The genus Euxoa H��bner, [1821] is regarded as the most highly evolved among the genera of the subfamily Noctuinae and contains by far the largest number of species of the subfamily in Europe and in the Palaearctic region. Fifty-four species of this genus has been already reported from Iran. In this paper a list of 17 already recorded species and subspecies of Euxoa from the north-east of Iran is given and discussed. Furthermore, E. acuminifera (Eversmann, 1854) is newly reported for the fauna of Iran. Figures of its adult male and female and their genitalia are provided together with bionomics and distribution of the species., {"references":["Boursin, C. 1940. Beiträgezur Kenntnis der \"Agrotidae-Trifinae\" XXIII. Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 30: 474–543.","Brandt, W. 1941. Beitragezur Lepidopteren fauna von Iran (3). Neue Agrotidennebst Faunenverzeichnissen. Mitteilungender Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 31: 835–863.","Ebert, G. and Hacker, H.H. 2002. Beitragzurfauna der Noctuidae des Iran: Verzeichnis der bestände im staatlichen museum fürnaturkunde Karlsruhe, taxonomische Bemerkungenund beschreibungneuer Taxa. Esperiana, 9: 237–409.","Eversmann, E. 1854. Beiträgezur Lepidopterologie Russlands und Beschreibung einiger anderer Insektenaus den südlichen Kirgisensteppen, den nördlichen Ufern des Aralsees und des Sir-Darja's. Bulletin de la Sociétéimpériale des naturalistes de Moscou, 27 (3): 174–205.","Fet, V. 1994. Bio geographic Position of the Khorassan-Kopetdagh. In: Fet, V. and tamuradov, K. I. (Eds.), Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston and London, pp. 197–204.","Fibiger, M. 1990. Noctuinae I. Noctuidae Europaeae. Volume 1. Entomological Press, Sorø, Denmark, 208 pp.","Fibiger, M. 1997. Noctuinae III. Noctuidae Europaeae. Volume 3. Entomological Press, Sorø, Denmark, 418 pp.","Gyulai, P. and Varga, Z. 2006. New taxa of Noctuidae, Noctuinae from Iran and Central Asia (Lepidoptera). Esperiana, 12: 271–281.","Hacker, H. H. 1990. Die Noctuidae Vorderasiens (Lepidoptera). Systematische List miteiner Übersichtüber die Verbreit ungunter besondere Berücksichtigung der fauna der Türkei (einschließlich der Nachbargebiete Balkan, Südrußland, Westturkestan, Arabische Halbinsel, Ägypten). Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, 27: 1–707.","Hacker, H. and Kautt, P. 1999. Noctuoideaausdem Iran, gesammelt 1997 von A. Hofmann und P. kautt (Insecta, Lepidoptara). Esperiana, 7: 473–484.","Hacker, H. and Meineke, J. U. 2001. Beitragzur Faunader Noctuidae des Iran: Ergebnisse von Forschungen der Jahre 1998 bis 2000 (Lepidoptera). Contribution to the Fauna of Noctuidae of Iran: Results of the Researches During Years 1998 to 2000 (Lepidoptera). Esperiana, 8:791–810.","Heshmati G. A. 2007. Vegetation characteristics of four ecological zones of Iran. International Journal of Plant Production, 1(2):25–224.","Merzheevskaya, O. I. 1988. Larvae of owlet moths biology, morphology, and classification (Noctuidae). Amerind Publication Co. New Delhi, India. 419 pp.","Modarres Awal, M. 2002. List of agricultural pests in Iran and their natural enemies. Ferdowsi University, Iran, 364 pp. (in Persian)","Muhabbet, K., Seven, S. and Koçak, A.Ö. 2007. List of the Irano-Anatolian Noctuidae with some faunal and zoogeographical remarks based upon the Info-System of the Cesa (Lepidoptera). Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara, Priamus Supplement, 9: 1–88.","Rabieh, M. M., Seraj, A. A. and Esfandiari, M. 2013. Contribution to the noctuid fauna of NE Iran: Noctuinae, Hadeninae and Plusiinae (Lepidoptera), with additions to the Iranian fauna. Phegea, 42 (1): 14–21.","Raziei, T., Daneshkar Arasteh, P. and Saghfian, B. 2005. Annual Rainfall Trend in Arid and Semi-arid Regions ofIran. ICID 21st European Regional Conference, 15-19 May 2005, Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice, Germany and Poland, pp. 1-8.","Varga, Z., Gyulai, P. and Miatleuski, J. 2002. New species of Noctuidae, Noctuinae from Iran and Central Asia. Esperiana, 9: 349–362.","Wieser, C. and Stangelmaier, G. 2005. Zwischenergebnisse einer lepidopteron-logischen Forschungsreise in den Nordiran, Oktober 2003 (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Carinthia, 2(195-115): 659–674."]}