This article introduces the U.S. Department of Defense Acquisition Best Practices Clearinghouse (BPCh). It will provide brief, useful descriptions of practices and their characteristics based on carefully analyzed data. Users can access the information according to their preferences and needs. The BPCh will also provide the trail of evidence used to establish the characteristics as well as advice on where to find out more detailed information. Sponsored by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), the assistant secretary of defense for Network and Information Integration, and the under secretary of defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the BPCh will be a single source for identifying, selecting and implementing validated acquisition-related practices based on specific program needs. The Fraunhofer Center at the University of Maryland is developing the concept and processes, Northrop Grumman Information Technology will build the operational system, and DAU will host and continue to evolve the capability as an integrated part of the knowledge-sharing systems of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The BPCh comprises an integrated set of processes, tools, data and people that maintain a continuously improving resource of best practice information that is readily accessible via a wide range of methods.