R., Angelico R., Tutino R., Persiani R., Pollastri R., Lopez R.G., Perez R.O., Hompes R., Lukanin R., Roser Termes Serra R., Brunaccino R., Nakanishi R., Stefan S., Hernandez S.P.S., Di Carlo S., Ingallinella S., Domoto S., Ikeda S., Mikalauskas S., Kim S.H., Mantova S., Barbuta S., Li S., Yamaguchi S., Yamagishi S., Homma S., Tsujinaka S., Yoshioka S., Mori S., Tewari S., Rayman S., Horiuchi S., Matoba S., Morita S., Yaman S., Vigna S., Testa S., Ng S., Deidda S., Cicconi S., Di Maria S., Sibio S., Ersoz S., Pejkova S., Altarifi S., He S., Malakorn S., Meindert S., Sumikawa S., Parmar S., Uranitsch S., D'ugo S., Giuliani S., Breukink S., Lee S.-H., Hata T., Ishikawa T., Akiyoshi T., Azuma T., Kobatake T., Fukuzaki T., Aiyama T., Yamada T., Garmanova T., Gomez-Sanchez T., Yamaguchi T., Flores T.D.J., Usub T., Tsuruma T., Shimizu T., Hristov T.G., Van Loon T., Funakoshi T., Manzia T.M., Kiyomatsu T., Katayama T., Kazuhito U., Elmore U., Grossi U., Truchalev V.A., Rodriguez V.S., Testa V., Tonini V., Celentano V., Bettencourt V., Mammadov V., Leyva V.A.G., Mariscal V.G.O., Seid V.E., Klemann V., Turrado-Rodriguez V., Papagni V., Vento V., Frering V., Vigorita V., Petrove V.V., Lyadov V., Fu W., Mi W., Jeong W.K., Leclercq W.K.G., De Sousa X., Zhao X., Li X., Wang X., Yang X., Zhang X., Dong Y., Erushevich Y., Takii Y., Sumi Y., Loli Y.T., Yifat Y.L., Shimada Y., Nabeya Y., Ide Y., Wu Y., Tsukada Y., Miyamoto Y., Toiyama Y., Fujie Y., Kaneko Y., Mokutani Y., Fujii Y., Kanemitsu Y., Medkova Y., Chen Y., Ruiz Y.G., Kinugasa Y., Sow Z., Razzaq Z., Wang Z., Liu Z., Han Z., Tai Z., Lai Z., Ng Z.Q., Dambrauskas Z., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., An, Y., Piciocchi, A., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Khanna, K., Pirozzi, B. M., Franceschilli, M., Campanelli, M., Efetov, S., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Di Giorgio, A., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., La Brocca, A., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., Wu, C. -Y., Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., La Torre, F., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pereira, J., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., de Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Riquelme, R. F., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Di Carlo, S., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Di Maria, S., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., Flores, T. D. J., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Ng, Z. Q., Dambrauskas, Z., Mora Guzman, I., Rinha, R., Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Bellato, V, Konishi, T, Pellino, G, An, Y, Piciocchi, A, Sensi, B, Siragusa, L, Khanna, K, Pirozzi, B, Franceschilli, M, Campanelli, M, Efetov, S, Sica, G, Kefleyesus, A, Hoofwijk, A, Eldaly, A, Gonzalez, A, Jawad, A, Jooma, A, Hafez, A, Rubio, A, Landaluce-Olavarria, A, Wu, A, Nagatsu, A, Inoue, A, Kanamoto, A, Ouchi, A, El-Hussuna, A, Vazquez-Melero, A, Wolthuis, A, Peral, A, Lozano, A, Efremov, A, Ryasantsev, A, Di Giorgio, A, Parente, A, Tamburrini, A, Alo, A, Forero-Torres, A, Vahrmeijer, A, Varabei, A, Hinojosa, S, Balkan, A, Frontali, A, Oleg, A, Soler-Silva, A, Makni, A, Andre, A, Cabrera, A, Fernandez, A, Minaya-Bravo, A, Rodriguez-Sanchez, A, Musina, A, Pangeni, A, Zolotko, A, Tonoyan, A, Balla, A, Belli, A, Cavallaro, A, Chierici, A, Divizia, A, Bucci, A, Salido, A, Morini, A, Muratore, A, Vignali, A, Chitul, A, Sebastian, D, Pcolkins, A, Shchegolev, A, Hollenbeck, A, Wisneski, A, Iossa, A, D'Amore, A, Hunter, A, Hesketh, A, La Brocca, A, Spinelli, A, Caires, A, D'Alessandro, A, Correo, A, Macri, A, Navarro-Sanchez, A, Pronk, A, Akunc, A, Mehri, A, Pelta, A, Papadopoulos, A, Kechagias, A, Rashid, A, Ramazanov, A, Chandio, A, Kohyama, A, Nishimura, A, Ohkawa, A, Dulskas, A, Jamal, A, Mariani, A, Unal, A, Karagoz, A, Ozkan, B, Salih, B, Gulcu, B, Pessia, B, Martin-Perez, B, Ielpo, B, Tulelli, B, Yang, B, Mhamed, B, Murphy, B, Langenhoff, B, Belevi, B, Guney, B, Ng, C, Rueda, C, Roxburgh, C, Feo, C, Ferrari, C, Gazia, C, Pratesi, C, Ratto, C, Santacruz, C, Arroyave, C, Macias, C, Fernandez, C, Curtis-Martinez, C, Fortmann, C, Kim, C, Galeano, C, Barroso, C, Baldi, C, Foppa, C, Formisano, C, Li, C, Ding, C, Wang, C, Iacusso, C, Yang, C, Pizzera, C, Skias, C, Chouliras, C, Liakos, C, Matsuda, C, Wu, C, Ozaslan, C, Tanda, C, Tommaso, C, Dagorno, C, Ramos, C, Arcudi, C, Coco, C, Morales, C, Ali, M, Lozano, C, Sala, C, Leo, C, Scarpa, C, Ferro, C, Morales-Garcia, D, Nakano, D, Cristian, D, Hechtl, D, Canovas, D, Calabrese, D, Rega, D, Ferraro, D, Morezzi, D, Sommacale, D, Brogden, D, Miskovic, D, Merlini, D, Pertile, D, Coniglio, D, Zhu, D, Wu, D, Coletta, D, Rubio, D, Sasia, D, Fillipov, D, Russiello, D, Dardanov, D, Consten, E, Smolskas, E, Muttillo, E, Jones, E, Sunami, E, Etienne, E, Chalkiadaki, E, Giacomelli, E, Karbovnichaya, E, Ruiz-Ucar, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Jovine, E, Treppiedi, E, Vaterlini, E, Zambaiti, E, Moggia, E, Coetzee, E, Chisari, E, D'Errico, E, Ciofic, E, Pena, E, Kurt, E, Balik, E, Gunay, E, Sivrikoz, E, Andolfi, E, Araimo, E, Lucci, E, Opocher, E, Pinotti, E, Rubino, E, Reyhan, E, Mazzotta, E, Navarro, E, El-Helou, E, Licardie-Bolanos, E, Porto, E, Contreras, E, Boerma, E, Cianchi, F, Marino, F, Uggeri, F, Han, F, Calculli, F, Falaschi, F, Ghignone, F, Perrone, F, Borghi, F, Garcia, F, Agresta, F, Cananzi, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Cengiz, F, Almeida, F, Baracchi, F, Carannante, F, La Torre, F, Fernandes, F, Friedmacher, F, Grama, F, Carissimi, F, Pecchini, F, Bianco, F, Colombo, F, Ferrara, F, Litta, F, Carrano, F, Martignoni, F, Tasselli, F, Milone, F, Pata, F, Sammartino, F, Zambianchi, F, Barragan, F, Herrero, F, Schlottmann, F, Den Boer, F, Pfeffer, F, Fujita, F, Navarra, G, Herrera-Almario, G, Pozzo, G, Capolupo, G, Van Ramshorst, G, Liscia, G, Gallo, G, Asawa, G, Wang, G, Raiyani, G, Beets, G, Naval, G, Jin, G, Chang, G, Saakian, G, Kahane, G, Borroni, G, Secco, G, Baiocchi, G, Baronio, G, Pagano, G, Pattacini, G, Lisi, G, Milito, G, Sinibaldi, G, Serrao, G, Bagaglini, G, Sarro, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Mangiameli, G, Giuliani, G, Martin-Martin, G, Bodzin, G, Leon, G, Mackay, G, Vasil, G, Palmisano, G, Giovanna, G, Fernandez, G, Steingel, G, Zhang, G, Choi, G, Chen, H, Hirose, H, Kayano, H, Ulgur, H, Impellizzeri, H, Ariola, H, Liu, H, Medina, H, Miyauchi, H, Takahashi, H, Hayashi, H, Ishikawa, H, Ishida, H, De Vries, H, Ulman, H, Kon, H, Ota, H, Akamatsu, H, Tamagawa, H, Shoji, H, Egi, H, Matsubara, H, Miki, H, Elfeki, H, Lin, H, Giani, I, Caravaca-Garcia, I, Takemasa, I, Angriman, I, Negoi, I, Volkova, I, Russo, I, Kronberger, I, Shageev, I, Aydin, I, Mora Guzman, I, Novak, I, Giuliano, I, Rachmuth, J, Ngu, J, Glasbey, J, Stoot, J, Zatecky, J, Melenhorst, J, Van Der Wal, J, Leijtens, J, Bogach, J, Elliott, J, De Wilt, J, Han, J, Cui, J, Liu, J, Khan, J, Wirawan, J, Zhang, J, Manyari, J, Doerner, J, Bock, J, Konsten, J, Castro, J, Grobas, J, Pereira, J, Juloski, J, Laina, J, Solorzano, J, Lopez, J, Li, J, Watanabe, J, Kwak, J, Hasegawa, J, Hiro, J, Sergey, K, Zhang, K, Nagahori, K, Martinez, K, Tokuhara, K, Danno, K, Uehara, K, Yoshimatsu, K, Ehara, K, Ueda, K, Suda, K, Yamamoto, K, Ishimaru, K, Kimura, K, Hirata, K, Deen, K, Imaizumi, K, Yamada, J, Tanakura, K, Rida, K, Sugimoto, K, Kotaro, K, Shi, K, Okabayashi, K, Hida, K, Kataoka, K, Hongo, K, Xia, K, Tseng, L, Reime, L, Lorenzon, L, Ruano, L, Zhou, L, De Nes, L, Brandariz, L, Morini, L, Petagna, L, Ripamonti, L, Martinez, L, Pio, L, Sacco, L, Carvalho, L, Zorcolo, L, Perez-Sanchez, L, Esparza, L, Aguilar, L, Garner, M, Sugimoto, M, Nagashima, M, Shiozawa, M, Simone, M, Ferrer-Marquez, M, Carvalho, M, Alifano, M, Arganini, M, Calussi, M, Catarci, M, Allaix, M, Forlin, M, Milone, M, Paci, M, Fodor, M, Antipova, M, Martos, M, Giuffrida, M, Tabernilla, M, Quiros, M, Lemma, M, Correo, M, Malowiecka, M, Bellomo, M, Fernandez, M, Socias, M, Rizk, M, Aurora, M, Antolinez, M, Ninkovic, M, De Roos, M, Lara, M, Agustin, M, Cuadrado, M, Pascual, M, Lemmerer, M, Carlos, R, Okamoto, M, Miyo, M, Inomata, M, Ikenaga, M, Tsujie, M, Yasuno, M, Kotake, M, Sato, M, Yasui, M, Lavazza, M, Rottoli, M, Zuin, M, Zuluaga, M, Cervellera, M, Cesari, M, Zizzo, M, Garino, M, Ghirardi, M, Montuori, M, Podda, M, Santarelli, M, Koc, M, Baini, M, Manigrasso, M, Zuolo, M, Cunha, M, Misca, M, Slavchev, M, Danilov, M, Shigaev, M, Martens, M, Kobayashi, M, Ren, M, Ishizuka, M, Hassan, M, Siblini, M, Sahloul, M, Keramati, M, Karunakaran, M, Markel, M, Majeed, M, Younis, M, Akin, M, Laraibe, M, Derebey, M, Kendirci, M, Fukunaga, M, Matsubara, N, Ordaz, N, Samalavicius, N, Keeratibharat, N, de Angelis, N, Gica, N, Mariani, N, Ramino, N, Falco, N, Smart, N, De Korte, N, Kok, N, Jamieson, N, Aberyasev, N, Bruklich, N, Ichikawa, N, Miyoshi, N, De Palma, N, Figueiredo, N, Torrecilla, N, Dybov, O, Yudin, O, Crepin, O, Gomez, O, Sert, O, Lominchar, P, Menendez, P, De Nardi, P, Tejedor, P, Jordan, P, Tan, P, Marsanic, P, Natalya, P, Banos, P, Rebasa, P, Neary, P, Tanis, P, Giustacchini, P, Anoldo, P, Concejo, P, Cao, P, Chandrasinghe, P, Abeyratne, P, Wang, Q, Klicks, R, Riquelme, R, Galli, R, Gianesini, R, Moorjani, R, Deshpande, R, Gorter, R, Ledesma, R, Ruslan, R, Chhabra, R, Talreja-Pelaez, R, Suzuki, R, Balestri, R, Rosati, R, Kiblawi, R, Martins, R, Angelico, R, Tutino, R, Persiani, R, Pollastri, R, Lopez, R, Perez, R, Hompes, R, Lukanin, R, Roser Termes Serra, R, Brunaccino, R, Nakanishi, R, Stefan, S, Hernandez, S, Di Carlo, S, Ingallinella, S, Domoto, S, Ikeda, S, Mikalauskas, S, Kim, S, Mantova, S, Barbuta, S, Li, S, Yamaguchi, S, Yamagishi, S, Homma, S, Tsujinaka, S, Yoshioka, S, Mori, S, Tewari, S, Rayman, S, Horiuchi, S, Matoba, S, Morita, S, Yaman, S, Vigna, S, Testa, S, Ng, S, Deidda, S, Cicconi, S, Di Maria, S, Sibio, S, Ersoz, S, Pejkova, S, Altarifi, S, He, S, Malakorn, S, Meindert, S, Sumikawa, S, Parmar, S, Uranitsch, S, D'Ugo, S, Giuliani, S, Breukink, S, Lee, S, Hata, T, Ishikawa, T, Akiyoshi, T, Azuma, T, Kobatake, T, Fukuzaki, T, Aiyama, T, Yamada, T, Garmanova, T, Gomez-Sanchez, T, Yamaguchi, T, Flores, T, Usub, T, Tsuruma, T, Shimizu, T, Hristov, T, Van Loon, T, Funakoshi, T, Manzia, T, Kiyomatsu, T, Katayama, T, Kazuhito, U, Elmore, U, Grossi, U, Truchalev, V, Rodriguez, V, Testa, V, Tonini, V, Celentano, V, Bettencourt, V, Mammadov, V, Leyva, V, Mariscal, V, Seid, V, Klemann, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Papagni, V, Vento, V, Frering, V, Vigorita, V, Petrove, V, Lyadov, V, Fu, W, Mi, W, Jeong, W, Leclercq, W, De Sousa, X, Zhao, X, Li, X, Wang, X, Yang, X, Zhang, X, Dong, Y, Erushevich, Y, Takii, Y, Sumi, Y, Loli, Y, Yifat, Y, Shimada, Y, Nabeya, Y, Ide, Y, Wu, Y, Tsukada, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Toiyama, Y, Fujie, Y, Kaneko, Y, Mokutani, Y, Fujii, Y, Kanemitsu, Y, Medkova, Y, Chen, Y, Ruiz, Y, Kinugasa, Y, Sow, Z, Razzaq, Z, Wang, Z, Liu, Z, Han, Z, Tai, Z, Lai, Z, Ng, Z, and Dambrauskas, Z
- Subjects
2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,covid-19, pandemic, surgery ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,MEDLINE ,COVID-19. Global surgery ,Asymptomatic ,COVID-19, Critical Pathways, Cross Infection, Cross-Sectional Studies, Health Care Surveys, Humans, Pandemics, Postoperative Complications, SARS-CoV-2, Surgical Procedures, Operative, Asymptomatic Infections ,COVID-19 ,Critical Pathways ,Cross Infection ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Health Care Surveys ,Humans ,Pandemics ,Postoperative Complications ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Surgical Procedures, Operative ,Asymptomatic Infections ,NO ,surgery ,Tumours of the digestive tract Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 14] ,Pandemic ,Correspondence ,medicine ,LS7_4 ,COVID ,Surgical Procedures ,Critical pathways ,business.industry ,pandemic ,Surgical procedures ,Operative ,Settore MED/18 ,covid 19, surgical practice ,COVID-19 - surgery ,Emergency medicine ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has changed the global surgical care. Patients infected with COVID-19 may present without typical symptoms, and such asymptomatic patients may potentially trigger in-hospital outbreaks by transmitting the disease to health care providers and other hospitalized patients. Further, asymptomatic COVID-19 patients have worse postop- erative outcomes with an unexpectedly high morbidity and mortality, reaching 20⋅5 per cent deaths. However, we do not have objective global data on this issue. In an attempt to clarify the current global surgical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic particularly focusing on the preoperative screening of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, we conducted a cross-sectional online survey on surgical practice. The survey was administered to surgeons worldwide through international surgical societies, social media and personal contacts dur- ing 2 April to 8 April. The results were analyzed by country’s cumulative deaths number by 8 April, 2020 (high risk, >5000; intermediate risk, 100-5000; low risk
- Published
- 2020
9. The impact of disease severity, age and surgical approach on the outcome of acute appendicitis in children
- Author
van den Boom, A. L., Gorter, R. R., van Haard, P. M. M., Doornebosch, P. G., Heij, H. A., and Dawson, I.
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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10. AGREE-S: AGREE II extension for surgical interventions – United European Gastroenterology and European Association for Endoscopic Surgery methodological guide
- Author
Logullo, P, Florez, ID, Antoniou, GA, Markar, S, López‐Cano, M, Silecchia, G, Tsokani, S, Mavridis, D, Brouwers, M, Antoniou, SA, Sami Abdel Dayem Amer, Y, Bertolaccini, L, Alonso‐Coello, P, Akl, EA, Chand, M, Como, JJ, Borst, GJ, Di Saverio, S, Emile, S, Eom, BW, Gorter, R, Hanna, G, Immonen, K, Lai, Q, Lumen, N, Mathew, JL, Montendori, A, Moya, M, Pellino, G, Sanabria, A, Saratzis, A, Smart, N, Stefanidis, D, Zaninotto, G, Paediatric Surgery, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D), Pediatric surgery, Patricia, Logullo, Ivan D, Florez, George A, Antoniou, Sheraz, Markar, Manuel, López-Cano, Gianfranco, Silecchia, Sofia, Tsokani, Dimitrios, Mavridi, Melissa, Brouwer, Stavros A, Antoniou, Sami Abdel Dayem Amer, Yasser, Bertolaccini, Luca, Alonso-Coello, Pablo, A Akl, Elie, Chand, Manish, J Como, John, J de Borst, Gert, Di Saverio, Salomone, Emile, Sameh, Wool Eom, Bang, Gorter, Ramon, Hanna, George, Immonen, Kaisa, Lai, Quirino, Lumen, Nicolaa, L Mathew, Joseph, Montendori, Alessandro, Moya, Martin, Pellino, Gianluca, Sanabria, Alvaro, Saratzis, Athanasio, Smart, Neil, Stefanidis, Dimitrio, Zaninotto, Giovanni, Institut Català de la Salut, [Logullo P] Department Nuffield of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology & Musculoskeletal Sciences, UK EQUATOR Centre, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. [Florez ID] Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Department of Pediatrics, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia. [Antoniou GA] Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK. Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. [Markar S] Nuffield Department of Surgery, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK. Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. [López-Cano M] Unitat de Cirurgia de la Paret Abdominal, Vall d’Hebron Hospital Universitari, Barcelona, Spain. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. [Silecchia G] Department of Medico‐Surgical Sciences and Translation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, and Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus
- Subjects
Surgical Procedures, Operative [ANALYTICAL, DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES, AND EQUIPMENT] ,evidence ,gastroenterology ,factor analysis ,methodology ,intervenciones quirúrgicas [TÉCNICAS Y EQUIPOS ANALÍTICOS, DIAGNÓSTICOS Y TERAPÉUTICOS] ,agree ii ,agree-s ,guidelines ,quality ,endoscopy ,factor analysis, statistical ,humans ,Oncology ,Operacions quirúrgiques ,Factor Analysis, Statistical ,Gastroenterologia ,Health Occupations::Medicine::Internal Medicine::Gastroenterology [DISCIPLINES AND OCCUPATIONS] ,guideline ,statistical ,profesiones sanitarias::medicina::medicina interna::gastroenterología [DISCIPLINAS Y OCUPACIONES] ,Human - Abstract
Evidence; Guidelines; Quality Evidencia; Pautas; Calidad Evidència; Pautes; Qualitat Background The Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument has been developed to inform the methodology, reporting and appraisal of clinical practice guidelines. Evidence suggests that the quality of surgical guidelines can be improved, and the structure and content of AGREE II can be modified to help enhance the quality of guidelines of surgical interventions. Objective To develop an extension of AGREE II specifically designed for guidelines of surgical interventions. Methods In the tripartite Guideline Assessment Project (GAP) funded by United European Gastroenterology and the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, (i) we assessed the quality of surgical guidelines and we identified factors associated with higher quality (GAP I); (ii) we applied correlation analysis, factor analysis and the item response theory to inform an adaption of AGREE II for the purposes of surgical guidelines (GAP II); and (iii) we developed an AGREE II extension for surgical interventions, informed by the results of GAP I, GAP II, and a Delphi process of stakeholders, including representation from interventional and surgical disciplines; the Guideline International Network (GIN); the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group; the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) initiative; and representation of surgical journal editors and patient/public. Results We developed AGREE-S, an AGREE II extension for surgical interventions, which comprises 24 items organized in 6 domains; Scope and purpose, Stakeholders, Evidence synthesis, Development of recommendations, Editorial independence, and Implementation and update. The panel of stakeholders proposed 3 additional items: development of a guideline protocol, consideration of practice variability and surgical/interventional expertise in different settings, and specification of infrastructures required to implement the recommendations. Three of the existing items were amended, 7 items were rearranged among the domains, and one item was removed. The domain Rigour of Development was divided into domains on Evidence Synthesis and Development of Recommendations. The new domain Development of Recommendations incorporates items from the original AGREE II domain Clarity of Presentation. Conclusion AGREE-S is an evidence-based and stakeholder-informed extension of the AGREE II instrument, that can be used as a guide for the development and adaption of guidelines on surgical interventions. The Guideline Assessment Project (GAP) III received financial support from the United European Gastroenterology (UEG) and the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques (EAES), both non-profit organizations. The funders had no role in the design or development of this project.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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11. Surgeons' fear of getting infected by COVID19: A global survey
- Author
An, Y., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Franceschilli, M., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Giorgio, A. D., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., Brocca, A. L., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., C. -Y., Wu, Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., De Azevedo, C. T. M., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., Torre, F. L., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pinto, J. P., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., Leeuwenburgh, M. M. N., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., De Cillia, M., Campanelli, M., De Rosa, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., De Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Mukai, R., Riquelme, R. F., De Luca, R., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Carlo, S. D., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Maria, S. D., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., De Jesus Flores, T., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Akagi, T., Mizushima, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Nekoval, V. M., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Zhen, Y., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Z. Q., Ng, Dambrauskas, Z., An Y., Bellato V., Konishi T., Pellino G., Sensi B., Siragusa L., Franceschilli M., Sica G.S., Kefleyesus A., Hoofwijk A.G.M., Eldaly A.S., Gonzalez A., Jawad A., Jooma A., Hafez A.M., Rubio A.V., Landaluce-Olavarria A., Wu A., Nagatsu A., Inoue A., Kanamoto A., Ouchi A., El-Hussuna A., Vazquez-Melero A., Wolthuis A.M., Peral A.M., Lozano A.C., Efremov A., Ryasantsev A.V., Di Giorgio A., Parente A., Tamburrini A., Alo A., Forero-Torres A., Vahrmeijer A.L., Varabei A., Hinojosa S., Balkan A.Z.A., Frontali A., Oleg A., Soler-Silva A., Makni A., Andre A., Cabrera A.M.G., Fernandez A.M.G., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Rodriguez-Sanchez A., Musina A.-M., Pangeni A., Zolotko A., Tonoyan A., Balla A., Belli A., Cavallaro A., Chierici A., Divizia A., Bucci A.F., Salido A.J., Morini A., Muratore A., Vignali A., Chitul A., Sebastian D.A., Pcolkins A., Shchegolev A., Hollenbeck A., Wisneski A., Iossa A., D'Amore A., Hunter A., Hesketh A.J., La Brocca A., Spinelli A., Caires A., D'Alessandro A., Correo A.F.S.L., Macri A., Navarro-Sanchez A., Pronk A., Akunc A., Mehri A., Pelta A., Papadopoulos A., Kechagias A., Rashid A., Ramazanov A., Chandio A., Kohyama A., Nishimura A., Ohkawa A., Dulskas A., Jamal A., Mariani A., Unal A.G., Karagoz A., Ozkan B.B., Salih B., Gulcu B., Pessia B., Martin-Perez B., Ielpo B., Tulelli B., Yang B., Mhamed B., Murphy B., Pirozzi B.M., Langenhoff B., Belevi B., Guney B., Ng C., Rueda C., Roxburgh C.S., Feo C.V., Ferrari C., Gazia C., Pratesi C., Ratto C., Santacruz C.C., Arroyave C.R.M., Macias C., Fernandez C.G., Fernandez C.C., Curtis-Martinez C., Fortmann C., Kim C., Galeano C.U., Barroso C., Baldi C., Foppa C., Formisano C., Li C., Ding C., Wang C., Iacusso C., Yang C., Pizzera C., Skias C., Chouliras C., Liakos C., Matsuda C., Wu C.-Y., Ozaslan C., Tanda C., Tommaso C.M., Dagorno C., Ramos C.P.A., Arcudi C., Coco C., Morales C.M., Ali M.Z., Lozano C.C., Sala C., Leo C.A., Scarpa C.R., Ferro C.V., Fernandez C.M., Morales-Garcia D., Nakano D., Cristian D., Hechtl D., Canovas D.T., Calabrese D., Rega D., Ferraro D., Morezzi D., Sommacale D., Brogden D., Miskovic D., Merlini D., Pertile D., Coniglio D., Zhu D., Wu D., Coletta D., Rubio D.R., Sasia D., Fillipov D., Russiello D., Dardanov D., Consten E.C.J., Smolskas E., Muttillo E.M., Jones E., Sunami E., Etienne E.-H., Chalkiadaki E., Giacomelli E., Karbovnichaya E., Ruiz-Ucar E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Jovine E., Treppiedi E., Vaterlini E.M., Zambaiti E., Moggia E., Coetzee E., Chisari E., D'Errico E., Ciofic E., Pena E., Kurt E., Balik E., Gunay E., Sivrikoz E., Andolfi E., Araimo E., Lucci E., Opocher E., Pinotti E., Rubino E., Reyhan E., Mazzotta E., Navarro E.B., El-Helou E., Licardie-Bolanos E., Porto E.I., Contreras E., Boerma E.-J., Cianchi F., Marino F., Uggeri F., Han F., Calculli F., Falaschi F., Ghignone F., Perrone F., Borghi F., Garcia F., Agresta F., Cananzi F.C.M., Mendoza-Moreno F., Cengiz F., Almeida F.M., Baracchi F., Carannante F., La Torre F., Fernandes F., Friedmacher F., Grama F., Carissimi F., Pecchini F., Bianco F., Colombo F., Ferrara F., Litta F., Carrano F.M., Martignoni F., Tasselli F.M., Milone F., Pata F., Sammartino F., Zambianchi F., Barragan F., Herrero F., Schlottmann F., Den Boer F.C., Pfeffer F., Fujita F., Navarra G., Herrera-Almario G., Pozzo G., Capolupo G.T., Van Ramshorst G.H., Liscia G., Gallo G., Asawa G., Wang G., Raiyani G., Beets G., Naval G.S., Jin G., Chang G.J., Saakian G., Kahane G., Borroni G., Secco G.L., Baiocchi G.L., Baronio G., Pagano G., Pattacini G.C., Lisi G., Milito G., Sinibaldi G., Serrao G., Bagaglini G., Sarro G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Mangiameli G., Giuliani G., Martin-Martin G.P., Bodzin G., Leon G., Mackay G., Vasil G., Palmisano G., Giovanna G.M., Fernandez G.C., Steingel G.B., Zhang G., Choi G.S., Chen H., Hirose H., Kayano H., Ulgur H.S., Impellizzeri H., Ariola H., Liu H., Medina H., Miyauchi H., Takahashi H., Hayashi H., Ishikawa H., Ishida H., De Vries H., Ulman H., Kon H., Ota H., Akamatsu H., Tamagawa H., Shoji H., Egi H., Matsubara H., Miki H., Elfeki H., Lin H.-H., Giani I., Caravaca-Garcia I., Takemasa I., Angriman I., Negoi I., Volkova I., Russo I., Kronberger I.E., Shageev I., Aydin I., Mora Guzman I., Novak I., Giuliano I., Rachmuth J., Ngu J.C.-Y., Glasbey J., Stoot J., Zatecky J., Melenhorst J., Van Der Wal J.B.C., Leijtens J., Bogach J., Elliott J., De Wilt J.H.W., Han J., Cui J., Liu J., Khan J., Wirawan J.P., Zhang J., Manyari J.D.O., Doerner J., Bock J., Konsten J., Castro J.M., Grobas J.P., Pereira J., Juloski J., Laina J.L.B., Solorzano J.J., Lopez J.R.G., Li J., Watanabe J., Kwak J.-M., Hasegawa J., Hiro J., Sergey K., Zhang K., Nagahori K., Martinez K., Tokuhara K., Danno K., Uehara K., Yoshimatsu K., Ehara K., Ueda K., Suda K., Yamamoto K., Ishimaru K., Kimura K., Hirata K., Deen K., Imaizumi K., Yamada J., Tanakura K., Rida K., Sugimoto K., Kotaro K., Shi K., Okabayashi K., Hida K., Kataoka K., Hongo K., Xia K., Tseng L., Reime L., Lorenzon L., Ruano L.M., Zhou L., De Nes L., Brandariz L., Morini L., Petagna L., Ripamonti L., Martinez L.H., Pio L., Sacco L., Carvalho L., Zorcolo L., Perez-Sanchez L.E., Esparza L.H.R., Aguilar L.T., Garner M., Sugimoto M., Nagashima M., Shiozawa M., Simone M., Ferrer-Marquez M., Carvalho M., Alifano M., Arganini M., Calussi M., Catarci M., Allaix M.E., Forlin M., Milone M., Paci M., Fodor M., Antipova M., Martos M.B., Giuffrida M.C., Tabernilla M.D., Quiros M.J.A., Lemma M., Correo M.L.R.D., Malowiecka M., Bellomo M.P., Fernandez M.R., Socias M., Rizk M., Aurora M., Antolinez M.A., Ninkovic M., Giuffrida M., De Roos M.A.J., Lara M.C., Agustin M.C., Cuadrado M., Pascual M., Lemmerer M., Carlos R., Okamoto M., Miyo M., Inomata M., Ikenaga M., Tsujie M., Yasuno M., Kotake M., Sato M., Yasui M., Lavazza M., Rottoli M., Zuin M., Zuluaga M., Cervellera M., Cesari M., Zizzo M., Garino M., Ghirardi M., Montuori M., Podda M., Santarelli M., Koc M.A., Baini M., Campanelli M., Manigrasso M., Zuolo M., Cunha M.F., Misca M., Slavchev M., Danilov M., Shigaev M., Martens M., Kobayashi M., Ren M., Ishizuka M., Hassan M.M., Siblini M., Sahloul M., Keramati M.R., Karunakaran M., Markel M., Majeed M., Younis M.U., Akin M.I., Laraibe M., Derebey M., Kendirci M., Fukunaga M., Matsubara N., Ordaz N.E.C., Samalavicius N.E., Keeratibharat N., de Angelis N., Gica N., Mariani N.M., Ramino N., Falco N., Smart N., De Korte N., Kok N.F.M., Jamieson N.B., Aberyasev N., Bruklich N., Ichikawa N., Miyoshi N., De Palma N., Figueiredo N., Torrecilla N.O., Dybov O.G., Yudin O., Crepin O., Gomez O., Sert O.Z., Lominchar P.L., Menendez P., De Nardi P., Tejedor P., Jordan P., Tan P., Marsanic P., Natalya P., Banos P.P., Rebasa P., Neary P.M., Tanis P., Giustacchini P., Anoldo P., Concejo P., Cao P., Chandrasinghe P., Abeyratne P., Wang Q., Klicks R.J., Riquelme R.F., Galli R., Gianesini R., Moorjani R.G., Deshpande R.K., Gorter R., Ledesma R.L., Ruslan R., Chhabra R., Talreja-Pelaez R., Suzuki R., Balestri R., Rosati R., Kiblawi R., Martins R., Angelico R., Tutino R., Persiani R., Pollastri R., Lopez R.G., Perez R.O., Hompes R., Lukanin R., Roser Termes Serra R., Brunaccino R., Nakanishi R., Stefan S., Hernandez S.P.S., Di Carlo S., Ingallinella S., Domoto S., Ikeda S., Mikalauskas S., Kim S.H., Mantova S., Barbuta S., Li S., Yamaguchi S., Yamagishi S., Homma S., Tsujinaka S., Yoshioka S., Mori S., Tewari S., Rayman S., Horiuchi S., Matoba S., Morita S., Yaman S., Vigna S., Testa S., Ng S., Deidda S., Cicconi S., Di Maria S., Sibio S., Ersoz S., Pejkova S., Altarifi S., He S., Malakorn S., Meindert S., Sumikawa S., Parmar S., Uranitsch S., D'ugo S., Giuliani S., Breukink S., Lee S.-H., Hata T., Ishikawa T., Akiyoshi T., Azuma T., Kobatake T., Fukuzaki T., Aiyama T., Yamada T., Garmanova T., Gomez-Sanchez T., Yamaguchi T., Flores T.D.J., Usub T., Tsuruma T., Shimizu T., Hristov T.G., Van Loon T., Funakoshi T., Manzia T.M., Kiyomatsu T., Katayama T., Kazuhito U., Elmore U., Grossi U., Truchalev V.A., Rodriguez V.S., Testa V., Tonini V., Celentano V., Bettencourt V., Mammadov V., Leyva V.A.G., Mariscal V.G.O., Seid V.E., Klemann V., Turrado-Rodriguez V., Papagni V., Vento V., Frering V., Vigorita V., Petrove V.V., Lyadov V., Fu W., Mi W., Jeong W.K., Leclercq W.K.G., De Sousa X., Zhao X., Li X., Wang X., Yang X., Zhang X., Dong Y., Erushevich Y., Takii Y., Sumi Y., Loli Y.T., Yifat Y.L., Shimada Y., Nabeya Y., Ide Y., Wu Y., Tsukada Y., Miyamoto Y., Toiyama Y., Fujie Y., Kaneko Y., Mokutani Y., Fujii Y., Kanemitsu Y., Medkova Y., Chen Y., Ruiz Y.G., Kinugasa Y., Sow Z., Razzaq Z., Wang Z., Liu Z., Han Z., Tai Z., Lai Z., Ng Z.Q., Dambrauskas Z., Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Graduate School, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, AII - Infectious diseases, Surgery, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Paediatric Surgery, ARD - Amsterdam Reproduction and Development, An, Y., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Franceschilli, M., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Di Giorgio, A., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., La Brocca, A., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., Wu, C. -Y., Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., La Torre, F., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Mora Guzman, I., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pereira, J., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., Campanelli, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., de Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Riquelme, R. F., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Di Carlo, S., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Di Maria, S., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., Flores, T. D. J., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Ng, Z. Q., Dambrauskas, Z., An, Y, Bellato, V, Konishi, T, Pellino, G, Sensi, B, Siragusa, L, Franceschilli, M, Sica, G, Kefleyesus, A, Hoofwijk, A, Eldaly, A, Gonzalez, A, Jawad, A, Jooma, A, Hafez, A, Rubio, A, Landaluce-Olavarria, A, Wu, A, Nagatsu, A, Inoue, A, Kanamoto, A, Ouchi, A, El-Hussuna, A, Vazquez-Melero, A, Wolthuis, A, Peral, A, Lozano, A, Efremov, A, Ryasantsev, A, Di Giorgio, A, Parente, A, Tamburrini, A, Alo, A, Forero-Torres, A, Vahrmeijer, A, Varabei, A, Hinojosa, S, Balkan, A, Frontali, A, Oleg, A, Soler-Silva, A, Makni, A, Andre, A, Cabrera, A, Fernandez, A, Minaya-Bravo, A, Rodriguez-Sanchez, A, Musina, A, Pangeni, A, Zolotko, A, Tonoyan, A, Balla, A, Belli, A, Cavallaro, A, Chierici, A, Divizia, A, Bucci, A, Salido, A, Morini, A, Muratore, A, Vignali, A, Chitul, A, Sebastian, D, Pcolkins, A, Shchegolev, A, Hollenbeck, A, Wisneski, A, Iossa, A, D'Amore, A, Hunter, A, Hesketh, A, La Brocca, A, Spinelli, A, Caires, A, D'Alessandro, A, Correo, A, Macri, A, Navarro-Sanchez, A, Pronk, A, Akunc, A, Mehri, A, Pelta, A, Papadopoulos, A, Kechagias, A, Rashid, A, Ramazanov, A, Chandio, A, Kohyama, A, Nishimura, A, Ohkawa, A, Dulskas, A, Jamal, A, Mariani, A, Unal, A, Karagoz, A, Ozkan, B, Salih, B, Gulcu, B, Pessia, B, Martin-Perez, B, Ielpo, B, Tulelli, B, Yang, B, Mhamed, B, Murphy, B, Pirozzi, B, Langenhoff, B, Belevi, B, Guney, B, Ng, C, Rueda, C, Roxburgh, C, Feo, C, Ferrari, C, Gazia, C, Pratesi, C, Ratto, C, Santacruz, C, Arroyave, C, Macias, C, Fernandez, C, Curtis-Martinez, C, Fortmann, C, Kim, C, Galeano, C, Barroso, C, Baldi, C, Foppa, C, Formisano, C, Li, C, Ding, C, Wang, C, Iacusso, C, Yang, C, Pizzera, C, Skias, C, Chouliras, C, Liakos, C, Matsuda, C, Wu, C, Ozaslan, C, Tanda, C, Tommaso, C, Dagorno, C, Ramos, C, Arcudi, C, Coco, C, Morales, C, Ali, M, Lozano, C, Sala, C, Leo, C, Scarpa, C, Ferro, C, Morales-Garcia, D, Nakano, D, Cristian, D, Hechtl, D, Canovas, D, Calabrese, D, Rega, D, Ferraro, D, Morezzi, D, Sommacale, D, Brogden, D, Miskovic, D, Merlini, D, Pertile, D, Coniglio, D, Zhu, D, Wu, D, Coletta, D, Rubio, D, Sasia, D, Fillipov, D, Russiello, D, Dardanov, D, Consten, E, Smolskas, E, Muttillo, E, Jones, E, Sunami, E, Etienne, E, Chalkiadaki, E, Giacomelli, E, Karbovnichaya, E, Ruiz-Ucar, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Jovine, E, Treppiedi, E, Vaterlini, E, Zambaiti, E, Moggia, E, Coetzee, E, Chisari, E, D'Errico, E, Ciofic, E, Pena, E, Kurt, E, Balik, E, Gunay, E, Sivrikoz, E, Andolfi, E, Araimo, E, Lucci, E, Opocher, E, Pinotti, E, Rubino, E, Reyhan, E, Mazzotta, E, Navarro, E, El-Helou, E, Licardie-Bolanos, E, Porto, E, Contreras, E, Boerma, E, Cianchi, F, Marino, F, Uggeri, F, Han, F, Calculli, F, Falaschi, F, Ghignone, F, Perrone, F, Borghi, F, Garcia, F, Agresta, F, Cananzi, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Cengiz, F, Almeida, F, Baracchi, F, Carannante, F, La Torre, F, Fernandes, F, Friedmacher, F, Grama, F, Carissimi, F, Pecchini, F, Bianco, F, Colombo, F, Ferrara, F, Litta, F, Carrano, F, Martignoni, F, Tasselli, F, Milone, F, Pata, F, Sammartino, F, Zambianchi, F, Barragan, F, Herrero, F, Schlottmann, F, Den Boer, F, Pfeffer, F, Fujita, F, Navarra, G, Herrera-Almario, G, Pozzo, G, Capolupo, G, Van Ramshorst, G, Liscia, G, Gallo, G, Asawa, G, Wang, G, Raiyani, G, Beets, G, Naval, G, Jin, G, Chang, G, Saakian, G, Kahane, G, Borroni, G, Secco, G, Baiocchi, G, Baronio, G, Pagano, G, Pattacini, G, Lisi, G, Milito, G, Sinibaldi, G, Serrao, G, Bagaglini, G, Sarro, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Mangiameli, G, Giuliani, G, Martin-Martin, G, Bodzin, G, Leon, G, Mackay, G, Vasil, G, Palmisano, G, Giovanna, G, Fernandez, G, Steingel, G, Zhang, G, Choi, G, Chen, H, Hirose, H, Kayano, H, Ulgur, H, Impellizzeri, H, Ariola, H, Liu, H, Medina, H, Miyauchi, H, Takahashi, H, Hayashi, H, Ishikawa, H, Ishida, H, De Vries, H, Ulman, H, Kon, H, Ota, H, Akamatsu, H, Tamagawa, H, Shoji, H, Egi, H, Matsubara, H, Miki, H, Elfeki, H, Lin, H, Giani, I, Caravaca-Garcia, I, Takemasa, I, Angriman, I, Negoi, I, Volkova, I, Russo, I, Kronberger, I, Shageev, I, Aydin, I, Mora Guzman, I, Novak, I, Giuliano, I, Rachmuth, J, Ngu, J, Glasbey, J, Stoot, J, Zatecky, J, Melenhorst, J, Van Der Wal, J, Leijtens, J, Bogach, J, Elliott, J, De Wilt, J, Han, J, Cui, J, Liu, J, Khan, J, Wirawan, J, Zhang, J, Manyari, J, Doerner, J, Bock, J, Konsten, J, Castro, J, Grobas, J, Pereira, J, Juloski, J, Laina, J, Solorzano, J, Lopez, J, Li, J, Watanabe, J, Kwak, J, Hasegawa, J, Hiro, J, Sergey, K, Zhang, K, Nagahori, K, Martinez, K, Tokuhara, K, Danno, K, Uehara, K, Yoshimatsu, K, Ehara, K, Ueda, K, Suda, K, Yamamoto, K, Ishimaru, K, Kimura, K, Hirata, K, Deen, K, Imaizumi, K, Yamada, J, Tanakura, K, Rida, K, Sugimoto, K, Kotaro, K, Shi, K, Okabayashi, K, Hida, K, Kataoka, K, Hongo, K, Xia, K, Tseng, L, Reime, L, Lorenzon, L, Ruano, L, Zhou, L, De Nes, L, Brandariz, L, Morini, L, Petagna, L, Ripamonti, L, Martinez, L, Pio, L, Sacco, L, Carvalho, L, Zorcolo, L, Perez-Sanchez, L, Esparza, L, Aguilar, L, Garner, M, Sugimoto, M, Nagashima, M, Shiozawa, M, Simone, M, Ferrer-Marquez, M, Carvalho, M, Alifano, M, Arganini, M, Calussi, M, Catarci, M, Allaix, M, Forlin, M, Milone, M, Paci, M, Fodor, M, Antipova, M, Martos, M, Giuffrida, M, Tabernilla, M, Quiros, M, Lemma, M, Correo, M, Malowiecka, M, Bellomo, M, Fernandez, M, Socias, M, Rizk, M, Aurora, M, Antolinez, M, Ninkovic, M, De Roos, M, Lara, M, Agustin, M, Cuadrado, M, Pascual, M, Lemmerer, M, Carlos, R, Okamoto, M, Miyo, M, Inomata, M, Ikenaga, M, Tsujie, M, Yasuno, M, Kotake, M, Sato, M, Yasui, M, Lavazza, M, Rottoli, M, Zuin, M, Zuluaga, M, Cervellera, M, Cesari, M, Zizzo, M, Garino, M, Ghirardi, M, Montuori, M, Podda, M, Santarelli, M, Koc, M, Baini, M, Campanelli, M, Manigrasso, M, Zuolo, M, Cunha, M, Misca, M, Slavchev, M, Danilov, M, Shigaev, M, Martens, M, Kobayashi, M, Ren, M, Ishizuka, M, Hassan, M, Siblini, M, Sahloul, M, Keramati, M, Karunakaran, M, Markel, M, Majeed, M, Younis, M, Akin, M, Laraibe, M, Derebey, M, Kendirci, M, Fukunaga, M, Matsubara, N, Ordaz, N, Samalavicius, N, Keeratibharat, N, de Angelis, N, Gica, N, Mariani, N, Ramino, N, Falco, N, Smart, N, De Korte, N, Kok, N, Jamieson, N, Aberyasev, N, Bruklich, N, Ichikawa, N, Miyoshi, N, De Palma, N, Figueiredo, N, Torrecilla, N, Dybov, O, Yudin, O, Crepin, O, Gomez, O, Sert, O, Lominchar, P, Menendez, P, De Nardi, P, Tejedor, P, Jordan, P, Tan, P, Marsanic, P, Natalya, P, Banos, P, Rebasa, P, Neary, P, Tanis, P, Giustacchini, P, Anoldo, P, Concejo, P, Cao, P, Chandrasinghe, P, Abeyratne, P, Wang, Q, Klicks, R, Riquelme, R, Galli, R, Gianesini, R, Moorjani, R, Deshpande, R, Gorter, R, Ledesma, R, Ruslan, R, Chhabra, R, Talreja-Pelaez, R, Suzuki, R, Balestri, R, Rosati, R, Kiblawi, R, Martins, R, Angelico, R, Tutino, R, Persiani, R, Pollastri, R, Lopez, R, Perez, R, Hompes, R, Lukanin, R, Roser Termes Serra, R, Brunaccino, R, Nakanishi, R, Stefan, S, Hernandez, S, Di Carlo, S, Ingallinella, S, Domoto, S, Ikeda, S, Mikalauskas, S, Kim, S, Mantova, S, Barbuta, S, Li, S, Yamaguchi, S, Yamagishi, S, Homma, S, Tsujinaka, S, Yoshioka, S, Mori, S, Tewari, S, Rayman, S, Horiuchi, S, Matoba, S, Morita, S, Yaman, S, Vigna, S, Testa, S, Ng, S, Deidda, S, Cicconi, S, Di Maria, S, Sibio, S, Ersoz, S, Pejkova, S, Altarifi, S, He, S, Malakorn, S, Meindert, S, Sumikawa, S, Parmar, S, Uranitsch, S, D'Ugo, S, Giuliani, S, Breukink, S, Lee, S, Hata, T, Ishikawa, T, Akiyoshi, T, Azuma, T, Kobatake, T, Fukuzaki, T, Aiyama, T, Yamada, T, Garmanova, T, Gomez-Sanchez, T, Yamaguchi, T, Flores, T, Usub, T, Tsuruma, T, Shimizu, T, Hristov, T, Van Loon, T, Funakoshi, T, Manzia, T, Kiyomatsu, T, Katayama, T, Kazuhito, U, Elmore, U, Grossi, U, Truchalev, V, Rodriguez, V, Testa, V, Tonini, V, Celentano, V, Bettencourt, V, Mammadov, V, Leyva, V, Mariscal, V, Seid, V, Klemann, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Papagni, V, Vento, V, Frering, V, Vigorita, V, Petrove, V, Lyadov, V, Fu, W, Mi, W, Jeong, W, Leclercq, W, De Sousa, X, Zhao, X, Li, X, Wang, X, Yang, X, Zhang, X, Dong, Y, Erushevich, Y, Takii, Y, Sumi, Y, Loli, Y, Yifat, Y, Shimada, Y, Nabeya, Y, Ide, Y, Wu, Y, Tsukada, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Toiyama, Y, Fujie, Y, Kaneko, Y, Mokutani, Y, Fujii, Y, Kanemitsu, Y, Medkova, Y, Chen, Y, Ruiz, Y, Kinugasa, Y, Sow, Z, Razzaq, Z, Wang, Z, Liu, Z, Han, Z, Tai, Z, Lai, Z, Ng, Z, and Dambrauskas, Z
- Subjects
Surgery, COVID-19 ,medicine.medical_specialty ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional ,survey, covid19 ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Infectious Disease Transmission ,COVID-19. Global surgery ,MEDLINE ,Global Health ,NO ,Patient-to-Professional ,Tumours of the digestive tract Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 14] ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Correspondence ,medicine ,Global health ,Infection control ,Humans ,General ,Personal protective equipment ,Personal Protective Equipment ,LS7_4 ,Surgeons ,Infection Control ,covid-19 ,pandemic ,surgery ,SARS-CoV-2 ,business.industry ,Vaccination ,COVID-19 ,covid ,Fear ,Settore MED/18 ,Occupational Diseases ,Surgeon - infection - COVID19 - survey ,Family medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
During the last three months, COVID- 19 pandemic had led to a serious backlog of operations globally, and plans for restarting operation are imperative. Recommendations for surgical activities were studied, aiming to protect the surgical staff from being infected. In the meantime, it is also important to give attention to the surgeon’s personal feeling during work. We conducted a survey to investigate global surgi- cal practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the surgeon’s personal feeling was also investigated in the sur- vey. In this special letter, we performed multivariate analysis to explore factors that associated with surgeon’s fear of getting infected by COVID-19.
- Published
- 2020
12. Prospective nationwide outcome audit of surgery for suspected acute appendicitis
- Author
van Rossem, C. C., Bolmers, M. D. M., Schreinemacher, M. H. F., van Geloven, A. A. W., Bemelman, W. A., van Acker, G. J. D., Akkermans, B., Akkersdijk, G. J. M., Algie, G. D., Allema, J. H., Andeweg, C. S., Appeldorn, N., van Baal, J. G., den Bakker, C. M., Bartels, S. A. L., van den Berg, C., Boekestijn, B., den Boer, F. C., Boerma, D., van den Boom, A. L., Boute, M. C., Bouwense, S. A. W., Bransen, J., van Brussel, F. A., Busch, O. R. C., de Castro, S. M. M., Cense, H. A., Croese, C., van Dalen, T., Dawson, I., van Dessel, E., Dettmers, R., Dhar, N., Dohmen, F. Y. M., van Dongen, K. W., van Duijvendijk, P., Dulfer, R. R., Dwars, B. J., Eerenberg, J. P., van der Elst, M., van den Ende, E., Fassaert, L. M. M., Fikkers, J. T., Foppen, J. W., Furnee, E. J. B., Garssen, F. P., Gerhards, M. F., van Goor, H., Gorter, R. R., de Graaf, J. S., Graat, L. J., Groote, J., van der Ham, A. C., Hamming, J. F., Hamminga, J. T. H., van der Harst, E., Heemskerk, J., Heij, H. A., Heijne, A., Heikens, J. T., Heineman, E., Hertogs, R., van Heurn, E., van den Hil, L. C. L., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Hulsker, C. C. C., Hunen, D. R. M., Ibelings, M. S., Klaase, J. M., Klicks, R., Knaapen, L., Kortekaas, R. T. J., Kruyt, F., Kwant, S., Lases, S. S., Lettinga, T., Loupatty, A., Matthijsen, R. A., Minnee, R. C., Mirck, B., Mitalas, L., Moes, D., Moorman, A. M., Nieuwenhuijs, V. B., Nieuwenhuijzen, G. A. P., Nijk, P. D., Omloo, J. M. T., Ottenhof, A. G., Palamba, H. W., van der Peet, D. L., Pereboom, I. T. A., Plaisier, P. W., van der Ploeg, A. P. T., Raber, M. H., Reijnen, M. M. P. J., Rijna, H., Rosman, C., Roumen, R. M. H., Schmitz, R. F., van der Velden, Schouten A. P., Schreurs, W. H., Sigterman, T. A., Smeets, H. J., Sonneveld, D. J. A., Sosef, M. N., Spoor, S. F., Stassen, L. P. S., van Steensel, L., Stortelder, E., Straatman, J., van Susante, H. J., de Hoog, Suykerbuyk D. E. N. M., van Scheltinga, Terwisscha C., Toorenvliet, B. R., Verbeek, B. M., Verbeek, P. C. M., Verseveld, M., Volders, J. H., Vriens, M. R., Vriens, P. W. H. E., Vrouenraets, B. C., van de Wall, B. J. M., Wegdam, J. A., Westerduin, E., Wever, J. J., Wijffels, N. A. T., Wijnhoven, B. P. L., Winkel, T. A., van der Zee, D. C., Zeillemaker, A. M., and Zietse, C.
- Published
- 2016
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13. An unexpected role for matrix metalloproteinase 7 upon toxin-induced demyelination
- Author
Gorter, R. P., Colognato, H., Baron, W., and Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR)
- Published
- 2021
14. Issues in the management of simple and complex meconium ileus
- Author
Karimi, A., Gorter, R. R., Sleeboom, Chr., Kneepkens, C. M. F., and Heij, H. A.
- Published
- 2011
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15. Management of trichobezoar: case report and literature review
- Author
Gorter, R. R., Kneepkens, C. M. F., Mattens, E. C. J. L., Aronson, D. C., and Heij, H. A.
- Published
- 2010
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16. Editorial
- Author
Manogue, M., Rohlin, M., Mattheos, N., Gorter, R., Winning, T., Walmsley, D., Christersson, C., Kavadella, A., Hahn, P., and Manzanares Cespedes, C.
- Published
- 2014
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17. Outcome of career expectancies and early professional burnout among newly qualified dentists
- Author
Gorter, R C, Storm, M K, te Brake, J H M, Kersten, H W, and Eijkman, M A J
- Published
- 2007
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18. Improvement in patients with a TMD-pain report. A 6-month follow-up study
- Author
Rollman, A., Visscher, C. M., Gorter, R. C., and Naeije, M.
- Published
- 2013
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19. Low burnout risk and high engagement levels among oral and maxillofacial surgeons
- Author
Gorter, R. C., Jacobs, B. L.T.H., and Allard, R. H.B.
- Published
- 2012
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20. Psychological stress and health in undergraduate dental students: fifth year outcomes compared with first year baseline results from five European dental schools
- Author
Gorter, R., Freeman, R., Hammen, S., Murtomaa, H., Blinkhorn, A., and Humphris, G.
- Published
- 2008
21. Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory among dentists: burnout measurement and trends
- Author
te Brake, J. H. M., Bouman, A. M., Gorter, R. C., Hoogstraten, J., and Eijkman, M. A.J.
- Published
- 2008
22. A qualitative exploration of the role of gender, ethnicity and clinical experience upon dental studentsʼ interpersonal skills when interacting with dental nurses
- Author
Freeman, R., Gorter, R., McWilliams, C., and Williams, S.
- Published
- 2007
23. Work stress and burnout among dental hygienists
- Author
Gorter, R C
- Published
- 2005
24. Appendicitis in children: an ongoing debate
- Author
Gorter, R. R., van der Lee, J. H., Go, P. M. N. Y. H., Wijnen, M. H. W. A., Meijer, R. W., Cense, H. A., Kneepkens, C. M. F., and Heij, H. A.
- Published
- 2013
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25. Missing item responses in latent growth analysis: Item response theory versus classical test theory.
- Author
Gorter, R, Fox, J-P, Eekhout, I, Heymans, MW, Twisk, JWR, Fox, Jean-Paul, and Heymans, M W
- Subjects
- *
STATISTICS , *DATA analysis , *PROBABILITY theory - Abstract
In medical research, repeated questionnaire data is often used to measure and model latent variables across time. Through a novel imputation method, a direct comparison is made between latent growth analysis under classical test theory and item response theory, while also including effects of missing item responses. For classical test theory and item response theory, by means of a simulation study the effects of item missingness on latent growth parameter estimates are examined given longitudinal item response data. Several missing data mechanisms and conditions are evaluated in the simulation study. The additional effects of missingness on differences in classical test theory- and item response theory-based latent growth analysis are directly assessed by rescaling the multiple imputations. The multiple imputation method is used to generate latent variable and item scores from the posterior predictive distributions to account for missing item responses in observed multilevel binary response data. It is shown that a multivariate probit model, as a novel imputation model, improves the latent growth analysis, when dealing with missing at random (MAR) in classical test theory. The study also shows that the parameter estimates for the latent growth model using item response theory show less bias and have smaller MSE's compared to the estimates using classical test theory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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26. Latent growth modeling of IRT versus CTT measured longitudinal latent variables.
- Author
Gorter, R, Fox, J-P, Riet, G Ter, Heymans, MW, Twisk, JWR, Fox, Jean-Paul, and Heymans, M W
- Subjects
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EXPERIMENTAL design , *SYSTEM analysis , *PROBABILITY theory - Abstract
Latent growth models are often used to measure individual trajectories representing change over time. The characteristics of the individual trajectories depend on the variability in the longitudinal outcomes. In many medical and epidemiological studies, the individual health outcomes cannot be observed directly and are indirectly observed through indicators (i.e. items of a questionnaire). An item response theory or a classical test theory measurement model is required, but the choice can influence the latent growth estimates. In this study, under various conditions, this influence is directly assessed by estimating latent growth parameters on a common scale for item response theory and classical test theory using a novel plausible value method in combination with Markov chain Monte Carlo. The latent outcomes are considered missing data and plausible values are generated from the corresponding posterior distribution, separately for item response theory and classical test theory. These plausible values are linearly transformed to a common scale. A Markov chain Monte Carlo method was developed to simultaneously estimate the latent growth and measurement model parameters using this plausible value technique. It is shown that estimated individual trajectories using item response theory, compared to classical test theory to measure outcomes, provide a more detailed description of individual change over time, since item response patterns (item response theory) are more informative about the health measurements than sum scores (classical test theory). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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27. Measurement model choice influenced randomized controlled trial results:Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
- Author
Gorter, R., Fox, J.P., Apeldoorn, A., Twisk, J., Epidemiology and Data Science, and EMGO - Musculoskeletal health
- Subjects
behavioral disciplines and activities - Abstract
Objective: In randomized controlled trials (RCTs), outcome variables are of-ten patient-reported outcomes measured with questionnaires. Ideally, all available item information is used for score construction, which requires an item response theory (JRT) measurement model. However, in practice, the classical test theory measurement model (sum scores) is mostly used, and differences between response patterns leading to the same sum score are ignored. The enhanced differentiation between scores with IRT enables more precise estimation of individual trajectories over time and group effects. The objective of this study was to show the advantages of using IRT scores instead of sum scores when analyzing RCTs. Study Design and Setting: Two studies are presented, a real-life RCT, and a simulation study. Both IRT and sum scores are used to measure the construct and are subsequently used as outcomes for effect calculation. Results: The bias in RCT results is conditional on the measurement model that was used to construct the scores. A bias in estimated trend of around one standard deviation was found when sum scores were used, where IRT showed negligible bias. Conclusion: Accurate statistical inferences are made from an RCT study when using IRT to estimate construct measurements. The use of sum scores leads to incorrect RCT results. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2016
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28. Rapidly progressive amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with microglial reactivity and small heat shock protein expression in reactive astrocytes.
- Author
Gorter, R. P., Stephenson, J., Nutma, E., Anink, J., Jonge, J. C., Baron, W., Jahreiβ, M.‐C., Belien, J. A. M., Noort, J. M., Mijnsbergen, C., Aronica, E., and Amor, S.
- Subjects
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AMYOTROPHIC lateral sclerosis , *MOTOR neurons , *HEAT shock proteins , *PROTEIN expression , *NEUROGLIA , *SPINAL cord , *MUSCLE weakness - Abstract
Aims: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive loss of motor neurons, muscle weakness, spasticity, paralysis and death usually within 2–5 years of onset. Neuroinflammation is a hallmark of ALS pathology characterized by activation of glial cells, which respond by upregulating small heat shock proteins (HSPBs), but the exact underlying pathological mechanisms are still largely unknown. Here, we investigated the association between ALS disease duration, lower motor neuron loss, TARDNA‐binding protein 43 (TDP‐43) pathology, neuroinflammation and HSPB expression. Methods: With immunohistochemistry, we examined HSPB1, HSPB5, HSPB6, HSPB8 and HSP16.2 expression in cervical, thoracic and sacral spinal cord regions in 12 ALS cases, seven with short disease duration (SDD), five with moderate disease duration (MDD), and ten age‐matched controls. Expression was quantified using ImageJ to examine HSP expression, motor neuron numbers, microglial and astrocyte density and phosphorylated TDP‐43 (pTDP‐43+) inclusions. Results: SDD was associated with elevated HSPB5 and 8 expression in lateral tract astrocytes, while HSP16.2 expression was increased in astrocytes in MDD cases. SDD cases had higher numbers of motor neurons and microglial activation than MDD cases, but similar levels of motor neurons with pTDP‐43+ inclusions. Conclusions: Increased expression of several HSPBs in lateral column astrocytes suggests that astrocytes play a role in the pathogenesis of ALS. SDD is associated with increased microgliosis, HSPB5 and 8 expression in astrocytes, and only minor changes in motor neuron loss. This suggests that the interaction between motor neurons, microglia and astrocytes determines neuronal fate and functional decline in ALS. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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29. Editorial
- Author
Winning T, Manzanares Cespedes C, Manogue M, Christersson C, Hahn P, Nikos Mattheos, Gorter R, Madeleine Rohlin, Kavadella A, Walmsley D, and OWI (ACTA)
- Subjects
Dental education ,Psychology ,General Dentistry ,Competence (human resources) ,Education ,Developmental psychology - Published
- 2014
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30. Heat shock proteins are differentially expressed in brain and spinal cord: implications for multiple sclerosis.
- Author
Gorter, R. P., Nutma, E., Jahrei, M.‐C., de Jonge, J. C., Quinlan, R. A, Valk, P., Noort, J. M., Baron, W., and Amor, S.
- Subjects
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MULTIPLE sclerosis , *DEMYELINATION , *NEURODEGENERATION , *HEAT shock proteins , *SPINAL cord diseases , *IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY - Abstract
Summary: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by demyelination, inflammation and neurodegeneration throughout the central nervous system. Although spinal cord pathology is an important factor contributing to disease progression, few studies have examined MS lesions in the spinal cord and how they differ from brain lesions. In this study we have compared brain and spinal cord white (WM) and grey (GM) matter from MS and control tissues, focusing on small heat shock proteins (HSPB) and HSP16.2. Western blotting was used to examine protein levels of HSPB1, HSPB5, HSPB6, HSPB8 and HSP16.2 in brain and spinal cord from MS and age‐matched non‐neurological controls. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine expression of the HSPs in MS spinal cord lesions and controls. Expression levels were quantified using ImageJ. Western blotting revealed significantly higher levels of HSPB1, HSPB6 and HSPB8 in MS and control spinal cord compared to brain tissues. No differences in HSPB5 and HSP16.2 protein levels were observed, although HSPB5 protein levels were higher in brain WM versus GM. In MS spinal cord lesions, increased HSPB1 and HSPB5 expression was observed in astrocytes, and increased neuronal expression of HSP16.2 was observed in normal‐appearing GM and type 1 GM lesions. The high constitutive expression of several HSPBs in spinal cord and increased expression of HSPBs and HSP16.2 in MS illustrate differences between brain and spinal cord in health and upon demyelination. Regional differences in HSP expression may reflect differences in astrocyte cytoskeleton composition and influence inflammation, possibly affecting the effectiveness of pharmacological agents. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the whole of the CNS yet very few studies detail the pathology of the spinal cord. Here we show regional differences in HSP expression with higher constitutive expression of HSP in the spinal cord. This may reflect differences in astrocyte cytoskeleton composition, influence the degree of inflammation and thus damage. Such pathological differences are key to understanding diseases processes that may affect local effectiveness of pharmacological agents. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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31. Use of newer technologies by dentists in New Zealand.
- Author
van der Zande, M. M., Hong, C. L., Gorter, R. C., Wismeijer, D., and Broadbent, J. M.
- Subjects
DENTAL care ,DENTAL technology ,PRACTICE of dentistry ,DENTAL caries ,DENTAL therapeutics - Abstract
Background and objectives: New technologies continue to be developed in clinical dentistry, but not all are adopted for use. This study aimed to update information on the use of newer technologies among New Zealand dentists and to evaluate the factors that influenced their adoption. Methods: Electronic and postal questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 573 dentists, consisting of general dental practitioners (GDPs) and dental specialists enrolled on the Dental Council of New Zealand Dentists' Register. Results: Responses were received from 232 dentists (40.5%). Of the 17 technologies investigated, digital intraoral radiography (88.7%), digital apex locators (77.4%) and rotary endodontic units (74.5%) were the most commonly used. Least commonly-used were digital impressions (4.7%), digital colour determination (2.8%) and ozone units (1.4%). Dentists used an average of 4.9 ± 2.5 technologies. The use of technologies showed few significant differences by dentists' personal or practice characteristics apart from a higher average among men than women (p < 0.01). Improving quality of care and improving efficiency were ranked as the two most important factors when deciding about using newer technologies. Since a 2007 New Zealand study, the use of digital radiography and dental laser units has increased, whereas the use of power bleaching, caries diagnosis and ozone units has decreased. The use of other technologies has remained similar. Conclusions: Insight into the changing trends in the adoption of dental technologies heightens practitioners' and educators' understanding of what works for dentists, besides helping to shape future directions in technological developments in dentistry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
32. Brain endothelial cell expression of SPARCL-1 is specific to chronic multiple sclerosis lesions and is regulated by inflammatory mediators in vitro.
- Author
Bridel, C., Koel‐Simmelink, M. J. A., Peferoen, L., Derada Troletti, C., Durieux, S., Gorter, R., Nutma, E., Gami, P., Iacobaeus, E., Brundin, L., Kuhle, J., Vrenken, H., Killestein, J., Piersma, S. R., Pham, T. V., De Vries, H. E., Amor, S., Jimenez, C. R., and Teunissen, C. E.
- Subjects
ENDOTHELIAL cells ,PROTEIN expression ,MULTIPLE sclerosis ,INFLAMMATORY mediators ,BIOLOGICAL tags ,CELL culture - Abstract
Aims: Cell matrix modulating protein SPARCL-1 is highly expressed by astrocytes during CNS development and following acute CNS damage. Applying NanoLC-MS/MS to CSF of RRMS and SPMS patients, we identified SPARCL-1 as differentially expressed between these two stages of MS, suggesting a potential as CSF biomarker to differentiate RRMS from SPMS and a role in MS pathogenesis. Methods: This study examines the potential of SPARCL-1 as CSF biomarker discriminating RRMS from SPMS in three independent cohorts (n = 249), analyses its expression pattern in MS lesions (n = 26), and studies its regulation in cultured human brain microvasculature endothelial cells (BEC) after exposure to MS-relevant inflammatory mediators. Results: SPARCL-1 expression in CSF was significantly higher in SPMS compared to RRMS in a Dutch cohort of 76 patients. This finding was not replicated in 2 additional cohorts of MS patients from Sweden (n = 81) and Switzerland (n = 92). In chronic MS lesions, but not active lesions or NAWM, a vessel expression pattern of SPARCL-1 was observed in addition to the expression by astrocytes. EC were found to express SPARCL-1 in chronic MS lesions, and SPARCL-1 expression was regulated by MS-relevant inflammatory mediators in cultured human BEC. Conclusions: Conflicting results of SPARCL-10s differential expression in CSF of three independent cohorts of RRMS and SPMS patients precludes its use as biomarker for disease progression. The expression of SPARCL-1 by BEC in chronic MS lesions together with its regulation by inflammatory mediators in vitro suggest a role for SPARCL-1 in MS neuropathology, possibly at the brain vascular level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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33. EP-1568: Increased patient comfort for generating moulds using a 3D printer
- Author
Luesink, M., Veenstra, R., Loopstra, A., Gorter, R., and Pasma, K.L.
- Published
- 2015
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34. Wat werkdruk en stress kunnen doen: profielen van opgebrande tandartsen.
- Author
Gorter, R. C. and Linde, J. F.
- Published
- 2011
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35. HIV and tuberculosis infection in San Francisco's homeless adults. Prevalence and risk factors in a representative sample.
- Author
Zolopa AR, Hahn JA, Gorter R, Miranda J, Wlodarczyk D, Peterson J, Pilote L, Moss AR, Zolopa, A R, Hahn, J A, Gorter, R, Miranda, J, Wlodarczyk, D, Peterson, J, Pilote, L, and Moss, A R
- Abstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) infection and investigate the relationship between these two infections in homeless adults.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Inner-city shelters and free meal programs.Participants: A representative sample of 1226 adults (> or = 18 years) were enrolled from community sites.Main Outcome Measures: Serum HIV-1 antibody status and tuberculin skin test reactivity.Results: Human immunodeficiency virus seroprevalence was 8.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.0% to 10.1%) and the prevalence of TB infection was 32% (95% CI, 30% to 37%). Nineteen percent of the HIV-seropositive subjects had positive tuberculin skin tests. Independent risk factors for HIV infection included younger age, black race, male homosexual contact, injection drug use, use of injection drugs in shooting galleries, and selling sex. Tuberculosis infection was associated with the duration of homelessness and living in crowded shelters or single-room-occupancy hotels. Injection drug use, a risk factor for HIV, was also a risk factor for TB, with a particularly strong association in women. No evidence of an association between TB and HIV infection was found, even after accounting for anergy.Conclusions: The homeless population in the United States should be considered a group at high risk for HIV infection and TB. Given the constellation of risk factors present, the high prevalence of infection, and lack of access to medical services, we anticipate that these communicable diseases in this population will represent a growing public health problem. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 1994
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36. EP23.08: Postnatal outcomes of sonographically suspected congenital lung anomalies.
- Author
Heinrich, H., Kooter, D., Linskens, I., van Leeuwen, L., Gorter, R., Oomen, M., and Pajkrt, E.
- Abstract
Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the prenatal course, prenatal diagnostic classification accuracy and postnatal outcomes of fetuses suspected of a CLA. During prenatal follow-up four fetus developed hydrops, of which only one case resulted in term birth. Congenital lung anomalies (CLA) are malformations of the lower respiratory tract which are commonly detected on ultrasound examination during the second trimester. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2022
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37. Clinical and genetic characteristics of meconium ileus in newborns with and without cystic fibrosis.
- Author
Gorter R, Karimi A, Sleeboom C, Kneepkens C, and Heij H
- Published
- 2010
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38. Non-operative treatment of children with simple appendicitis: long-term follow-up (5 years) in a prospective cohort study.
- Author
Knaapen, M., Van der Lee, J. H., Gaillard, E. L., Cense, H. A., in 't Hof, K. H., Kneepkens, C. M. F., Wijnen, M. H., Heij, H. A., Bakx, R., van Heurn, L. W. E., and Gorter, R. R.
- Subjects
APPENDICITIS ,COHORT analysis ,LONGITUDINAL method - Published
- 2021
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39. Dental students interacting with dental nurses: an investigation of the role of gender and ethnicity in inter-professional communication and working styles.
- Author
Freeman, R., McWilliams, C., Gorter, R., and Williams, S.
- Subjects
DENTAL students ,ETHNICITY ,HEALTH occupations students ,DENTISTRY ,DENTAL care - Abstract
Aim To examine the influence of dental students' gender and ethnicity on their perceptions of dental nurses' duties and upon their communication and working styles when interacting with dental nurses (DNs).Method A survey of clinical dental students attending Queen's University Belfast and University of Leeds. Students were invited to complete the 34 item Communication and Working Styles Questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed the students' perceptions of the duties of a DN and the students' communication and working styles. Factor analysis revealed two communication and working styles which were friendly and difficult styles, respectively.Results Two hundred and forty-eight students participated giving a response rate of 88%: 58% were female and 30% of students from Leeds were from various ethnic minority groups. The students' perceptions as to the duties of a DN were affected by university attended and ethnicity. The majority of students used friendly communication styles. The type of style used was determined by university attended, gender and ethnicity. Male students had higher mean scores for friendly working styles whereas students from minority ethnic groups had higher mean scores for gender-related communication style. Female students and students from minority ethnic groups had higher mean scores for items relating to teamwork.Conclusions This survey illustrates the different communication and working styles used by male and female and dental students from different ethnic backgrounds when interacting and working with DNs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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40. Dental nurses on perceived gender differences in their dentist's communication and interaction style.
- Author
Gorter, R. C., Bleeker, J. C., and Freeman, R.
- Subjects
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DENTAL personnel , *COMMUNICATION , *SOCIAL interaction , *TEAMS in the workplace , *DENTISTS ,SEX differences (Biology) - Abstract
Objectives To investigate if dental nurses perceive gender differences in the communication and interaction style used by their dentist in general practice.Methods Data were collected from 64 Northern Irish dental nurses (70% response), and from 549 Dutch nurses (41% response). Respondents completed the Communication and Working Styles Questionnaire (CWSQ), a self-report questionnaire with 20 items on staff communication and working styles. Using principal component analysis, six distinguishable factors could be extracted: [1] gender-related (four items, Cronbach's α = 0.78), [2] friendly relation (four items, α = 0.66), [3] teamwork (four items, α = 0.44), [4] playfulness (two items, α = 0.69), [5] personal attention (three items, α = 0.60), and [6] business-like (two items, α = 0.32). Factors [3] and [6] were additionally analysed at item level given their low internal consistencies.Results MANOVA indicated a main effect for dentist's gender [F(6,541) = 4.649, p < 0.001], and for country [F(6,541) = 37.601, p < 0.001] on the communication style scales. No interaction effect of gender with country was found. Nurses working with a male dentist had higher scores for the 'gender-related' communications styles, whereas those working with a female dentist had higher scores for 'friendly-relation' and 'personal attention' communication styles. Dutch nurses had higher scores on 'playfulness', whereas Northern Irish nurses had higher scores on 'friendly relation' and 'personal attention' communication styles. Some additional differences were found at item level. The age of the dental nurse explained some differences in communication and working styles [F(6,541) = 2.341, p = 0.031); younger dental nurses scored significantly higher for 'gender- related' communication and working style.Conclusion Gender of the dentist does influence dental nurses' perceptions of the communication styles used in the primary dental care setting. Dental nurses working with female dentists report a style predominantly characterised by 'friendly-relation' and 'personal attention', whereas those working with a male dentist report 'gender-related' communication and working styles. Given the steadily growing percentage of females entering the dental profession, it is recommended to raise both dentists' and nurses' awareness on gender influences in professional communication by introducing these topics in their respective education. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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41. Dentists interacting and working with female dental nurses: a qualitative investigation of gender differences in primary dental care.
- Author
Freeman, R., Gorter, R., and Braam, A.
- Subjects
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DENTAL care , *GENDER role in the work environment , *DENTISTS , *DENTAL auxiliary personnel - Abstract
Objectives To investigate if women compared with men dentists experience deferential treatment from their female nurses, what workplace strategies women use to manage chair-side assistance and to examine if these were country related.Method A convenience sample of 22 male and female dentists of different ages working in general dental practice in The Netherlands and Northern Ireland participated. The sample framework was determined by saturation of the concepts. All informants were interviewed in a clinical setting. The data was subjected to rigorous line by line coding in order to identify clusters of codes, themes and concepts.Results Three themes were identified. These were: experiencing deferential nursing assistance; adopting 'friendly-like' working strategies and adopting business-like, hierarchical working strategies. Gender differences were shown for each of the themes. Women rather than men made friends with their nurses and attempted to reduce status inequalities. This led to workplace strategy inconsistencies. This suggested that it was not the type of strategy adopted but the inconsistency with which it was implemented that caused difficulties between younger women dentists and their nurses.Conclusions Training dental students and young graduates how to interact appropriately in the clinical situation and to appreciate the nurses' work status will assist in improving working relationships. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
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42. Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS.
- Author
Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH, Killestein, J, Hoogervorst, E L J, Reif, M, Kalkers, N F, Van Loenen, A C, Staats, P G M, Gorter, R W, Uitdehaag, B M J, and Polman, C H
- Published
- 2002
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43. Ditiocarb sodium (diethyldithiocarbamate) therapy in patients with symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study.
- Author
Hersh, E M, Brewton, G, Abrams, D, Bartlett, J, Galpin, J, Gill, P, Gorter, R, Gottlieb, M, Jonikas, J J, and Landesman, S
- Abstract
We randomized 389 symptomatic patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection to ditiocarb sodium (400 mg/m2 orally for 24 weeks) or a placebo. Patients were well balanced according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) group, CD4+ cell number, and duration of disease prior to entry. Ten new acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining opportunistic infections occurred in the treated patients and 21 in the controls. Reduction of new opportunistic infections in the ditiocarb group was significant in all patients (relative risk [RR], 0.44) and in patients with AIDS (CDC groups IV-C1 and IV-D) (RR, 0.12). The size of the effect of ditiocarb was maintained when data were reanalyzed after exclusion of a patient who progressed to Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia who was not strictly CDC-defined (RR, 0.46), or when considering as new opportunistic infections three events, which were clinically active at entry, but for which the definitive diagnosis was made during study (RR, 0.49). The administration of ditiocarb did not induce any major adverse clinical or biological reactions. We conclude that, in this study, ditiocarb was safe and reduced the incidence of opportunistic infections in patients with symptomatic HIV infection. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 1991
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44. Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex.
- Author
Abrams, Donald I., Kuno, Suchiko, Wong, Roberta, Jeffords, Kevan, Nash, Marti, Mologhan, J.B., Gorter, Robert, Ueno, Ryuji, Abrams, D I, Kuno, S, Wong, R, Jeffords, K, Nash, M, Molaghan, J B, Gorter, R, and Ueno, R
- Subjects
DEXTRANASE ,HIV ,AIDS treatment ,AIDS ,AIDS-related complex ,CLINICAL trials ,COMPARATIVE studies ,DEXTRAN ,DRUG tolerance ,DRUG administration ,CLINICAL drug trials ,LONGITUDINAL method ,RESEARCH methodology ,MEDICAL cooperation ,ORAL drug administration ,RESEARCH ,EVALUATION research - Abstract
Study Objective: To evaluate the tolerance and safety of oral dextran sulfate (UA001), a potent in-vitro inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex.Design: Unblinded, dose-escalation 8-week trial.Setting: An AIDS outpatient clinic of a university-affiliated municipal hospital.Patients: Thirty-four patients with stage III or IV HIV infection were enrolled. Five patients in six different dosage cohorts completed the study. The population was predominantly homosexual men with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (stage III).Interventions: Oral dextran sulfate was given three times daily in total daily doses of 900 to 5400 mg for 8 weeks. Patients were monitored for tolerance and toxicity. Immunologic and virologic values were also followed.Measurements and Main Results: Oral dextran sulfate was given without significant side effects. The commonest minor subjective complications were mental hyperexcitability and gastrointestinal complaints. The most frequent laboratory abnormalities were leukopenia and hepatic transaminase elevations. Eleven patients required dose reductions, and therapy was stopped in 4 because of toxicities. The CD4 lymphocyte numbers did not change appreciably. No decline in beta-2 microglobulin levels occurred. The HIV antigen levels were unchanged from baseline. No assay for dextran sulfate plasma levels has yet proven successful.Conclusions: Oral dextran sulfate appears to be well tolerated. No evidence of systemic absorption of the parent compound is available. However, in view of the promising in vitro effects and acceptable toxicity, oral dextran sulfate as a potential antiretroviral agent continues to be studied. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 1989
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45. Burnout and health among Dutch dentists.
- Author
Gorter, R. C., Eikman, M. A. J., and Hoogstraten, J.
- Subjects
JOB stress of dentists ,DENTAL care ,DENTAL hygiene ,PREVENTIVE dentistry ,JOB stress ,INDUSTRIAL psychology ,WORK & psychology - Abstract
This interesting study is part of a larger project on burnout in dentistry, parts of which have been published before. The possible long-term consequences of occupational stress were studied. Burnout is regarded as a syndrome with 3 distinct aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization (cynical attitude toward one's patients), and reduced personal accomplishment. The hypothesis in this study was that dentists with a high burnout risk would have more health complaints and show more unhealthy behavior than dentists with a low burnout risk. A representative group (75%) of 708 (594 male and 114 female) actively practicing dentists responded to a questionnaire, the Dutch version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, a health complaints measure, and items on health behavior. Results showed that dentists with a high burnout risk reported health complaints to a greater extent than did dentists with a low burnout risk. They also reported more unhealthy behavior in some aspects (less physical exercise, increase in alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet), but not in others. One of 10 dentists reported having poor general health, and 3 of 10 reported a poor physical condition. In comparison with the general Dutch population, the dentists' self-reports appeared be more favorable. The conclusion was that among dentists, burnout and poor health are strongly related; dealing preventively with the burnout problem in dentistry and paying attention to physical health, including ergonomics, are essential. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2000
46. Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose-finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection
- Author
Abrams, Donald, Greco, M., Wong, R., Goosby, E., Gorter, R., Gordon, M., Guralnik, M., and Kaneko, Y.
- Subjects
Drug therapy ,Testing ,Health aspects ,HIV infections -- Drug therapy ,Polysaccharides -- Health aspects ,Antiviral agents -- Testing -- Health aspects ,Immunologic adjuvants -- Testing -- Health aspects ,Immunological adjuvants -- Testing -- Health aspects ,HIV infection -- Drug therapy - Abstract
AUTHORS: Donald Abrams, M. Greco, R. Wong, E. Goosby, R. Gorter, M. Gordon, M. Guralnik and Y. Kaneko. University of California, San Francisco, and Lenti-Chemico Pharmaceutical Laboratory Inc., Teaneck, N.J. [...]
- Published
- 1990
47. Possibilities for peace in the Asia-Pacific
- Author
Gorter, Rendt
- Published
- 2005
48. Dental practitioners and a digital future: an initial exploration of barriers and incentives to adopting digital technologies.
- Author
van der Zande, M. M., Gorter, R. C., and Wismeijer, D.
- Subjects
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DIGITAL technology , *DENTAL technology , *DENTISTS , *DENTISTRY - Abstract
Background Digital technologies are proliferating into dental practices. While their technical attributes have often been studied, it remains unclear why some dentists adopt and use these technologies more than others.Aim To explore the incentives for and barriers against accepting and using digital dental technologies.Method Eleven semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with experts in dentistry, dental technology and dental education in the Netherlands. Results Dentists' acceptance and use of digital technologies are to varying degrees driven by the perceived advantages over analogue methods, perceived influence on treatment quality, dentists' personal and professional orientation, and social influence from peers and external groups. These effects are complemented by personal and dental-practice characteristics. Conclusions The findings suggest that there are large differences in motivation to adopt and use digital technologies between early adopters, late adopters and non-adopters, which should be examined in greater detail. We recommend that educators, dentists, and representatives of the dental industry who deal with the diffusion of these technologies take account of dentists' widely different attitudes to digitalisation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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49. Do female dentists interact with dental nurses differently from male dentists?
- Author
Freeman, R., Gorter, R., and Braam, A.
- Subjects
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DENTISTS , *WOMEN dentists , *GENDER differences (Psychology) , *DENTAL auxiliary personnel , *GENDER role in the work environment - Abstract
ObjectivesTo investigate if female compared with male dentists experience deferential treatment from their female nurses, what workplace strategies women use to manage chair-side assistance and to examine if these were country related.MethodA convenience sample of 22 male and female dentists of different ages working in general dental practice in The Netherlands and Northern Ireland participated. The sample framework was determined by saturation of the concepts. All informants were interviewed in a clinical setting. The data was subjected to rigorous line by line coding in order to identify clusters of codes, themes and concepts.ResultsThree themes were identified. These were: experiencing deferential nursing assistance; adopting 'friendly-like' working strategies and adopting business-like, hierarchical working strategies. Gender differences were shown for each of the themes. Women rather than men made friends with their nurses and attempted to reduce status inequalities. This led to workplace strategy inconsistencies. This suggested that it was not the type of strategy adopted but the inconsistency with which it was implemented that caused difficulties between younger women dentists and their nurses.ConclusionsTraining dental students and young graduates how to interact appropriately in the clinical situation and to appreciate the nurses' work status will assist in improving working relationships. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
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50. Outcomes and Complications of Chait Trapdoor Cecostomy in Pediatric Patients with Therapy-Resistant Constipation and Fecal Incontinence: A 14-Year Retrospective Study.
- Author
Jonker CAL, Koppen I, Benninga MA, Jong JR, and Gorter R
- Abstract
Aim of the Study: To assess the incidence and types of complications and patient-reported outcomes in pediatric patients with therapy-resistant constipation or fecal incontinence (FI) without constipation who underwent Chait Trapdoor™ cecostomy (CTC). The findings contribute to the discussion on selecting the optimal antegrade continence (ACE) procedure for this population., Materials and Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on all pediatric patients with therapy-resistant constipation or FI without constipation who underwent a CTC procedure at our tertiary referral center between 2009 and 2023. Postoperative complications were classified using the Clavien-Madadi classification. At their most recent follow-up in 2023, patients reported satisfaction with their CTC., Results: The study included 62 children (median age 12 years [IQR 8-14; range 1-17], 42% male), with a median follow-up of 4 years (IQR 2-8, range 0-14). Underlying diagnoses were functional constipation ( n = 39, 63%), spina bifida ( n = 11, 18%), and anorectal malformations ( n = 5, 8%). A total of 49/62 patients (79%) experienced 89 CTC-related complications. Minor complications (Clavien-Madadi I-II) affected 29 patients (47%) and most commonly included granulation. Major complications (Clavien-Madadi III-IV) requiring surgery occurred in 32% of patients. Despite these complications, 40/62 (65%) patients reported satisfaction with their CTC, as determined by partial or complete symptom resolution., Conclusions: Although complications were common, 65% of the patients reported satisfaction with their CTC. These findings emphasize the need for thorough patient selection, informed counseling on potential risks, and individualized management strategies to enhance outcomes., Competing Interests: None declared., (Thieme. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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