causingmorphological changes inthecell surface (4, 9)andinactivation ofthebiological activity of endotoxin (1, 5). Proteus mirabilis isresistant tothelethal action ofhighconcentrations ofpolymyxin B butisusually susceptible tothepenicillins. Several studies suggest thatpolymyxin Bresistance inthese organisms results fromacell wallwhich blocks access oftheantibiotic tothecytoplasmic membrane (3, 7,8). Teuber, using aP.mirabilis strain unusually susceptible toL-form generationbypenicillin, showed thattheL-forms are 400times moresusceptible topolymyxin Bthan intact organisms (8). Thelikely interpretation of this experiment isthatdamaged, orabsent, cell wallallows polymyxin Baccess tothepolymyxin B-susceptible cytoplasmic membrane. Inthe studies presented herein, wehavedemonstrated another typeofinteraction between polymyxin B andpenicillin onP.mirabilis. Atlow, but lethal, concentrations ofpenicillin there isantagonism between theantibiotics. Polymyxin B protects theorganisms fromlethal penicillin damage. FourP.mirabilis strains usedwereisolates