43 results on '"Arganini M"'
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2. Impact of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients in global surgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., An, Y., Piciocchi, A., Khanna, K., Campanelli, M., Efetov, S., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Giorgio, A. D., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., Brocca, A. L., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Sensi, B., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., C. -Y., Wu, Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., De Azevedo, C. T. M., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., Torre, F. L., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pinto, J. P., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Siragusa, L., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Franceschilli, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., Leeuwenburgh, M. M. N., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., De Cillia, M., De Rosa, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., De Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Mukai, R., Riquelme, R. F., De Luca, R., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Carlo, S. D., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Maria, S. D., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., De Jesus Flores, T., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Akagi, T., Mizushima, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Nekoval, V. M., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Zhen, Y., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Z. Q., Ng, Dambrauskas, Z., Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Graduate School, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, AII - Infectious diseases, Surgery, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Paediatric Surgery, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D), Bellato V., Konishi T., Pellino G., An Y., Piciocchi A., Sensi B., Siragusa L., Khanna K., Pirozzi B.M., Franceschilli M., Campanelli M., Efetov S., Sica G.S., Kefleyesus A., Hoofwijk A.G.M., Eldaly A.S., Gonzalez A., Jawad A., Jooma A., Hafez A.M., Rubio A.V., Landaluce-Olavarria A., Wu A., Nagatsu A., Inoue A., Kanamoto A., Ouchi A., El-Hussuna A., Vazquez-Melero A., Wolthuis A.M., Peral A.M., Lozano A.C., Efremov A., Ryasantsev A.V., Di Giorgio A., Parente A., Tamburrini A., Alo A., Forero-Torres A., Vahrmeijer A.L., Varabei A., Hinojosa S., Balkan A.Z.A., Frontali A., Oleg A., Soler-Silva A., Makni A., Andre A., Cabrera A.M.G., Fernandez A.M.G., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Rodriguez-Sanchez A., Musina A.-M., Pangeni A., Zolotko A., Tonoyan A., Balla A., Belli A., Cavallaro A., Chierici A., Divizia A., Bucci A.F., Salido A.J., Morini A., Muratore A., Vignali A., Chitul A., Sebastian D.A., Pcolkins A., Shchegolev A., Hollenbeck A., Wisneski A., Iossa A., D'Amore A., Hunter A., Hesketh A.J., La Brocca A., Spinelli A., Caires A., D'Alessandro A., Correo A.F.S.L., Macri A., Navarro-Sanchez A., Pronk A., Akunc A., Mehri A., Pelta A., Papadopoulos A., Kechagias A., Rashid A., Ramazanov A., Chandio A., Kohyama A., Nishimura A., Ohkawa A., Dulskas A., Jamal A., Mariani A., Unal A.G., Karagoz A., Ozkan B.B., Salih B., Gulcu B., Pessia B., Martin-Perez B., Ielpo B., Tulelli B., Yang B., Mhamed B., Murphy B., Langenhoff B., Belevi B., Guney B., Ng C., Rueda C., Roxburgh C.S., Feo C.V., Ferrari C., Gazia C., Pratesi C., Ratto C., Santacruz C.C., Arroyave C.R.M., Macias C., Fernandez C.G., Fernandez C.C., Curtis-Martinez C., Fortmann C., Kim C., Galeano C.U., Barroso C., Baldi C., Foppa C., Formisano C., Li C., Ding C., Wang C., Iacusso C., Yang C., Pizzera C., Skias C., Chouliras C., Liakos C., Matsuda C., Wu C.-Y., Ozaslan C., Tanda C., Tommaso C.M., Dagorno C., Ramos C.P.A., Arcudi C., Coco C., Morales C.M., Ali M.Z., Lozano C.C., Sala C., Leo C.A., Scarpa C.R., Ferro C.V., Fernandez C.M., Morales-Garcia D., Nakano D., Cristian D., Hechtl D., Canovas D.T., Calabrese D., Rega D., Ferraro D., Morezzi D., Sommacale D., Brogden D., Miskovic D., Merlini D., Pertile D., Coniglio D., Zhu D., Wu D., Coletta D., Rubio D.R., Sasia D., Fillipov D., Russiello D., Dardanov D., Consten E.C.J., Smolskas E., Muttillo E.M., Jones E., Sunami E., Etienne E.-H., Chalkiadaki E., Giacomelli E., Karbovnichaya E., Ruiz-Ucar E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Jovine E., Treppiedi E., Vaterlini E.M., Zambaiti E., Moggia E., Coetzee E., Chisari E., D'Errico E., Ciofic E., Pena E., Kurt E., Balik E., Gunay E., Sivrikoz E., Andolfi E., Araimo E., Lucci E., Opocher E., Pinotti E., Rubino E., Reyhan E., Mazzotta E., Navarro E.B., El-Helou E., Licardie-Bolanos E., Porto E.I., Contreras E., Boerma E.-J., Cianchi F., Marino F., Uggeri F., Han F., Calculli F., Falaschi F., Ghignone F., Perrone F., Borghi F., Garcia F., Agresta F., Cananzi F.C.M., Mendoza-Moreno F., Cengiz F., Almeida F.M., Baracchi F., Carannante F., La Torre F., Fernandes F., Friedmacher F., Grama F., Carissimi F., Pecchini F., Bianco F., Colombo F., Ferrara F., Litta F., Carrano F.M., Martignoni F., Tasselli F.M., Milone F., Pata F., Sammartino F., Zambianchi F., Barragan F., Herrero F., Schlottmann F., Den Boer F.C., Pfeffer F., Fujita F., Navarra G., Herrera-Almario G., Pozzo G., Capolupo G.T., Van Ramshorst G.H., Liscia G., Gallo G., Asawa G., Wang G., Raiyani G., Beets G., Naval G.S., Jin G., Chang G.J., Saakian G., Kahane G., Borroni G., Secco G.L., Baiocchi G.L., Baronio G., Pagano G., Pattacini G.C., Lisi G., Milito G., Sinibaldi G., Serrao G., Bagaglini G., Sarro G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Mangiameli G., Giuliani G., Martin-Martin G.P., Bodzin G., Leon G., Mackay G., Vasil G., Palmisano G., Giovanna G.M., Fernandez G.C., Steingel G.B., Zhang G., Choi G.S., Chen H., Hirose H., Kayano H., Ulgur H.S., Impellizzeri H., Ariola H., Liu H., Medina H., Miyauchi H., Takahashi H., Hayashi H., Ishikawa H., Ishida H., De Vries H., Ulman H., Kon H., Ota H., Akamatsu H., Tamagawa H., Shoji H., Egi H., Matsubara H., Miki H., Elfeki H., Lin H.-H., Giani I., Caravaca-Garcia I., Takemasa I., Angriman I., Negoi I., Volkova I., Russo I., Kronberger I.E., Shageev I., Aydin I., Mora Guzman I., Novak I., Giuliano I., Rachmuth J., Ngu J.C.-Y., Glasbey J., Stoot J., Zatecky J., Melenhorst J., Van Der Wal J.B.C., Leijtens J., Bogach J., Elliott J., De Wilt J.H.W., Han J., Cui J., Liu J., Khan J., Wirawan J.P., Zhang J., Manyari J.D.O., Doerner J., Bock J., Konsten J., Castro J.M., Grobas J.P., Pereira J., Juloski J., Laina J.L.B., Solorzano J.J., Lopez J.R.G., Li J., Watanabe J., Kwak J.-M., Hasegawa J., Hiro J., Sergey K., Zhang K., Nagahori K., Martinez K., Tokuhara K., Danno K., Uehara K., Yoshimatsu K., Ehara K., Ueda K., Suda K., Yamamoto K., Ishimaru K., Kimura K., Hirata K., Deen K., Imaizumi K., Yamada J., Tanakura K., Rida K., Sugimoto K., Kotaro K., Shi K., Okabayashi K., Hida K., Kataoka K., Hongo K., Xia K., Tseng L., Reime L., Lorenzon L., Ruano L.M., Zhou L., De Nes L., Brandariz L., Morini L., Petagna L., Ripamonti L., Martinez L.H., Pio L., Sacco L., Carvalho L., Zorcolo L., Perez-Sanchez L.E., Esparza L.H.R., Aguilar L.T., Garner M., Sugimoto M., Nagashima M., Shiozawa M., Simone M., Ferrer-Marquez M., Carvalho M., Alifano M., Arganini M., Calussi M., Catarci M., Allaix M.E., Forlin M., Milone M., Paci M., Fodor M., Antipova M., Martos M.B., Giuffrida M.C., Tabernilla M.D., Quiros M.J.A., Lemma M., Correo M.L.R.D., Malowiecka M., Bellomo M.P., Fernandez M.R., Socias M., Rizk M., Aurora M., Antolinez M.A., Ninkovic M., Giuffrida M., De Roos M.A.J., Lara M.C., Agustin M.C., Cuadrado M., Pascual M., Lemmerer M., Carlos R., Okamoto M., Miyo M., Inomata M., Ikenaga M., Tsujie M., Yasuno M., Kotake M., Sato M., Yasui M., Lavazza M., Rottoli M., Zuin M., Zuluaga M., Cervellera M., Cesari M., Zizzo M., Garino M., Ghirardi M., Montuori M., Podda M., Santarelli M., Koc M.A., Baini M., Manigrasso M., Zuolo M., Cunha M.F., Misca M., Slavchev M., Danilov M., Shigaev M., Martens M., Kobayashi M., Ren M., Ishizuka M., Hassan M.M., Siblini M., Sahloul M., Keramati M.R., Karunakaran M., Markel M., Majeed M., Younis M.U., Akin M.I., Laraibe M., Derebey M., Kendirci M., Fukunaga M., Matsubara N., Ordaz N.E.C., Samalavicius N.E., Keeratibharat N., de Angelis N., Gica N., Mariani N.M., Ramino N., Falco N., Smart N., De Korte N., Kok N.F.M., Jamieson N.B., Aberyasev N., Bruklich N., Ichikawa N., Miyoshi N., De Palma N., Figueiredo N., Torrecilla N.O., Dybov O.G., Yudin O., Crepin O., Gomez O., Sert O.Z., Lominchar P.L., Menendez P., De Nardi P., Tejedor P., Jordan P., Tan P., Marsanic P., Natalya P., Banos P.P., Rebasa P., Neary P.M., Tanis P., Giustacchini P., Anoldo P., Concejo P., Cao P., Chandrasinghe P., Abeyratne P., Wang Q., Klicks R.J., Riquelme R.F., Galli R., Gianesini R., Moorjani R.G., Deshpande R.K., Gorter R., Ledesma R.L., Ruslan R., Chhabra R., Talreja-Pelaez R., Suzuki R., Balestri R., Rosati R., Kiblawi R., Martins R., Angelico R., Tutino R., Persiani R., Pollastri R., Lopez R.G., Perez R.O., Hompes R., Lukanin R., Roser Termes Serra R., Brunaccino R., Nakanishi R., Stefan S., Hernandez S.P.S., Di Carlo S., Ingallinella S., Domoto S., Ikeda S., Mikalauskas S., Kim S.H., Mantova S., Barbuta S., Li S., Yamaguchi S., Yamagishi S., Homma S., Tsujinaka S., Yoshioka S., Mori S., Tewari S., Rayman S., Horiuchi S., Matoba S., Morita S., Yaman S., Vigna S., Testa S., Ng S., Deidda S., Cicconi S., Di Maria S., Sibio S., Ersoz S., Pejkova S., Altarifi S., He S., Malakorn S., Meindert S., Sumikawa S., Parmar S., Uranitsch S., D'ugo S., Giuliani S., Breukink S., Lee S.-H., Hata T., Ishikawa T., Akiyoshi T., Azuma T., Kobatake T., Fukuzaki T., Aiyama T., Yamada T., Garmanova T., Gomez-Sanchez T., Yamaguchi T., Flores T.D.J., Usub T., Tsuruma T., Shimizu T., Hristov T.G., Van Loon T., Funakoshi T., Manzia T.M., Kiyomatsu T., Katayama T., Kazuhito U., Elmore U., Grossi U., Truchalev V.A., Rodriguez V.S., Testa V., Tonini V., Celentano V., Bettencourt V., Mammadov V., Leyva V.A.G., Mariscal V.G.O., Seid V.E., Klemann V., Turrado-Rodriguez V., Papagni V., Vento V., Frering V., Vigorita V., Petrove V.V., Lyadov V., Fu W., Mi W., Jeong W.K., Leclercq W.K.G., De Sousa X., Zhao X., Li X., Wang X., Yang X., Zhang X., Dong Y., Erushevich Y., Takii Y., Sumi Y., Loli Y.T., Yifat Y.L., Shimada Y., Nabeya Y., Ide Y., Wu Y., Tsukada Y., Miyamoto Y., Toiyama Y., Fujie Y., Kaneko Y., Mokutani Y., Fujii Y., Kanemitsu Y., Medkova Y., Chen Y., Ruiz Y.G., Kinugasa Y., Sow Z., Razzaq Z., Wang Z., Liu Z., Han Z., Tai Z., Lai Z., Ng Z.Q., Dambrauskas Z., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., An, Y., Piciocchi, A., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Khanna, K., Pirozzi, B. M., Franceschilli, M., Campanelli, M., Efetov, S., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Di Giorgio, A., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., La Brocca, A., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., Wu, C. -Y., Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., La Torre, F., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pereira, J., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., de Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Riquelme, R. F., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Di Carlo, S., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Di Maria, S., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., Flores, T. D. J., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Ng, Z. Q., Dambrauskas, Z., Mora Guzman, I., Rinha, R., Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Bellato, V, Konishi, T, Pellino, G, An, Y, Piciocchi, A, Sensi, B, Siragusa, L, Khanna, K, Pirozzi, B, Franceschilli, M, Campanelli, M, Efetov, S, Sica, G, Kefleyesus, A, Hoofwijk, A, Eldaly, A, Gonzalez, A, Jawad, A, Jooma, A, Hafez, A, Rubio, A, Landaluce-Olavarria, A, Wu, A, Nagatsu, A, Inoue, A, Kanamoto, A, Ouchi, A, El-Hussuna, A, Vazquez-Melero, A, Wolthuis, A, Peral, A, Lozano, A, Efremov, A, Ryasantsev, A, Di Giorgio, A, Parente, A, Tamburrini, A, Alo, A, Forero-Torres, A, Vahrmeijer, A, Varabei, A, Hinojosa, S, Balkan, A, Frontali, A, Oleg, A, Soler-Silva, A, Makni, A, Andre, A, Cabrera, A, Fernandez, A, Minaya-Bravo, A, Rodriguez-Sanchez, A, Musina, A, Pangeni, A, Zolotko, A, Tonoyan, A, Balla, A, Belli, A, Cavallaro, A, Chierici, A, Divizia, A, Bucci, A, Salido, A, Morini, A, Muratore, A, Vignali, A, Chitul, A, Sebastian, D, Pcolkins, A, Shchegolev, A, Hollenbeck, A, Wisneski, A, Iossa, A, D'Amore, A, Hunter, A, Hesketh, A, La Brocca, A, Spinelli, A, Caires, A, D'Alessandro, A, Correo, A, Macri, A, Navarro-Sanchez, A, Pronk, A, Akunc, A, Mehri, A, Pelta, A, Papadopoulos, A, Kechagias, A, Rashid, A, Ramazanov, A, Chandio, A, Kohyama, A, Nishimura, A, Ohkawa, A, Dulskas, A, Jamal, A, Mariani, A, Unal, A, Karagoz, A, Ozkan, B, Salih, B, Gulcu, B, Pessia, B, Martin-Perez, B, Ielpo, B, Tulelli, B, Yang, B, Mhamed, B, Murphy, B, Langenhoff, B, Belevi, B, Guney, B, Ng, C, Rueda, C, Roxburgh, C, Feo, C, Ferrari, C, Gazia, C, Pratesi, C, Ratto, C, Santacruz, C, Arroyave, C, Macias, C, Fernandez, C, Curtis-Martinez, C, Fortmann, C, Kim, C, Galeano, C, Barroso, C, Baldi, C, Foppa, C, Formisano, C, Li, C, Ding, C, Wang, C, Iacusso, C, Yang, C, Pizzera, C, Skias, C, Chouliras, C, Liakos, C, Matsuda, C, Wu, C, Ozaslan, C, Tanda, C, Tommaso, C, Dagorno, C, Ramos, C, Arcudi, C, Coco, C, Morales, C, Ali, M, Lozano, C, Sala, C, Leo, C, Scarpa, C, Ferro, C, Morales-Garcia, D, Nakano, D, Cristian, D, Hechtl, D, Canovas, D, Calabrese, D, Rega, D, Ferraro, D, Morezzi, D, Sommacale, D, Brogden, D, Miskovic, D, Merlini, D, Pertile, D, Coniglio, D, Zhu, D, Wu, D, Coletta, D, Rubio, D, Sasia, D, Fillipov, D, Russiello, D, Dardanov, D, Consten, E, Smolskas, E, Muttillo, E, Jones, E, Sunami, E, Etienne, E, Chalkiadaki, E, Giacomelli, E, Karbovnichaya, E, Ruiz-Ucar, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Jovine, E, Treppiedi, E, Vaterlini, E, Zambaiti, E, Moggia, E, Coetzee, E, Chisari, E, D'Errico, E, Ciofic, E, Pena, E, Kurt, E, Balik, E, Gunay, E, Sivrikoz, E, Andolfi, E, Araimo, E, Lucci, E, Opocher, E, Pinotti, E, Rubino, E, Reyhan, E, Mazzotta, E, Navarro, E, El-Helou, E, Licardie-Bolanos, E, Porto, E, Contreras, E, Boerma, E, Cianchi, F, Marino, F, Uggeri, F, Han, F, Calculli, F, Falaschi, F, Ghignone, F, Perrone, F, Borghi, F, Garcia, F, Agresta, F, Cananzi, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Cengiz, F, Almeida, F, Baracchi, F, Carannante, F, La Torre, F, Fernandes, F, Friedmacher, F, Grama, F, Carissimi, F, Pecchini, F, Bianco, F, Colombo, F, Ferrara, F, Litta, F, Carrano, F, Martignoni, F, Tasselli, F, Milone, F, Pata, F, Sammartino, F, Zambianchi, F, Barragan, F, Herrero, F, Schlottmann, F, Den Boer, F, Pfeffer, F, Fujita, F, Navarra, G, Herrera-Almario, G, Pozzo, G, Capolupo, G, Van Ramshorst, G, Liscia, G, Gallo, G, Asawa, G, Wang, G, Raiyani, G, Beets, G, Naval, G, Jin, G, Chang, G, Saakian, G, Kahane, G, Borroni, G, Secco, G, Baiocchi, G, Baronio, G, Pagano, G, Pattacini, G, Lisi, G, Milito, G, Sinibaldi, G, Serrao, G, Bagaglini, G, Sarro, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Mangiameli, G, Giuliani, G, Martin-Martin, G, Bodzin, G, Leon, G, Mackay, G, Vasil, G, Palmisano, G, Giovanna, G, Fernandez, G, Steingel, G, Zhang, G, Choi, G, Chen, H, Hirose, H, Kayano, H, Ulgur, H, Impellizzeri, H, Ariola, H, Liu, H, Medina, H, Miyauchi, H, Takahashi, H, Hayashi, H, Ishikawa, H, Ishida, H, De Vries, H, Ulman, H, Kon, H, Ota, H, Akamatsu, H, Tamagawa, H, Shoji, H, Egi, H, Matsubara, H, Miki, H, Elfeki, H, Lin, H, Giani, I, Caravaca-Garcia, I, Takemasa, I, Angriman, I, Negoi, I, Volkova, I, Russo, I, Kronberger, I, Shageev, I, Aydin, I, Mora Guzman, I, Novak, I, Giuliano, I, Rachmuth, J, Ngu, J, Glasbey, J, Stoot, J, Zatecky, J, Melenhorst, J, Van Der Wal, J, Leijtens, J, Bogach, J, Elliott, J, De Wilt, J, Han, J, Cui, J, Liu, J, Khan, J, Wirawan, J, Zhang, J, Manyari, J, Doerner, J, Bock, J, Konsten, J, Castro, J, Grobas, J, Pereira, J, Juloski, J, Laina, J, Solorzano, J, Lopez, J, Li, J, Watanabe, J, Kwak, J, Hasegawa, J, Hiro, J, Sergey, K, Zhang, K, Nagahori, K, Martinez, K, Tokuhara, K, Danno, K, Uehara, K, Yoshimatsu, K, Ehara, K, Ueda, K, Suda, K, Yamamoto, K, Ishimaru, K, Kimura, K, Hirata, K, Deen, K, Imaizumi, K, Yamada, J, Tanakura, K, Rida, K, Sugimoto, K, Kotaro, K, Shi, K, Okabayashi, K, Hida, K, Kataoka, K, Hongo, K, Xia, K, Tseng, L, Reime, L, Lorenzon, L, Ruano, L, Zhou, L, De Nes, L, Brandariz, L, Morini, L, Petagna, L, Ripamonti, L, Martinez, L, Pio, L, Sacco, L, Carvalho, L, Zorcolo, L, Perez-Sanchez, L, Esparza, L, Aguilar, L, Garner, M, Sugimoto, M, Nagashima, M, Shiozawa, M, Simone, M, Ferrer-Marquez, M, Carvalho, M, Alifano, M, Arganini, M, Calussi, M, Catarci, M, Allaix, M, Forlin, M, Milone, M, Paci, M, Fodor, M, Antipova, M, Martos, M, Giuffrida, M, Tabernilla, M, Quiros, M, Lemma, M, Correo, M, Malowiecka, M, Bellomo, M, Fernandez, M, Socias, M, Rizk, M, Aurora, M, Antolinez, M, Ninkovic, M, De Roos, M, Lara, M, Agustin, M, Cuadrado, M, Pascual, M, Lemmerer, M, Carlos, R, Okamoto, M, Miyo, M, Inomata, M, Ikenaga, M, Tsujie, M, Yasuno, M, Kotake, M, Sato, M, Yasui, M, Lavazza, M, Rottoli, M, Zuin, M, Zuluaga, M, Cervellera, M, Cesari, M, Zizzo, M, Garino, M, Ghirardi, M, Montuori, M, Podda, M, Santarelli, M, Koc, M, Baini, M, Manigrasso, M, Zuolo, M, Cunha, M, Misca, M, Slavchev, M, Danilov, M, Shigaev, M, Martens, M, Kobayashi, M, Ren, M, Ishizuka, M, Hassan, M, Siblini, M, Sahloul, M, Keramati, M, Karunakaran, M, Markel, M, Majeed, M, Younis, M, Akin, M, Laraibe, M, Derebey, M, Kendirci, M, Fukunaga, M, Matsubara, N, Ordaz, N, Samalavicius, N, Keeratibharat, N, de Angelis, N, Gica, N, Mariani, N, Ramino, N, Falco, N, Smart, N, De Korte, N, Kok, N, Jamieson, N, Aberyasev, N, Bruklich, N, Ichikawa, N, Miyoshi, N, De Palma, N, Figueiredo, N, Torrecilla, N, Dybov, O, Yudin, O, Crepin, O, Gomez, O, Sert, O, Lominchar, P, Menendez, P, De Nardi, P, Tejedor, P, Jordan, P, Tan, P, Marsanic, P, Natalya, P, Banos, P, Rebasa, P, Neary, P, Tanis, P, Giustacchini, P, Anoldo, P, Concejo, P, Cao, P, Chandrasinghe, P, Abeyratne, P, Wang, Q, Klicks, R, Riquelme, R, Galli, R, Gianesini, R, Moorjani, R, Deshpande, R, Gorter, R, Ledesma, R, Ruslan, R, Chhabra, R, Talreja-Pelaez, R, Suzuki, R, Balestri, R, Rosati, R, Kiblawi, R, Martins, R, Angelico, R, Tutino, R, Persiani, R, Pollastri, R, Lopez, R, Perez, R, Hompes, R, Lukanin, R, Roser Termes Serra, R, Brunaccino, R, Nakanishi, R, Stefan, S, Hernandez, S, Di Carlo, S, Ingallinella, S, Domoto, S, Ikeda, S, Mikalauskas, S, Kim, S, Mantova, S, Barbuta, S, Li, S, Yamaguchi, S, Yamagishi, S, Homma, S, Tsujinaka, S, Yoshioka, S, Mori, S, Tewari, S, Rayman, S, Horiuchi, S, Matoba, S, Morita, S, Yaman, S, Vigna, S, Testa, S, Ng, S, Deidda, S, Cicconi, S, Di Maria, S, Sibio, S, Ersoz, S, Pejkova, S, Altarifi, S, He, S, Malakorn, S, Meindert, S, Sumikawa, S, Parmar, S, Uranitsch, S, D'Ugo, S, Giuliani, S, Breukink, S, Lee, S, Hata, T, Ishikawa, T, Akiyoshi, T, Azuma, T, Kobatake, T, Fukuzaki, T, Aiyama, T, Yamada, T, Garmanova, T, Gomez-Sanchez, T, Yamaguchi, T, Flores, T, Usub, T, Tsuruma, T, Shimizu, T, Hristov, T, Van Loon, T, Funakoshi, T, Manzia, T, Kiyomatsu, T, Katayama, T, Kazuhito, U, Elmore, U, Grossi, U, Truchalev, V, Rodriguez, V, Testa, V, Tonini, V, Celentano, V, Bettencourt, V, Mammadov, V, Leyva, V, Mariscal, V, Seid, V, Klemann, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Papagni, V, Vento, V, Frering, V, Vigorita, V, Petrove, V, Lyadov, V, Fu, W, Mi, W, Jeong, W, Leclercq, W, De Sousa, X, Zhao, X, Li, X, Wang, X, Yang, X, Zhang, X, Dong, Y, Erushevich, Y, Takii, Y, Sumi, Y, Loli, Y, Yifat, Y, Shimada, Y, Nabeya, Y, Ide, Y, Wu, Y, Tsukada, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Toiyama, Y, Fujie, Y, Kaneko, Y, Mokutani, Y, Fujii, Y, Kanemitsu, Y, Medkova, Y, Chen, Y, Ruiz, Y, Kinugasa, Y, Sow, Z, Razzaq, Z, Wang, Z, Liu, Z, Han, Z, Tai, Z, Lai, Z, Ng, Z, and Dambrauskas, Z
- Subjects
2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,covid-19, pandemic, surgery ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,MEDLINE ,COVID-19. Global surgery ,Asymptomatic ,COVID-19, Critical Pathways, Cross Infection, Cross-Sectional Studies, Health Care Surveys, Humans, Pandemics, Postoperative Complications, SARS-CoV-2, Surgical Procedures, Operative, Asymptomatic Infections ,COVID-19 ,Critical Pathways ,Cross Infection ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Health Care Surveys ,Humans ,Pandemics ,Postoperative Complications ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Surgical Procedures, Operative ,Asymptomatic Infections ,NO ,surgery ,Tumours of the digestive tract Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 14] ,Pandemic ,Correspondence ,medicine ,LS7_4 ,COVID ,Surgical Procedures ,Critical pathways ,business.industry ,pandemic ,Surgical procedures ,Operative ,Settore MED/18 ,covid 19, surgical practice ,COVID-19 - surgery ,Emergency medicine ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has changed the global surgical care. Patients infected with COVID-19 may present without typical symptoms, and such asymptomatic patients may potentially trigger in-hospital outbreaks by transmitting the disease to health care providers and other hospitalized patients. Further, asymptomatic COVID-19 patients have worse postop- erative outcomes with an unexpectedly high morbidity and mortality, reaching 20⋅5 per cent deaths. However, we do not have objective global data on this issue. In an attempt to clarify the current global surgical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic particularly focusing on the preoperative screening of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, we conducted a cross-sectional online survey on surgical practice. The survey was administered to surgeons worldwide through international surgical societies, social media and personal contacts dur- ing 2 April to 8 April. The results were analyzed by country’s cumulative deaths number by 8 April, 2020 (high risk, >5000; intermediate risk, 100-5000; low risk
- Published
- 2020
3. Surgeons' fear of getting infected by COVID19: A global survey
- Author
An, Y., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Franceschilli, M., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Giorgio, A. D., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., Brocca, A. L., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., C. -Y., Wu, Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., De Azevedo, C. T. M., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., Torre, F. L., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Guzman, I. M., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pinto, J. P., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., Leeuwenburgh, M. M. N., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., De Cillia, M., Campanelli, M., De Rosa, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., De Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Mukai, R., Riquelme, R. F., De Luca, R., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Carlo, S. D., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Maria, S. D., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., De Jesus Flores, T., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Akagi, T., Mizushima, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Nekoval, V. M., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Zhen, Y., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Z. Q., Ng, Dambrauskas, Z., An Y., Bellato V., Konishi T., Pellino G., Sensi B., Siragusa L., Franceschilli M., Sica G.S., Kefleyesus A., Hoofwijk A.G.M., Eldaly A.S., Gonzalez A., Jawad A., Jooma A., Hafez A.M., Rubio A.V., Landaluce-Olavarria A., Wu A., Nagatsu A., Inoue A., Kanamoto A., Ouchi A., El-Hussuna A., Vazquez-Melero A., Wolthuis A.M., Peral A.M., Lozano A.C., Efremov A., Ryasantsev A.V., Di Giorgio A., Parente A., Tamburrini A., Alo A., Forero-Torres A., Vahrmeijer A.L., Varabei A., Hinojosa S., Balkan A.Z.A., Frontali A., Oleg A., Soler-Silva A., Makni A., Andre A., Cabrera A.M.G., Fernandez A.M.G., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Rodriguez-Sanchez A., Musina A.-M., Pangeni A., Zolotko A., Tonoyan A., Balla A., Belli A., Cavallaro A., Chierici A., Divizia A., Bucci A.F., Salido A.J., Morini A., Muratore A., Vignali A., Chitul A., Sebastian D.A., Pcolkins A., Shchegolev A., Hollenbeck A., Wisneski A., Iossa A., D'Amore A., Hunter A., Hesketh A.J., La Brocca A., Spinelli A., Caires A., D'Alessandro A., Correo A.F.S.L., Macri A., Navarro-Sanchez A., Pronk A., Akunc A., Mehri A., Pelta A., Papadopoulos A., Kechagias A., Rashid A., Ramazanov A., Chandio A., Kohyama A., Nishimura A., Ohkawa A., Dulskas A., Jamal A., Mariani A., Unal A.G., Karagoz A., Ozkan B.B., Salih B., Gulcu B., Pessia B., Martin-Perez B., Ielpo B., Tulelli B., Yang B., Mhamed B., Murphy B., Pirozzi B.M., Langenhoff B., Belevi B., Guney B., Ng C., Rueda C., Roxburgh C.S., Feo C.V., Ferrari C., Gazia C., Pratesi C., Ratto C., Santacruz C.C., Arroyave C.R.M., Macias C., Fernandez C.G., Fernandez C.C., Curtis-Martinez C., Fortmann C., Kim C., Galeano C.U., Barroso C., Baldi C., Foppa C., Formisano C., Li C., Ding C., Wang C., Iacusso C., Yang C., Pizzera C., Skias C., Chouliras C., Liakos C., Matsuda C., Wu C.-Y., Ozaslan C., Tanda C., Tommaso C.M., Dagorno C., Ramos C.P.A., Arcudi C., Coco C., Morales C.M., Ali M.Z., Lozano C.C., Sala C., Leo C.A., Scarpa C.R., Ferro C.V., Fernandez C.M., Morales-Garcia D., Nakano D., Cristian D., Hechtl D., Canovas D.T., Calabrese D., Rega D., Ferraro D., Morezzi D., Sommacale D., Brogden D., Miskovic D., Merlini D., Pertile D., Coniglio D., Zhu D., Wu D., Coletta D., Rubio D.R., Sasia D., Fillipov D., Russiello D., Dardanov D., Consten E.C.J., Smolskas E., Muttillo E.M., Jones E., Sunami E., Etienne E.-H., Chalkiadaki E., Giacomelli E., Karbovnichaya E., Ruiz-Ucar E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Jovine E., Treppiedi E., Vaterlini E.M., Zambaiti E., Moggia E., Coetzee E., Chisari E., D'Errico E., Ciofic E., Pena E., Kurt E., Balik E., Gunay E., Sivrikoz E., Andolfi E., Araimo E., Lucci E., Opocher E., Pinotti E., Rubino E., Reyhan E., Mazzotta E., Navarro E.B., El-Helou E., Licardie-Bolanos E., Porto E.I., Contreras E., Boerma E.-J., Cianchi F., Marino F., Uggeri F., Han F., Calculli F., Falaschi F., Ghignone F., Perrone F., Borghi F., Garcia F., Agresta F., Cananzi F.C.M., Mendoza-Moreno F., Cengiz F., Almeida F.M., Baracchi F., Carannante F., La Torre F., Fernandes F., Friedmacher F., Grama F., Carissimi F., Pecchini F., Bianco F., Colombo F., Ferrara F., Litta F., Carrano F.M., Martignoni F., Tasselli F.M., Milone F., Pata F., Sammartino F., Zambianchi F., Barragan F., Herrero F., Schlottmann F., Den Boer F.C., Pfeffer F., Fujita F., Navarra G., Herrera-Almario G., Pozzo G., Capolupo G.T., Van Ramshorst G.H., Liscia G., Gallo G., Asawa G., Wang G., Raiyani G., Beets G., Naval G.S., Jin G., Chang G.J., Saakian G., Kahane G., Borroni G., Secco G.L., Baiocchi G.L., Baronio G., Pagano G., Pattacini G.C., Lisi G., Milito G., Sinibaldi G., Serrao G., Bagaglini G., Sarro G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Mangiameli G., Giuliani G., Martin-Martin G.P., Bodzin G., Leon G., Mackay G., Vasil G., Palmisano G., Giovanna G.M., Fernandez G.C., Steingel G.B., Zhang G., Choi G.S., Chen H., Hirose H., Kayano H., Ulgur H.S., Impellizzeri H., Ariola H., Liu H., Medina H., Miyauchi H., Takahashi H., Hayashi H., Ishikawa H., Ishida H., De Vries H., Ulman H., Kon H., Ota H., Akamatsu H., Tamagawa H., Shoji H., Egi H., Matsubara H., Miki H., Elfeki H., Lin H.-H., Giani I., Caravaca-Garcia I., Takemasa I., Angriman I., Negoi I., Volkova I., Russo I., Kronberger I.E., Shageev I., Aydin I., Mora Guzman I., Novak I., Giuliano I., Rachmuth J., Ngu J.C.-Y., Glasbey J., Stoot J., Zatecky J., Melenhorst J., Van Der Wal J.B.C., Leijtens J., Bogach J., Elliott J., De Wilt J.H.W., Han J., Cui J., Liu J., Khan J., Wirawan J.P., Zhang J., Manyari J.D.O., Doerner J., Bock J., Konsten J., Castro J.M., Grobas J.P., Pereira J., Juloski J., Laina J.L.B., Solorzano J.J., Lopez J.R.G., Li J., Watanabe J., Kwak J.-M., Hasegawa J., Hiro J., Sergey K., Zhang K., Nagahori K., Martinez K., Tokuhara K., Danno K., Uehara K., Yoshimatsu K., Ehara K., Ueda K., Suda K., Yamamoto K., Ishimaru K., Kimura K., Hirata K., Deen K., Imaizumi K., Yamada J., Tanakura K., Rida K., Sugimoto K., Kotaro K., Shi K., Okabayashi K., Hida K., Kataoka K., Hongo K., Xia K., Tseng L., Reime L., Lorenzon L., Ruano L.M., Zhou L., De Nes L., Brandariz L., Morini L., Petagna L., Ripamonti L., Martinez L.H., Pio L., Sacco L., Carvalho L., Zorcolo L., Perez-Sanchez L.E., Esparza L.H.R., Aguilar L.T., Garner M., Sugimoto M., Nagashima M., Shiozawa M., Simone M., Ferrer-Marquez M., Carvalho M., Alifano M., Arganini M., Calussi M., Catarci M., Allaix M.E., Forlin M., Milone M., Paci M., Fodor M., Antipova M., Martos M.B., Giuffrida M.C., Tabernilla M.D., Quiros M.J.A., Lemma M., Correo M.L.R.D., Malowiecka M., Bellomo M.P., Fernandez M.R., Socias M., Rizk M., Aurora M., Antolinez M.A., Ninkovic M., Giuffrida M., De Roos M.A.J., Lara M.C., Agustin M.C., Cuadrado M., Pascual M., Lemmerer M., Carlos R., Okamoto M., Miyo M., Inomata M., Ikenaga M., Tsujie M., Yasuno M., Kotake M., Sato M., Yasui M., Lavazza M., Rottoli M., Zuin M., Zuluaga M., Cervellera M., Cesari M., Zizzo M., Garino M., Ghirardi M., Montuori M., Podda M., Santarelli M., Koc M.A., Baini M., Campanelli M., Manigrasso M., Zuolo M., Cunha M.F., Misca M., Slavchev M., Danilov M., Shigaev M., Martens M., Kobayashi M., Ren M., Ishizuka M., Hassan M.M., Siblini M., Sahloul M., Keramati M.R., Karunakaran M., Markel M., Majeed M., Younis M.U., Akin M.I., Laraibe M., Derebey M., Kendirci M., Fukunaga M., Matsubara N., Ordaz N.E.C., Samalavicius N.E., Keeratibharat N., de Angelis N., Gica N., Mariani N.M., Ramino N., Falco N., Smart N., De Korte N., Kok N.F.M., Jamieson N.B., Aberyasev N., Bruklich N., Ichikawa N., Miyoshi N., De Palma N., Figueiredo N., Torrecilla N.O., Dybov O.G., Yudin O., Crepin O., Gomez O., Sert O.Z., Lominchar P.L., Menendez P., De Nardi P., Tejedor P., Jordan P., Tan P., Marsanic P., Natalya P., Banos P.P., Rebasa P., Neary P.M., Tanis P., Giustacchini P., Anoldo P., Concejo P., Cao P., Chandrasinghe P., Abeyratne P., Wang Q., Klicks R.J., Riquelme R.F., Galli R., Gianesini R., Moorjani R.G., Deshpande R.K., Gorter R., Ledesma R.L., Ruslan R., Chhabra R., Talreja-Pelaez R., Suzuki R., Balestri R., Rosati R., Kiblawi R., Martins R., Angelico R., Tutino R., Persiani R., Pollastri R., Lopez R.G., Perez R.O., Hompes R., Lukanin R., Roser Termes Serra R., Brunaccino R., Nakanishi R., Stefan S., Hernandez S.P.S., Di Carlo S., Ingallinella S., Domoto S., Ikeda S., Mikalauskas S., Kim S.H., Mantova S., Barbuta S., Li S., Yamaguchi S., Yamagishi S., Homma S., Tsujinaka S., Yoshioka S., Mori S., Tewari S., Rayman S., Horiuchi S., Matoba S., Morita S., Yaman S., Vigna S., Testa S., Ng S., Deidda S., Cicconi S., Di Maria S., Sibio S., Ersoz S., Pejkova S., Altarifi S., He S., Malakorn S., Meindert S., Sumikawa S., Parmar S., Uranitsch S., D'ugo S., Giuliani S., Breukink S., Lee S.-H., Hata T., Ishikawa T., Akiyoshi T., Azuma T., Kobatake T., Fukuzaki T., Aiyama T., Yamada T., Garmanova T., Gomez-Sanchez T., Yamaguchi T., Flores T.D.J., Usub T., Tsuruma T., Shimizu T., Hristov T.G., Van Loon T., Funakoshi T., Manzia T.M., Kiyomatsu T., Katayama T., Kazuhito U., Elmore U., Grossi U., Truchalev V.A., Rodriguez V.S., Testa V., Tonini V., Celentano V., Bettencourt V., Mammadov V., Leyva V.A.G., Mariscal V.G.O., Seid V.E., Klemann V., Turrado-Rodriguez V., Papagni V., Vento V., Frering V., Vigorita V., Petrove V.V., Lyadov V., Fu W., Mi W., Jeong W.K., Leclercq W.K.G., De Sousa X., Zhao X., Li X., Wang X., Yang X., Zhang X., Dong Y., Erushevich Y., Takii Y., Sumi Y., Loli Y.T., Yifat Y.L., Shimada Y., Nabeya Y., Ide Y., Wu Y., Tsukada Y., Miyamoto Y., Toiyama Y., Fujie Y., Kaneko Y., Mokutani Y., Fujii Y., Kanemitsu Y., Medkova Y., Chen Y., Ruiz Y.G., Kinugasa Y., Sow Z., Razzaq Z., Wang Z., Liu Z., Han Z., Tai Z., Lai Z., Ng Z.Q., Dambrauskas Z., Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Graduate School, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, AII - Infectious diseases, Surgery, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Paediatric Surgery, ARD - Amsterdam Reproduction and Development, An, Y., Bellato, V., Konishi, T., Pellino, G., Sensi, B., Siragusa, L., Franceschilli, M., Sica, G. S., Kefleyesus, A., Hoofwijk, A. G. M., Eldaly, A. S., Gonzalez, A., Jawad, A., Jooma, A., Hafez, A. M., Rubio, A. V., Landaluce-Olavarria, A., Wu, A., Nagatsu, A., Inoue, A., Kanamoto, A., Ouchi, A., El-Hussuna, A., Vazquez-Melero, A., Wolthuis, A. M., Peral, A. M., Lozano, A. C., Efremov, A., Ryasantsev, A. V., Di Giorgio, A., Parente, A., Tamburrini, A., Alo, A., Forero-Torres, A., Vahrmeijer, A. L., Varabei, A., Hinojosa, S., Balkan, A. Z. A., Frontali, A., Oleg, A., Soler-Silva, A., Makni, A., Andre, A., Cabrera, A. M. G., Fernandez, A. M. G., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Musina, A. -M., Pangeni, A., Zolotko, A., Tonoyan, A., Balla, A., Belli, A., Cavallaro, A., Chierici, A., Divizia, A., Bucci, A. F., Salido, A. J., Morini, A., Muratore, A., Vignali, A., Chitul, A., Sebastian, D. A., Pcolkins, A., Shchegolev, A., Hollenbeck, A., Wisneski, A., Iossa, A., D'Amore, A., Hunter, A., Hesketh, A. J., La Brocca, A., Spinelli, A., Caires, A., D'Alessandro, A., Correo, A. F. S. L., Macri, A., Navarro-Sanchez, A., Pronk, A., Akunc, A., Mehri, A., Pelta, A., Papadopoulos, A., Kechagias, A., Rashid, A., Ramazanov, A., Chandio, A., Kohyama, A., Nishimura, A., Ohkawa, A., Dulskas, A., Jamal, A., Mariani, A., Unal, A. G., Karagoz, A., Ozkan, B. B., Salih, B., Gulcu, B., Pessia, B., Martin-Perez, B., Ielpo, B., Tulelli, B., Yang, B., Mhamed, B., Murphy, B., Pirozzi, B. M., Langenhoff, B., Belevi, B., Guney, B., Ng, C., Rueda, C., Roxburgh, C. S., Feo, C. V., Ferrari, C., Gazia, C., Pratesi, C., Ratto, C., Santacruz, C. C., Arroyave, C. R. M., Macias, C., Fernandez, C. G., Fernandez, C. C., Curtis-Martinez, C., Fortmann, C., Kim, C., Galeano, C. U., Barroso, C., Baldi, C., Foppa, C., Formisano, C., Li, C., Ding, C., Wang, C., Iacusso, C., Yang, C., Pizzera, C., Skias, C., Chouliras, C., Liakos, C., Matsuda, C., Wu, C. -Y., Ozaslan, C., Tanda, C., Tommaso, C. M., Dagorno, C., Ramos, C. P. A., Arcudi, C., Coco, C., Morales, C. M., Ali, M. Z., Lozano, C. C., Sala, C., Leo, C. A., Scarpa, C. R., Ferro, C. V., Fernandez, C. M., Morales-Garcia, D., Nakano, D., Cristian, D., Hechtl, D., Canovas, D. T., Calabrese, D., Rega, D., Ferraro, D., Morezzi, D., Sommacale, D., Brogden, D., Miskovic, D., Merlini, D., Pertile, D., Coniglio, D., Zhu, D., Wu, D., Coletta, D., Rubio, D. R., Sasia, D., Fillipov, D., Russiello, D., Dardanov, D., Consten, E. C. J., Smolskas, E., Muttillo, E. M., Jones, E., Sunami, E., Etienne, E. -H., Chalkiadaki, E., Giacomelli, E., Karbovnichaya, E., Ruiz-Ucar, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Jovine, E., Treppiedi, E., Vaterlini, E. M., Zambaiti, E., Moggia, E., Coetzee, E., Chisari, E., D'Errico, E., Ciofic, E., Pena, E., Kurt, E., Balik, E., Gunay, E., Sivrikoz, E., Andolfi, E., Araimo, E., Lucci, E., Opocher, E., Pinotti, E., Rubino, E., Reyhan, E., Mazzotta, E., Navarro, E. B., El-Helou, E., Licardie-Bolanos, E., Porto, E. I., Contreras, E., Boerma, E. -J., Cianchi, F., Marino, F., Uggeri, F., Han, F., Calculli, F., Falaschi, F., Ghignone, F., Perrone, F., Borghi, F., Garcia, F., Agresta, F., Cananzi, F. C. M., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Cengiz, F., Almeida, F. M., Baracchi, F., Carannante, F., La Torre, F., Fernandes, F., Friedmacher, F., Grama, F., Carissimi, F., Pecchini, F., Bianco, F., Colombo, F., Ferrara, F., Litta, F., Carrano, F. M., Martignoni, F., Tasselli, F. M., Milone, F., Pata, F., Sammartino, F., Zambianchi, F., Barragan, F., Herrero, F., Schlottmann, F., Den Boer, F. C., Pfeffer, F., Fujita, F., Navarra, G., Herrera-Almario, G., Pozzo, G., Capolupo, G. T., Van Ramshorst, G. H., Liscia, G., Gallo, G., Asawa, G., Wang, G., Raiyani, G., Beets, G., Naval, G. S., Jin, G., Chang, G. J., Saakian, G., Kahane, G., Borroni, G., Secco, G. L., Baiocchi, G. L., Baronio, G., Pagano, G., Pattacini, G. C., Lisi, G., Milito, G., Sinibaldi, G., Serrao, G., Bagaglini, G., Sarro, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Mangiameli, G., Giuliani, G., Martin-Martin, G. P., Bodzin, G., Leon, G., Mackay, G., Vasil, G., Palmisano, G., Giovanna, G. M., Fernandez, G. C., Steingel, G. B., Zhang, G., Choi, G. S., Chen, H., Hirose, H., Kayano, H., Ulgur, H. S., Impellizzeri, H., Ariola, H., Liu, H., Medina, H., Miyauchi, H., Takahashi, H., Hayashi, H., Ishikawa, H., Ishida, H., De Vries, H., Ulman, H., Kon, H., Ota, H., Akamatsu, H., Tamagawa, H., Shoji, H., Egi, H., Matsubara, H., Miki, H., Elfeki, H., Lin, H. -H., Giani, I., Caravaca-Garcia, I., Takemasa, I., Angriman, I., Negoi, I., Volkova, I., Russo, I., Kronberger, I. E., Shageev, I., Aydin, I., Mora Guzman, I., Novak, I., Giuliano, I., Rachmuth, J., Ngu, J. C. -Y., Glasbey, J., Stoot, J., Zatecky, J., Melenhorst, J., Van Der Wal, J. B. C., Leijtens, J., Bogach, J., Elliott, J., De Wilt, J. H. W., Han, J., Cui, J., Liu, J., Khan, J., Wirawan, J. P., Zhang, J., Manyari, J. D. O., Doerner, J., Bock, J., Konsten, J., Castro, J. M., Grobas, J. P., Pereira, J., Juloski, J., Laina, J. L. B., Solorzano, J. J., Lopez, J. R. G., Li, J., Watanabe, J., Kwak, J. -M., Hasegawa, J., Hiro, J., Sergey, K., Zhang, K., Nagahori, K., Martinez, K., Tokuhara, K., Danno, K., Uehara, K., Yoshimatsu, K., Ehara, K., Ueda, K., Suda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ishimaru, K., Kimura, K., Hirata, K., Deen, K., Imaizumi, K., Yamada, J., Tanakura, K., Rida, K., Sugimoto, K., Kotaro, K., Shi, K., Okabayashi, K., Hida, K., Kataoka, K., Hongo, K., Xia, K., Tseng, L., Reime, L., Lorenzon, L., Ruano, L. M., Zhou, L., De Nes, L., Brandariz, L., Morini, L., Petagna, L., Ripamonti, L., Martinez, L. H., Pio, L., Sacco, L., Carvalho, L., Zorcolo, L., Perez-Sanchez, L. E., Esparza, L. H. R., Aguilar, L. T., Garner, M., Sugimoto, M., Nagashima, M., Shiozawa, M., Simone, M., Ferrer-Marquez, M., Carvalho, M., Alifano, M., Arganini, M., Calussi, M., Catarci, M., Allaix, M. E., Forlin, M., Milone, M., Paci, M., Fodor, M., Antipova, M., Martos, M. B., Giuffrida, M. C., Tabernilla, M. D., Quiros, M. J. A., Lemma, M., Correo, M. L. R. D., Malowiecka, M., Bellomo, M. P., Fernandez, M. R., Socias, M., Rizk, M., Aurora, M., Antolinez, M. A., Ninkovic, M., Giuffrida, M., De Roos, M. A. J., Lara, M. C., Agustin, M. C., Cuadrado, M., Pascual, M., Lemmerer, M., Carlos, R., Okamoto, M., Miyo, M., Inomata, M., Ikenaga, M., Tsujie, M., Yasuno, M., Kotake, M., Sato, M., Yasui, M., Lavazza, M., Rottoli, M., Zuin, M., Zuluaga, M., Cervellera, M., Cesari, M., Zizzo, M., Garino, M., Ghirardi, M., Montuori, M., Podda, M., Santarelli, M., Koc, M. A., Baini, M., Campanelli, M., Manigrasso, M., Zuolo, M., Cunha, M. F., Misca, M., Slavchev, M., Danilov, M., Shigaev, M., Martens, M., Kobayashi, M., Ren, M., Ishizuka, M., Hassan, M. M., Siblini, M., Sahloul, M., Keramati, M. R., Karunakaran, M., Markel, M., Majeed, M., Younis, M. U., Akin, M. I., Laraibe, M., Derebey, M., Kendirci, M., Fukunaga, M., Matsubara, N., Ordaz, N. E. C., Samalavicius, N. E., Keeratibharat, N., de Angelis, N., Gica, N., Mariani, N. M., Ramino, N., Falco, N., Smart, N., De Korte, N., Kok, N. F. M., Jamieson, N. B., Aberyasev, N., Bruklich, N., Ichikawa, N., Miyoshi, N., De Palma, N., Figueiredo, N., Torrecilla, N. O., Dybov, O. G., Yudin, O., Crepin, O., Gomez, O., Sert, O. Z., Lominchar, P. L., Menendez, P., De Nardi, P., Tejedor, P., Jordan, P., Tan, P., Marsanic, P., Natalya, P., Banos, P. P., Rebasa, P., Neary, P. M., Tanis, P., Giustacchini, P., Anoldo, P., Concejo, P., Cao, P., Chandrasinghe, P., Abeyratne, P., Wang, Q., Klicks, R. J., Riquelme, R. F., Galli, R., Gianesini, R., Moorjani, R. G., Deshpande, R. K., Gorter, R., Ledesma, R. L., Ruslan, R., Chhabra, R., Talreja-Pelaez, R., Suzuki, R., Balestri, R., Rosati, R., Kiblawi, R., Martins, R., Angelico, R., Tutino, R., Persiani, R., Pollastri, R., Lopez, R. G., Perez, R. O., Hompes, R., Lukanin, R., Roser Termes Serra, R., Brunaccino, R., Nakanishi, R., Stefan, S., Hernandez, S. P. S., Di Carlo, S., Ingallinella, S., Domoto, S., Ikeda, S., Mikalauskas, S., Kim, S. H., Mantova, S., Barbuta, S., Li, S., Yamaguchi, S., Yamagishi, S., Homma, S., Tsujinaka, S., Yoshioka, S., Mori, S., Tewari, S., Rayman, S., Horiuchi, S., Matoba, S., Morita, S., Yaman, S., Vigna, S., Testa, S., Ng, S., Deidda, S., Cicconi, S., Di Maria, S., Sibio, S., Ersoz, S., Pejkova, S., Altarifi, S., He, S., Malakorn, S., Meindert, S., Sumikawa, S., Parmar, S., Uranitsch, S., D'Ugo, S., Giuliani, S., Breukink, S., Lee, S. -H., Hata, T., Ishikawa, T., Akiyoshi, T., Azuma, T., Kobatake, T., Fukuzaki, T., Aiyama, T., Yamada, T., Garmanova, T., Gomez-Sanchez, T., Yamaguchi, T., Flores, T. D. J., Usub, T., Tsuruma, T., Shimizu, T., Hristov, T. G., Van Loon, T., Funakoshi, T., Manzia, T. M., Kiyomatsu, T., Katayama, T., Kazuhito, U., Elmore, U., Grossi, U., Truchalev, V. A., Rodriguez, V. S., Testa, V., Tonini, V., Celentano, V., Bettencourt, V., Mammadov, V., Leyva, V. A. G., Mariscal, V. G. O., Seid, V. E., Klemann, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Papagni, V., Vento, V., Frering, V., Vigorita, V., Petrove, V. V., Lyadov, V., Fu, W., Mi, W., Jeong, W. K., Leclercq, W. K. G., De Sousa, X., Zhao, X., Li, X., Wang, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Erushevich, Y., Takii, Y., Sumi, Y., Loli, Y. T., Yifat, Y. L., Shimada, Y., Nabeya, Y., Ide, Y., Wu, Y., Tsukada, Y., Miyamoto, Y., Toiyama, Y., Fujie, Y., Kaneko, Y., Mokutani, Y., Fujii, Y., Kanemitsu, Y., Medkova, Y., Chen, Y., Ruiz, Y. G., Kinugasa, Y., Sow, Z., Razzaq, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Han, Z., Tai, Z., Lai, Z., Ng, Z. Q., Dambrauskas, Z., An, Y, Bellato, V, Konishi, T, Pellino, G, Sensi, B, Siragusa, L, Franceschilli, M, Sica, G, Kefleyesus, A, Hoofwijk, A, Eldaly, A, Gonzalez, A, Jawad, A, Jooma, A, Hafez, A, Rubio, A, Landaluce-Olavarria, A, Wu, A, Nagatsu, A, Inoue, A, Kanamoto, A, Ouchi, A, El-Hussuna, A, Vazquez-Melero, A, Wolthuis, A, Peral, A, Lozano, A, Efremov, A, Ryasantsev, A, Di Giorgio, A, Parente, A, Tamburrini, A, Alo, A, Forero-Torres, A, Vahrmeijer, A, Varabei, A, Hinojosa, S, Balkan, A, Frontali, A, Oleg, A, Soler-Silva, A, Makni, A, Andre, A, Cabrera, A, Fernandez, A, Minaya-Bravo, A, Rodriguez-Sanchez, A, Musina, A, Pangeni, A, Zolotko, A, Tonoyan, A, Balla, A, Belli, A, Cavallaro, A, Chierici, A, Divizia, A, Bucci, A, Salido, A, Morini, A, Muratore, A, Vignali, A, Chitul, A, Sebastian, D, Pcolkins, A, Shchegolev, A, Hollenbeck, A, Wisneski, A, Iossa, A, D'Amore, A, Hunter, A, Hesketh, A, La Brocca, A, Spinelli, A, Caires, A, D'Alessandro, A, Correo, A, Macri, A, Navarro-Sanchez, A, Pronk, A, Akunc, A, Mehri, A, Pelta, A, Papadopoulos, A, Kechagias, A, Rashid, A, Ramazanov, A, Chandio, A, Kohyama, A, Nishimura, A, Ohkawa, A, Dulskas, A, Jamal, A, Mariani, A, Unal, A, Karagoz, A, Ozkan, B, Salih, B, Gulcu, B, Pessia, B, Martin-Perez, B, Ielpo, B, Tulelli, B, Yang, B, Mhamed, B, Murphy, B, Pirozzi, B, Langenhoff, B, Belevi, B, Guney, B, Ng, C, Rueda, C, Roxburgh, C, Feo, C, Ferrari, C, Gazia, C, Pratesi, C, Ratto, C, Santacruz, C, Arroyave, C, Macias, C, Fernandez, C, Curtis-Martinez, C, Fortmann, C, Kim, C, Galeano, C, Barroso, C, Baldi, C, Foppa, C, Formisano, C, Li, C, Ding, C, Wang, C, Iacusso, C, Yang, C, Pizzera, C, Skias, C, Chouliras, C, Liakos, C, Matsuda, C, Wu, C, Ozaslan, C, Tanda, C, Tommaso, C, Dagorno, C, Ramos, C, Arcudi, C, Coco, C, Morales, C, Ali, M, Lozano, C, Sala, C, Leo, C, Scarpa, C, Ferro, C, Morales-Garcia, D, Nakano, D, Cristian, D, Hechtl, D, Canovas, D, Calabrese, D, Rega, D, Ferraro, D, Morezzi, D, Sommacale, D, Brogden, D, Miskovic, D, Merlini, D, Pertile, D, Coniglio, D, Zhu, D, Wu, D, Coletta, D, Rubio, D, Sasia, D, Fillipov, D, Russiello, D, Dardanov, D, Consten, E, Smolskas, E, Muttillo, E, Jones, E, Sunami, E, Etienne, E, Chalkiadaki, E, Giacomelli, E, Karbovnichaya, E, Ruiz-Ucar, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Jovine, E, Treppiedi, E, Vaterlini, E, Zambaiti, E, Moggia, E, Coetzee, E, Chisari, E, D'Errico, E, Ciofic, E, Pena, E, Kurt, E, Balik, E, Gunay, E, Sivrikoz, E, Andolfi, E, Araimo, E, Lucci, E, Opocher, E, Pinotti, E, Rubino, E, Reyhan, E, Mazzotta, E, Navarro, E, El-Helou, E, Licardie-Bolanos, E, Porto, E, Contreras, E, Boerma, E, Cianchi, F, Marino, F, Uggeri, F, Han, F, Calculli, F, Falaschi, F, Ghignone, F, Perrone, F, Borghi, F, Garcia, F, Agresta, F, Cananzi, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Cengiz, F, Almeida, F, Baracchi, F, Carannante, F, La Torre, F, Fernandes, F, Friedmacher, F, Grama, F, Carissimi, F, Pecchini, F, Bianco, F, Colombo, F, Ferrara, F, Litta, F, Carrano, F, Martignoni, F, Tasselli, F, Milone, F, Pata, F, Sammartino, F, Zambianchi, F, Barragan, F, Herrero, F, Schlottmann, F, Den Boer, F, Pfeffer, F, Fujita, F, Navarra, G, Herrera-Almario, G, Pozzo, G, Capolupo, G, Van Ramshorst, G, Liscia, G, Gallo, G, Asawa, G, Wang, G, Raiyani, G, Beets, G, Naval, G, Jin, G, Chang, G, Saakian, G, Kahane, G, Borroni, G, Secco, G, Baiocchi, G, Baronio, G, Pagano, G, Pattacini, G, Lisi, G, Milito, G, Sinibaldi, G, Serrao, G, Bagaglini, G, Sarro, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Mangiameli, G, Giuliani, G, Martin-Martin, G, Bodzin, G, Leon, G, Mackay, G, Vasil, G, Palmisano, G, Giovanna, G, Fernandez, G, Steingel, G, Zhang, G, Choi, G, Chen, H, Hirose, H, Kayano, H, Ulgur, H, Impellizzeri, H, Ariola, H, Liu, H, Medina, H, Miyauchi, H, Takahashi, H, Hayashi, H, Ishikawa, H, Ishida, H, De Vries, H, Ulman, H, Kon, H, Ota, H, Akamatsu, H, Tamagawa, H, Shoji, H, Egi, H, Matsubara, H, Miki, H, Elfeki, H, Lin, H, Giani, I, Caravaca-Garcia, I, Takemasa, I, Angriman, I, Negoi, I, Volkova, I, Russo, I, Kronberger, I, Shageev, I, Aydin, I, Mora Guzman, I, Novak, I, Giuliano, I, Rachmuth, J, Ngu, J, Glasbey, J, Stoot, J, Zatecky, J, Melenhorst, J, Van Der Wal, J, Leijtens, J, Bogach, J, Elliott, J, De Wilt, J, Han, J, Cui, J, Liu, J, Khan, J, Wirawan, J, Zhang, J, Manyari, J, Doerner, J, Bock, J, Konsten, J, Castro, J, Grobas, J, Pereira, J, Juloski, J, Laina, J, Solorzano, J, Lopez, J, Li, J, Watanabe, J, Kwak, J, Hasegawa, J, Hiro, J, Sergey, K, Zhang, K, Nagahori, K, Martinez, K, Tokuhara, K, Danno, K, Uehara, K, Yoshimatsu, K, Ehara, K, Ueda, K, Suda, K, Yamamoto, K, Ishimaru, K, Kimura, K, Hirata, K, Deen, K, Imaizumi, K, Yamada, J, Tanakura, K, Rida, K, Sugimoto, K, Kotaro, K, Shi, K, Okabayashi, K, Hida, K, Kataoka, K, Hongo, K, Xia, K, Tseng, L, Reime, L, Lorenzon, L, Ruano, L, Zhou, L, De Nes, L, Brandariz, L, Morini, L, Petagna, L, Ripamonti, L, Martinez, L, Pio, L, Sacco, L, Carvalho, L, Zorcolo, L, Perez-Sanchez, L, Esparza, L, Aguilar, L, Garner, M, Sugimoto, M, Nagashima, M, Shiozawa, M, Simone, M, Ferrer-Marquez, M, Carvalho, M, Alifano, M, Arganini, M, Calussi, M, Catarci, M, Allaix, M, Forlin, M, Milone, M, Paci, M, Fodor, M, Antipova, M, Martos, M, Giuffrida, M, Tabernilla, M, Quiros, M, Lemma, M, Correo, M, Malowiecka, M, Bellomo, M, Fernandez, M, Socias, M, Rizk, M, Aurora, M, Antolinez, M, Ninkovic, M, De Roos, M, Lara, M, Agustin, M, Cuadrado, M, Pascual, M, Lemmerer, M, Carlos, R, Okamoto, M, Miyo, M, Inomata, M, Ikenaga, M, Tsujie, M, Yasuno, M, Kotake, M, Sato, M, Yasui, M, Lavazza, M, Rottoli, M, Zuin, M, Zuluaga, M, Cervellera, M, Cesari, M, Zizzo, M, Garino, M, Ghirardi, M, Montuori, M, Podda, M, Santarelli, M, Koc, M, Baini, M, Campanelli, M, Manigrasso, M, Zuolo, M, Cunha, M, Misca, M, Slavchev, M, Danilov, M, Shigaev, M, Martens, M, Kobayashi, M, Ren, M, Ishizuka, M, Hassan, M, Siblini, M, Sahloul, M, Keramati, M, Karunakaran, M, Markel, M, Majeed, M, Younis, M, Akin, M, Laraibe, M, Derebey, M, Kendirci, M, Fukunaga, M, Matsubara, N, Ordaz, N, Samalavicius, N, Keeratibharat, N, de Angelis, N, Gica, N, Mariani, N, Ramino, N, Falco, N, Smart, N, De Korte, N, Kok, N, Jamieson, N, Aberyasev, N, Bruklich, N, Ichikawa, N, Miyoshi, N, De Palma, N, Figueiredo, N, Torrecilla, N, Dybov, O, Yudin, O, Crepin, O, Gomez, O, Sert, O, Lominchar, P, Menendez, P, De Nardi, P, Tejedor, P, Jordan, P, Tan, P, Marsanic, P, Natalya, P, Banos, P, Rebasa, P, Neary, P, Tanis, P, Giustacchini, P, Anoldo, P, Concejo, P, Cao, P, Chandrasinghe, P, Abeyratne, P, Wang, Q, Klicks, R, Riquelme, R, Galli, R, Gianesini, R, Moorjani, R, Deshpande, R, Gorter, R, Ledesma, R, Ruslan, R, Chhabra, R, Talreja-Pelaez, R, Suzuki, R, Balestri, R, Rosati, R, Kiblawi, R, Martins, R, Angelico, R, Tutino, R, Persiani, R, Pollastri, R, Lopez, R, Perez, R, Hompes, R, Lukanin, R, Roser Termes Serra, R, Brunaccino, R, Nakanishi, R, Stefan, S, Hernandez, S, Di Carlo, S, Ingallinella, S, Domoto, S, Ikeda, S, Mikalauskas, S, Kim, S, Mantova, S, Barbuta, S, Li, S, Yamaguchi, S, Yamagishi, S, Homma, S, Tsujinaka, S, Yoshioka, S, Mori, S, Tewari, S, Rayman, S, Horiuchi, S, Matoba, S, Morita, S, Yaman, S, Vigna, S, Testa, S, Ng, S, Deidda, S, Cicconi, S, Di Maria, S, Sibio, S, Ersoz, S, Pejkova, S, Altarifi, S, He, S, Malakorn, S, Meindert, S, Sumikawa, S, Parmar, S, Uranitsch, S, D'Ugo, S, Giuliani, S, Breukink, S, Lee, S, Hata, T, Ishikawa, T, Akiyoshi, T, Azuma, T, Kobatake, T, Fukuzaki, T, Aiyama, T, Yamada, T, Garmanova, T, Gomez-Sanchez, T, Yamaguchi, T, Flores, T, Usub, T, Tsuruma, T, Shimizu, T, Hristov, T, Van Loon, T, Funakoshi, T, Manzia, T, Kiyomatsu, T, Katayama, T, Kazuhito, U, Elmore, U, Grossi, U, Truchalev, V, Rodriguez, V, Testa, V, Tonini, V, Celentano, V, Bettencourt, V, Mammadov, V, Leyva, V, Mariscal, V, Seid, V, Klemann, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Papagni, V, Vento, V, Frering, V, Vigorita, V, Petrove, V, Lyadov, V, Fu, W, Mi, W, Jeong, W, Leclercq, W, De Sousa, X, Zhao, X, Li, X, Wang, X, Yang, X, Zhang, X, Dong, Y, Erushevich, Y, Takii, Y, Sumi, Y, Loli, Y, Yifat, Y, Shimada, Y, Nabeya, Y, Ide, Y, Wu, Y, Tsukada, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Toiyama, Y, Fujie, Y, Kaneko, Y, Mokutani, Y, Fujii, Y, Kanemitsu, Y, Medkova, Y, Chen, Y, Ruiz, Y, Kinugasa, Y, Sow, Z, Razzaq, Z, Wang, Z, Liu, Z, Han, Z, Tai, Z, Lai, Z, Ng, Z, and Dambrauskas, Z
- Subjects
Surgery, COVID-19 ,medicine.medical_specialty ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional ,survey, covid19 ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Infectious Disease Transmission ,COVID-19. Global surgery ,MEDLINE ,Global Health ,NO ,Patient-to-Professional ,Tumours of the digestive tract Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 14] ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Correspondence ,medicine ,Global health ,Infection control ,Humans ,General ,Personal protective equipment ,Personal Protective Equipment ,LS7_4 ,Surgeons ,Infection Control ,covid-19 ,pandemic ,surgery ,SARS-CoV-2 ,business.industry ,Vaccination ,COVID-19 ,covid ,Fear ,Settore MED/18 ,Occupational Diseases ,Surgeon - infection - COVID19 - survey ,Family medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
During the last three months, COVID- 19 pandemic had led to a serious backlog of operations globally, and plans for restarting operation are imperative. Recommendations for surgical activities were studied, aiming to protect the surgical staff from being infected. In the meantime, it is also important to give attention to the surgeon’s personal feeling during work. We conducted a survey to investigate global surgi- cal practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the surgeon’s personal feeling was also investigated in the sur- vey. In this special letter, we performed multivariate analysis to explore factors that associated with surgeon’s fear of getting infected by COVID-19.
- Published
- 2020
4. Thyroid carcinoma in thyrotoxic patients treated by surgery
- Author
Pacini, F., Elisei, R., Di Coscio, G. C., Anelli, S., Macchia, E., Concetti, R., Miccoli, P., Arganini, M., and Pinchera, A.
- Published
- 1988
- Full Text
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5. Retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to 'burned-out' testicular tumor in acromegalic patients
- Author
Bernini, Giampaolo, Sgro', M, Bartolommei, A, Arganini, M, Miccoli, Paolo, and Franchi, F.
- Published
- 1992
6. Retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to 'burned out' testicular tumor in an acromegalic patient
- Author
Bernini, Giampaolo, Sgrò, M, Bartolommei, A, Arganini, M, Miccoli, Paolo, Petrini, Mario, and Franchi, F.
- Published
- 1992
7. Fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of breast masses: our experience
- Author
Miccoli, Paolo, Iacconi, Pietro, Simi, U, Roncella, Marco, Arganini, M, Melis, Gb, and Roncella, Manuela
- Published
- 1986
8. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy
- Author
Cecchini, Gm, Arganini, M, Spinelli, Claudio, and Miccoli, Paolo
- Published
- 1988
9. Usefulness of the preservation of the lateral toracic nerve during modificaid radical mastectomy: emg study
- Author
Spinelli, Claudio, Berti, Piero, Arganini, M, Ricci, E, Cecchini, Gm, and Miccoli, Paolo
- Published
- 1988
10. Breast tumor of the central quadrant. Study on 76 radical mastectomy
- Author
Spinelli, Claudio, Berti, Piero, Ricci, E, Arganini, M, and Miccoli, Paolo
- Published
- 1989
11. Clinical and pathological characteristics of multi centric breast cancer
- Author
Spinelli, Claudio, Cecchini, Gm, Arganini, M, Roncella, E, Iacconi, Pietro, and Miccoli, Paolo
- Published
- 1987
12. Hurthle Cell Neoplasm
- Author
Arganini, M, Spinelli, Claudio, Iacconi, Pietro, Roncella, M, Cecchini, Gm, and Miccoli, Paolo
- Published
- 1988
13. Fine needle aspiration cytopathology of phyllodes tumor. Differential diagnosis with fibroadenoma
- Author
Simi, U, Moretti, D, Iacconi, Pietro, Arganini, M, Roncella, Marco, Miccoli, Paolo, Giacomini, G., and Roncella, Manuela
- Published
- 1988
14. Thyroid carcinoma in chilhood
- Author
Miccoli, Paolo, Arganini, M, Spinelli, Claudio, Iacconi, Pietro, and Cecchini, Gm
- Published
- 1987
15. Assessment of adrenal medulla function by means of 131I-Metaiodio- benzylguanidine after spleno-renal derivation according to Warren
- Author
Mazzuca, N., Mosca, F., Giulianotti, P. C., Arganini, M., Giganti, Melchiore, Bertelli, P., Bianchi, R., and Mariani, G.
- Published
- 1985
16. Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents
- Author
Ceccarelli, C., Pacini, F., Lippi, F., ROSSELLA ELISEI, Arganini, M., Miccoli, P., and Pinchera, A.
- Published
- 1988
17. Sutureless Repair for Open Treatment of Inguinal Hernia: Three Techniques in Comparison.
- Author
Baldini E, Lori E, Morini C, Palla L, Coletta D, De Luca GM, Giraudo G, Intini SG, Perotti B, Sorge A, Sozio G, Arganini M, Beltrami E, Pironi D, Ranalli M, Saviano C, Patriti A, Usai S, Vernaccini N, Vittore F, D'Andrea V, Nardi P, Sorrenti S, and Palumbo P
- Abstract
Currently, groin hernia repair is mostly performed with application of mesh prostheses fixed with or without suture. However, views on safety and efficacy of different surgical approaches are still partly discordant. In this multicentre retrospective study, three sutureless procedures, i.e., mesh fixation with glue, application of self-gripping mesh, and Trabucco's technique, were compared in 1034 patients with primary unilateral non-complicated inguinal hernia subjected to open anterior surgery. Patient-related features, comorbidities, and drugs potentially affecting the intervention outcomes were also examined. The incidence of postoperative complications, acute and chronic pain, and time until discharge were assessed. A multivariate logistic regression was used to compare the odds ratio of the surgical techniques adjusting for other risk factors. The application of standard/heavy mesh, performed in the Trabucco's technique, was found to significantly increase the odds ratio of hematomas ( p = 0.014) and, most notably, of acute postoperative pain ( p < 0.001). Among the clinical parameters, antithrombotic therapy and large hernia size were independent risk factors for hematomas and longer hospital stay, whilst small hernias were an independent predictor of pain. Overall, our findings suggest that the Trabucco's technique should not be preferred in patients with a large hernia and on antithrombotic therapy., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2024
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18. Mixed mucinous adenocarcinoma/large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix: case report and molecular characterization of a rare entity.
- Author
Fattorini C, Rocca BJ, Giusti A, Arganini M, Perotti B, Cavazzana A, Ambrosio MR, and Volante M
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Cervix Uteri pathology, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms genetics, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms pathology, Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine pathology, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous genetics
- Abstract
Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine carcinomas of the cervix are rare and generally aggressive diseases. They often present at an advanced stage with hematogenous or lymphatic metastases. The prognosis is poor, mostly influenced by the neuroendocrine component. Unfortunately, the rarity of the disease caused a lack of information about its pathogenesis and molecular landscape. The latest guidelines recommend a multimodal approach that usually includes radical surgery, platinum/etoposide-based chemotherapy, or chemoradiation. Here, we are presenting a case of metastatic mixed adenocarcinoma-large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix in a 49-year-old female patient. The molecular characterization of the lesion highlighted the ubiquitous presence of human papillomavirus-18 DNA both in the adenocarcinomatous and the neuroendocrine components, suggesting a role for the virus in the pathogenesis. Moreover, a different set of mutations was detected in the two parts, thus ruling out a possible clonal evolution of the neuroendocrine component from the adenocarcinoma one. More studies are needed to clarify the molecular landscape of these rare lesions and identify putative targets for therapy., (© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2024
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19. Immune landscape and oncobiota in HPV-Associated Colorectal Cancer: an explorative study.
- Author
Ambrosio MR, Niccolai E, Petrelli F, Di Gloria L, Bertacca G, Giusti A, Baldi S, Cavazzana A, Palmeri M, Perotti B, Ramazzotti M, Arganini M, and Amedei A
- Subjects
- Humans, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, Tumor Microenvironment, Colorectal Neoplasms genetics, Papillomavirus Infections complications, Papillomavirus Infections epidemiology
- Abstract
Worldwide more than 550,000 new patients suffering from malignant tumors are associated with human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection. However, only a small portion of patients infected progress to cancer, suggesting that other factors other than HPV may play a role. Some studies have investigated HPV infection in colorectal cancer (CRC) with discordant results; moreover, the role of HPV in CRC development is still unknown. We investigated HPV infection in 50 CRC from different regions, excluding the anal one, by immunohistochemistry (IHC), real-time PCR and RNA-seq. For each patient, we studied the tumor microenvironment in neoplastic and matched non-neoplastic samples, and we compared the tumor-infiltrating immune cell phenotypes among HPV-positive and negative samples. Finally, we compared the CRC-associated microbiota in HPV-positive and negative neoplastic samples by 16S rRNA sequencing. HPV infection was identified in 20% of CRC from the right side (caecum, ascending and transverse colon) and in 40% from the left side (descending colon and rectum). In all HPV-positive CRCs we found no expression of p53 and RB, thus suggesting HPV involvement in tumorigenesis. As far as the tumor microenvironment is concerned, in HPV-related cancers we observed a neoplastic environment with a reduced immune surveillance but an enhanced cytotoxic response by lymphocytes. HPV-positive and -negative CRC showed a different microbiota with lack of species normally found in CRC in the HPV-positive ones. Our results support the carcinogenic significance of HPV in CRC, suggesting a role of HPV in modulating the tumor immune microenvironment., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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20. A national survey on the current status of minimally invasive gastric practice on behalf of GIRCG.
- Author
Milone M, D'Amore A, Alfieri S, Ambrosio MR, Andreuccetti J, Ansaloni L, Antonucci A, Arganini M, Baiocchi G, Barone M, Bencini L, Bencivenga M, Boccia L, Boni L, Braga M, Cianchi F, Cipollari C, Contine A, Cotsoglou C, D'Imporzano S, De Manzoni G, De Pascale S, De Ruvo N, Degiuli M, Donini A, Elmore U, Ercolani G, Ferrari G, Fumagalli RU, Garulli G, Gelmini R, Graziosi L, Gualtierotti M, Guglielmi A, Inama M, Maffeis F, Maione F, Manigrasso M, Marchesi F, Marrelli D, Massobrio A, Moretto G, Moukachar A, Navarra G, Nigri G, Olmi S, Palaia R, Papis D, Parise P, Pedrazzani C, Petri R, Pignata G, Pisano M, Rausei S, Reddavid R, Rocco G, Rosa F, Rosati R, Rossit L, Rottoli M, Roviello F, Santi S, Scabini S, Scaringi S, Solaini L, Staderini F, Taglietti L, Torre B, Ubiali P, Uccelli M, Uggeri F, Vertaldi S, Viganò J, De Palma GD, and Giacopuzzi S
- Subjects
- Humans, Gastrectomy methods, Surveys and Questionnaires, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures methods, Stomach Neoplasms surgery, Robotic Surgical Procedures methods, Laparoscopy methods
- Abstract
Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG), during the 2013 annual Consensus Conference to gastric cancer, stated that laparoscopic or robotic approach should be limited only to early gastric cancer (EGC) and no further guidelines were currently available. However, accumulated evidences, mainly from eastern experiences, have supported the application of minimally invasive surgery also for locally advanced gastric cancer (AGC). The aim of our study is to give a snapshot of current surgical propensity of expert Italian upper gastrointestinal surgeons in performing minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of gastric cancer in order to answer to the question if clinical practice overcome the recommendation. Experts in the field among the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG) were invited to join a web 30-item survey through a formal e-mail from January 1st, 2020, to June 31st, 2020. Responses were collected from 46 participants out of 100 upper gastrointestinal surgeons. Percentage of surgeons choosing a minimally invasive approach to treat early and advanced gastric cancer was similar. Additionally analyzing data from the centers involved, we obtained that the percentage of minimally invasive total and partial gastrectomies in advanced cases augmented with the increase of surgical procedures performed per year (p = 0.02 and p = 0.04 respectively). It is reasonable to assume that there is a widening of indications given by the current national guideline into clinical practice. Propensity of expert Italian upper gastrointestinal surgeons was to perform minimally invasive surgery not only for early but also for advanced gastric cancer. Of interest volume activity correlated with the propensity of surgeons to select a minimally invasive approach., (© 2022. Italian Society of Surgery (SIC).)
- Published
- 2023
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21. Paving the Path for Immune Enhancing Nutrition in Colon Cancer: Modulation of Tumor Microenvironment and Optimization of Outcomes and Costs.
- Author
Ambrosio MR, Spagnoli L, Perotti B, Petrelli F, Caini S, Saieva C, Usai S, Bianchini M, Cavazzana A, Arganini M, and Amorosi A
- Abstract
Introduction: Published evidence suggests that immunonutrition has the potential to decrease postoperative complications and reduce length of stay in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer. However, only a few studies have analyzed the effects of immunonutrition on tumor microenvironment and evaluated its prognostic impact., Material and Methods: This is a single center retrospective study enrolling 50 patients undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer managed with immunonutrition and 50 patients managed with standard nutrition for comparison. Tumor microenvironment was analyzed before (on the biopsy at the time of diagnosis) and after (on the matched surgical specimen) administration of immunonutrition. Immune function related indicators, including cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, helper T-cells, antigen presenting cells, natural killer cells, T-exhausted lymphocytes, T-regulatory cells, M1 and M2 tumor associated macrophages and PD-L1 expression were assessed by immunohistochemistry. For both groups, clinicopathological data were collected and a 5-year follow-up was available., Results: We found that immunonutrition significantly activated the T-cell response against cancer, alter tumor microenvironment phenotype towards M2 polarization and inhibits the PD1/PD-L1 axis. A lower rate of postoperative complications and a shorter length of stay ( p = 0.04) were observed in the immune nutrition group. Compared to standard nutrition group, patients managed wit immune nutrition showed a higher 5-year overall survival ( p = 0.001). Finally, immune nutrition allowed to reduce the hospital care costs., Conclusions: Immunonutrition modulates tumor microenvironment by improving immune function and could prolong survival in patients undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer. Further studies are needed to optimize IN protocols and confirm their prognostic impact.
- Published
- 2023
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22. A look towards the clonal origin of metastatic pulmonary carcinosarcoma: Report of a patient with an unexpected long-term survival.
- Author
Spagnoli L, Petrelli F, Fratini G, De Nisi MC, Camerini A, Giusti A, Perotti B, Cavazzana A, Arganini M, and Ambrosio MR
- Subjects
- Humans, Lung pathology, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung therapy, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung drug therapy, Lung Neoplasms therapy, Lung Neoplasms drug therapy, Carcinosarcoma diagnosis, Carcinosarcoma genetics, Carcinosarcoma therapy, Neoplasms, Second Primary, Carcinoma
- Abstract
Introduction: Pulmonary carcinosarcoma is a rare histological subtype of non-small cell lung cancer, defined by the combination of epithelial and mesenchimal elements. Prognosis is usually dismal, with a median survival of about 6 months. The use of immunotherapy by blockade of PD1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint signaling has been shown to improve patients' survival. However, local aggressiveness and distant metastases are frequent. Spread to the gastrointestinal tract is seldom reported. The genetic landscape of the disease has only recently begun to emerge, pointing at TP53 , KRAS , EGFR and MET as the most common mutated genes., Case Description: We describe the case of a metastatic patient with 37 months overall survival, treated by an aggressive multimodal approach combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy. To shed new light on the molecular basis for sarcomatoid component in lung carcinoma, we performed next generation sequencing analysis of the squamous and sarcomatoid component by the two sites. We demonstrated a clonal origin and hypermutability of the sarcomatous elements that may account for the good response to immunotherapy. Moreover, we identified some mutations involving TP53 and EGFR genes, targetable by already available drugs., Conclusions: We depicted a model of how a squamous cell carcinoma can differentiate during its natural history into sub-clonal populations with different features and may ultimately result in a neoplasm (i.e. pulmonary carcinosarcoma) showing clonal heterogeneity. Our data might contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms of this rare tumor and open new ways for a more tailored approach.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Peripancreatic paraganglioma: Lesson from a round table.
- Author
Petrelli F, Fratini G, Sbrozzi-Vanni A, Giusti A, Manta R, Vignali C, Nesi G, Amorosi A, Cavazzana A, Arganini M, and Ambrosio MR
- Subjects
- Endosonography, Female, Humans, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local pathology, Pancreas diagnostic imaging, Pancreas pathology, Pancreas surgery, Young Adult, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Pancreatic Neoplasms genetics, Pancreatic Neoplasms surgery, Paraganglioma diagnostic imaging, Paraganglioma genetics
- Abstract
We described the case of a peripancreatic paraganglioma (PGL) misdiagnosed as pancreatic lesion. Surgical exploration revealed an unremarkable pancreas and a large well-defined cystic mass originating at the mesocolon root. Radical enucleation of the mass was performed, preserving the pancreatic tail. Histologically, a diagnosis of PGL was rendered. Interestingly, two previously unreported mutations, one affecting the KDR gene in exon 7 and another on the JAK3 gene in exon 4 were detected. Both mutations are known to be pathogenetic. Imaging and cytologic findings were blindly reviewed by an expert panel of clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists to identify possible causes of the misdiagnosis. The major issue was lack of evidence of a cleavage plane from the pancreas at imaging, which prompted radiologists to establish an intra-parenchymal origin. The blinded revision shifted the diagnosis towards an extra-pancreatic lesion, as the pancreatic parenchyma showed no structural alterations and no dislocation of the Wirsung duct. Ex post , the identified biases were the emergency setting of the radiologic examination and the very thin mesocolon sheet, which hindered clear definition of the lesion borders. Original endoscopic ultrasonography diagnosis was confirmed, emphasizing the intrinsic limit of this technique in detecting large masses. Finally, pathologic review favored a diagnosis of PGL due to the morphological features and immonohistochemical profile. Eighteen months after tumor excision, the patient is asymptomatic with no disease relapse evident by either radiology or laboratory tests. Our report strongly highlights the difficulties in rendering an accurate pre-operative diagnosis of PGL., Competing Interests: Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare., (©The Author(s) 2022. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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24. Surgeon-Pathologist Team Approach Dramatically Affects Lymph Nodes Detection and Improves Patients' Short-Term Outcome.
- Author
Ambrosio MR, Perotti B, Battini A, Fattorini C, Cavazzana A, Pasqua R, Palumbo P, Gia L, and Arganini M
- Abstract
The downstaging of gastric cancer has recently gained particular attention in the field of gastric cancer surgery. The phenomenon is mainly due to an inappropriate sampling of lymph nodes during standard lymphadenectomy. Hence, collection of the maximum number of lymph nodes is a critical factor affecting the outcome of patients. None of the techniques proposed so far have demonstrated a real efficiency in increasing the number of identified lymph nodes. To harvest the maximum number of lymph nodes, we designed a protocol for on-site macroscopic evaluation and sampling of lymph nodes according to the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association protocol. The procedure was carried out by a surgeon/pathologist team in the operating room. We enrolled one hundred patients, 50 of whom belonged to the study group and 50 to a control group. The study group included patients who underwent lymph node dissection following the proposed protocol; the control group encompassed patients undergoing standard procedures for sampling. We compared the number and maximum diameter of lymph nodes collected in both groups, as well as some postoperative variables, the 30-day mortality and the overall survival. In the study group, the mean number of lymph nodes harvested was higher than the control one ( p = 0.001). Moreover, by applying the proposed technique, we sampled lymph nodes with a very small diameter, some of which were metastatic. Noticeably, no difference in terms of postoperative course was identified between the two groups, again supporting the feasibility of an extended lymphadenectomy. By comparing the prognosis of patients, a better overall survival ( p = 0.03) was detected in the study group; however, to date, no long-term follow-up is available. Interestingly, patients with metastasis in node stations number 8, 9, 11 or with skip metastasis, experienced a worse outcome and died. Based on our preliminary results, the pathologist/surgeon team approach seems to be a reliable option, despite of a slight increase in sfaff workload and technical cost. It allows for the harvesting of a larger number of lymph nodes and improves the outcome of the patients thanks to more precise staging and therapy. Nevertheless, since a higher number of patients are necessary to confirm our findings and assess the impact of this technique on oncological outcome, our study could serve as a proof-of-concept for a larger, multicentric collaboration.
- Published
- 2022
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25. How surgeon and pathologist cooperation may drive toward a more efficient nodes harvesting in gastric cancer surgery.
- Author
Ambrosio MR, Perotti B, Cavazzana A, and Arganini M
- Subjects
- Humans, Lymph Node Excision, Lymph Nodes, Pathologists, Stomach Neoplasms surgery, Surgeons
- Published
- 2021
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26. Jejunal gastrointestinal stromal tumor with rectal lymph nodes metastases synchronous to intestinal adenocarcinoma: a possible common origin.
- Author
Petrelli F, Spagnoli L, Giusti A, Perotti B, Cavazzana A, Arganini M, and Ambrosio MR
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma diagnostic imaging, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors diagnostic imaging, Humans, Jejunal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Jejunal Neoplasms pathology, Lymphatic Metastasis, Rectal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Rectal Neoplasms pathology, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors pathology, Rectal Neoplasms secondary
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Conflict of Interest None
- Published
- 2021
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27. Radioguided occult lesion localization of cervical recurrences from differentiated thyroid cancer: technical feasibility and clinical results.
- Author
Borsò E, Grosso M, Boni G, Manca G, Bianchi P, Puccini M, Arganini M, Cabria M, Piccardo A, Arlandini A, Orlandini C, and Mariani G
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Diagnosis, Differential, Feasibility Studies, Female, Humans, Incidental Findings, Lymphatic Metastasis, Male, Middle Aged, Neck, Radiopharmaceuticals, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Treatment Outcome, Young Adult, Lymph Nodes diagnostic imaging, Lymph Nodes surgery, Positron-Emission Tomography methods, Surgery, Computer-Assisted methods, Technetium Tc 99m Aggregated Albumin, Thyroid Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
Aim: We explored the feasibility of radioguided occult lesion localization (ROLL) for radioiodine-negative cervical recurrences from differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC)., Methods: The procedure was performed in 32 patients (3 patients being operated twice); 15/32 patients had had multiple prior lymph node dissections ("hostile" anatomy). 99mTc-albumin macro-aggregates (99mTc-MAA) were injected intra-lesionally under ultrasound guidance; 2 to 18 hours later, a hand-held gamma-probe helped to localize the lesions intraoperatively and to ascertain removal of the radiolabeled lesions. Mini-invasive excision of the radiolabelled lesions was performed in 12 cases (m-ROLL), while a modified radical neck dissection was performed in 23 cases after radioguided lymphadenectomy (d-ROLL). Fifty-nine lesions were radiolabelled (mean size 11±4.5 mm)., Results: Radioguidance allowed to identify/remove 56/59 lesions (95%). Some leakage of 99mTc-MAA in the surrounding tissues hampered detection of 3 lesions, which were removed anyway (100% overall localization). Histopathology confirmed metastatic involvement of the radiolabeled lesions and some additional metastases in other nodes. Neither nerve injury nor hypoparathyroidism occurred. After a median follow-up of 29 months, 19 patients were disease-free, 12 patients developed loco-regional recurrences, 1 patient had distant metastases and 1 patient had both loco-regional and distant metastases. Recurrences rates were 33% for m-ROLL and 40% for d-ROLL., Conclusions: The ROLL technique is feasible in selected patients with loco-regional recurrence from DTC, proving to be particularly useful also in patients already submitted to cervical dissections and/or with small lesions located in surgically difficult sites. It can therefore have a clinical role in the management of cervical DTC recurrences.
- Published
- 2013
28. Retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to 'burned out' testicular tumor in an acromegalic patient.
- Author
Bernini G, Sgrò M, Bartolommei A, Arganini M, Miccoli P, Petrini M, and Franchi F
- Subjects
- Fibrosis, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Regression, Spontaneous, Testicular Neoplasms complications, Acromegaly complications, Dysgerminoma secondary, Retroperitoneal Neoplasms secondary, Testicular Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
We report a case of an acromegalic patient with a retroperitoneal seminoma secondary to a testicular tumor which had completely disappeared. Testicular ultrasonography did not show any pathological mass and histological examination indicated that the normal testis had been totally replaced by fibrous tissue, without neoplastic cells. Our patient had high levels of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), both hormones with high immunostimulating effect, and an increase of interleukin-2 receptor-positive lymphocytes, a finding supporting enhanced immunological activity. Thus, we cannot exclude that the immunological pattern of this acromegalic patient may have played some role in the tumoral destruction.
- Published
- 1992
29. Leiomyosarcoma of the prostate in adults.
- Author
Aragona F, Serretta V, Marconi A, Spinelli C, Arganini M, and Fiorentini L
- Subjects
- Aged, Humans, Leiomyosarcoma pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Prostate pathology, Prostatic Neoplasms pathology, Leiomyosarcoma diagnosis, Prostatic Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
Three cases of prostatic leiomyosarcoma and a brief review of the literature are presented. The authors emphasize the differences in clinical features, management and prognosis between the sarcomas occurring in childhood and the rarest leiomyosarcoma of elderly patients.
- Published
- 1985
30. Queyrat's erythroplasia of the prepuce: a case-report.
- Author
Aragona F, Serretta V, Marconi A, Spinelli C, and Arganini M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Erythroplasia pathology, Erythroplasia surgery, Penile Neoplasms pathology, Penile Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
A case of Queyrat's erythroplasia of the prepuce is reported. The Authors emphasize the precancerous role of the lesion because of its high frequency of malignant transformation. Local excision appears to be the only adequate form of treatment.
- Published
- 1985
31. Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents.
- Author
Ceccarelli C, Pacini F, Lippi F, Elisei R, Arganini M, Miccoli P, and Pinchera A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Combined Modality Therapy, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Iodine Radioisotopes therapeutic use, Lung Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Lung Neoplasms secondary, Lymphatic Metastasis diagnostic imaging, Postoperative Complications, Radiography, Respiration, Thyroglobulin blood, Thyroid Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Thyroid Neoplasms pathology, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery
- Abstract
We report on 49 patients younger than 18 years at diagnosis, of 776 patients with thyroid cancer, seen in our institution in the last 17 years. Female/male ratio was 2.2:1. Histologic type was papillary in 44, follicular in 4, and medullary in 1. Initial treatment was near-total thyroidectomy with or without neck dissection. Surgical complications (vocal cord palsy, permanent hypoparathyroidism, or both) were found in 25 patients and were usually associated with more advanced primary tumors. At surgery, node metastases were present in 73% of the patients and lung metastases, detected by chest x ray films, in 6%. Patients were treated with thyroid suppressive therapy and, except the one with medullary cancer, with radioiodine (131I) therapy. After a mean follow-up of 7.7 +/- 4.4 years (range, 1 to 17 years), one patient with lung metastases died of respiratory failure. Of 36 patients who have been followed up more than 4 years, 22 (61.1%) are now cured, and 14 have metastases (to lymph nodes, 2; to nodes and lung, 10; and to lung, 2). Since 1977 serum thyroglobulin (Tg) was used routinely as a tumor marker for differentiated thyroid cancer. After operation, Tg was elevated in all patients both not receiving (mean +/- SE, 902 +/- 380 ng/ml) and receiving (44 +/- 15 ng/ml) suppressive therapy; after 131I treatment, serum Tg dropped to 104 +/- 50 and 7.3 +/- 1.7 ng/ml, without and with suppressive therapy, respectively. Of 11 patients with lung metastases treated with 131I, respiratory function, as assessed by means of spirometry, was normal in three, mildly reduced in six, and severely impaired in two (including the one who died). In conclusion, our study indicates that thyroid cancer in young patients is rather advanced at initial examination and usually associated with node and, less frequently, lung metastases. Total thyroidectomy, radioiodine treatment, and thyroid suppressive therapy represent an effective combination of treatments for this disease and allow a good quality of life. The most serious adverse effect is represented by the high incidence of surgical complications and by pulmonary restrictive disease in relation to lung metastases.
- Published
- 1988
32. Clinical and biologic behavior of bone metastases from differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
- Author
Marcocci C, Pacini F, Elisei R, Schipani E, Ceccarelli C, Miccoli P, Arganini M, and Pinchera A
- Subjects
- Bone Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Bone Neoplasms surgery, Bone Neoplasms therapy, Combined Modality Therapy, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Iodine Radioisotopes therapeutic use, Male, Middle Aged, Radiography, Thyroid Neoplasms diagnosis, Thyroid Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery, Thyroxine therapeutic use, Bone Neoplasms secondary, Thyroid Neoplasms therapy
- Abstract
Thirty (3.8%) of 780 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer seen between 1970 and 1987 had bone metastases. The primary tumor was follicular in 26 patients and papillary in four. Mean age at diagnosis was 61 years. The manifestation of bone metastases was the presenting symptom in 18 patients (60%). Treatment included total thyroidectomy, levothyroxine sodium therapy, and radioactive iodine treatments. Twenty-seven patients had bone metastases from the initial observation, with 44 sites involved. Of the sites, 27 (61%) were shown both on iodine 131 whole-body scan (WBS) and on x-ray film, 11 (25%) only on WBS, and six (14%) only on x-ray film. Multiple involvement was observed in 11 patients. The radiologic appearance was invariably osteolytic. Serum thyroglobulin was elevated in all patients. After radioactive iodine, no WBS+/X-ray+ metastases showed a complete response, although a sclerotic border was noted in several cases, whereas six WBS+/X-ray- lesions were no longer detectable by WBS. Treatment with radioactive iodine and bone surgery resulted in a complete cure in three patients and in a reduction of tumor mass in three. Twenty-one (70%) of the patients died of thyroid cancer after a mean survival of 86 months. Of the nine patients still alive, two are free of disease, three have a good quality of life, and four have severe disability.
- Published
- 1989
33. Ectopic parathyroid adenoma of the lateral triangle of the neck: report of two cases.
- Author
Udekwu AO, Kaplan EL, Wu TC, and Arganini M
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Humans, Hyperparathyroidism etiology, Male, Adenoma complications, Adenoma pathology, Choristoma complications, Choristoma pathology, Head and Neck Neoplasms complications, Head and Neck Neoplasms pathology, Parathyroid Glands pathology
- Abstract
Ectopically placed parathyroid adenomas have been described in many locations. This article documents two patients in whom the adenoma was present in the lateral triangle of the neck, outside of the carotid sheath, and lateral to the jugular vein.
- Published
- 1987
34. Pancreaticoduodenectomy with pylorus preservation.
- Author
Mosca F, Giulianotti PC, Arganini M, Brandi LS, and Selli M
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Gastric Emptying, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pancreatectomy adverse effects, Postoperative Complications, Pylorus physiology, Duodenum surgery, Pancreatectomy methods
- Abstract
30 cases of pancreaticoduodenectomy with pylorus preservation are reported. The operative mortality has been 6,6%. Technical details of the operation are discussed and the importance of maintaining an optimal vascularization of the duodenal wall is stressed. Long term results (maximum follow-up 2 years) seem to be excellent with a clear improvement of the digestive function as compared to the traditional pancreatectomy with gastric resection. Jejunal ulcerative complications have not been observed. It is believed that pylorus preservation should become the operation of choice in pancreatectomy performed for benign diseases.
- Published
- 1984
35. Parathyroid carcinoma. Report of a case.
- Author
Arganini M, Basolo F, Iacconi P, Mosca F, and Miccoli P
- Subjects
- Humans, Hypocalcemia drug therapy, Hypocalcemia etiology, Male, Middle Aged, Parathyroid Neoplasms pathology, Parathyroid Neoplasms surgery, Postoperative Complications drug therapy, Hyperparathyroidism, Secondary etiology, Parathyroid Neoplasms complications
- Abstract
Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare cause of hyperparathyroidism. Its prognosis is mainly related to an en-bloc resection of the tumor and of the involved structures. However because of the small number of cases reported in the international literature, biological behaviour of the disease is not well known. In this report we describe one case of parathyroid carcinoma seen in our Institution. Preoperative presumption of parathyroid carcinoma thanks to clinical features and ultrasound imaging helped us in deciding an adequate surgical resection.
- Published
- 1988
36. Long term treatment with tamoxifen for metastatic carcinoid tumor.
- Author
Arganini M, Spinelli C, Cecchini GM, and Miccoli P
- Subjects
- Carcinoid Tumor complications, Carcinoid Tumor secondary, Female, Humans, Intestinal Obstruction etiology, Jejunal Neoplasms complications, Liver Neoplasms secondary, Middle Aged, Carcinoid Tumor drug therapy, Jejunal Neoplasms drug therapy, Tamoxifen therapeutic use
- Abstract
Carcinoid tumor associated with carcinoid syndrome is a very difficult condition to treat. Many different drugs have been used in order to control symptoms and different antineoplastic agents were experimentated to reduce the often large neoplastic lesions. Recently the description of the existence of estrogen receptors in carcinoid tumor tissue arose great enthusiasm on the possibility of using the antiestrogen tamoxifen as a direct antitumor agent. Few experiences appeared in the international literature and contrastant results were reported. In this paper we describe one case of long term treatment with tamoxifen for a metastatic carcinoid tumor. The patient experienced the regression of carcinoid syndrome symptoms with tamoxifen therapy. Unfortunately after one year symptoms reappeared in spite of tamoxifen therapy. We conclude that tamoxifen is at the moment the best therapy in patient affected by carcinoid tumor associated with carcinoid syndrome. Data on other drugs as the oral analogues of Somatostatin or Calcitonin need to be confirmed by additional studies.
- Published
- 1989
37. Hürthle cell tumors: a twenty-five-year experience.
- Author
Arganini M, Behar R, Wu TC, Straus F 2nd, McCormick M, DeGroot LJ, and Kaplan EL
- Subjects
- Adenoma classification, Adenoma surgery, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Lymphatic Metastasis, Male, Middle Aged, Neck Dissection, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local epidemiology, Thyroid Gland pathology, Thyroid Neoplasms classification, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery, Thyroidectomy, Time Factors, Adenoma pathology, Thyroid Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
During a 25-year period (1959 through 1983), 54 patients with Hürthle cell tumors were treated and monitored at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Thirty percent were men and 70% were women; mean age at diagnosis was 46.7 +/- 13.2 years (range: 19 to 69 years). Tumors were grouped into three categories at the time of initial diagnosis: group 1, grossly malignant (four patients, or 7.5%); group 2, intermediate (partial capsular and/or subcapsular vascular invasion) (10 patients, or 18.5%); and group 3, benign appearing (40 patients, or 74%). Twenty-one (39%) of the patients had a history of low-dose, external radiation to the head and neck in childhood (including three of four grossly malignant lesions). A separate non-Hürthle cell thyroid carcinoma was found within the thyroid gland in 22 (50%) of the patients--79% were papillary and 21% were follicular carcinomas. In half of these, there was a history of childhood irradiation. During a mean follow-up period of 8.4 years (range, 22 days to 35 years), three additional Hürthle cell tumors were recognized as malignant after metastases were discovered--two were originally classified as intermediate lesions and one was in the benign-appearing group. Thus, seven of 54 of our patients (13%) had Hürthle cell carcinomas. One of the seven patients died of widespread metastases after 35 years, and the other six are currently free of disease. We believe that therapy of these lesions should be individualized. Total thyroid ablation (surgical procedure followed by radioiodine therapy) is appropriate for frankly malignant Hürthle cell cancers, for all Hürthle cell tumors occurring in patients who received low-dose childhood irradiation, for associated papillary or follicular carcinomas, and in those patients who exhibit partial capsular or subcapsular vascular invasion. On the other hand, single, well-encapsulated, benign-appearing Hürthle cell tumors may be treated by lobectomy and careful follow-up, since the chance that they will later exhibit malignant behavior is low (2.5% in our series and 1.5% among patients described in the recent literature).
- Published
- 1986
38. Nuclear DNA analysis of insulinomas and gastrinomas.
- Author
Stipa F, Arganini M, Bibbo M, Straus F 2nd, Dytch H, Wied G, Horvath K, and Kaplan EL
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Insulinoma pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Pancreatic Neoplasms pathology, Ploidies, Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome pathology, Adenoma, Islet Cell genetics, Cell Nucleus analysis, DNA, Neoplasm analysis, Insulinoma genetics, Pancreatic Neoplasms genetics, Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome genetics
- Abstract
The potential for malignancy of an islet cell tumor of the pancreas is difficult to cytologically judge when one evaluates only the primary lesion, because a malignant condition is usually determined by the presence of regional or distant metastases. Nuclear DNA cytometric measurements have proved helpful both in the evaluation of the malignant potential of other endocrine and nonendocrine lesions and in the determination of the "aggressiveness" of these tumors. Thirty-six islet cell tumors or their metastases from 25 patients were studied. Eleven patients had insulinomas and typical insulinoma syndromes, and 14 others had gastrinomas with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Tissue from each tumor was stained by the Feulgen technique, and nuclear DNA cytometry was performed by means of the microTICAS system designed by the Cytopathology Laboratory of the University of Chicago. Ploidy measurements of insulinomas, taken alone, did not discriminate well between benign and malignant states. However, the single malignant insulinoma could be clearly recognized, for it was one of only two lesions in that group with 5N-exceeding rate (5N-ER) values of 1% or greater. (5N-ER is defined as the percentage of aneuploid nuclei with nuclear DNA content greater than 5N.) On the other hand, seven of eight malignant gastrinomas had ploidy values of 2.5N or greater (our definition of an aneuploid state) and/or had 5N-ER values of 1% or greater, while five of six benign gastrinomas had ploidy values of less than 2.5N and had 5N-ER values of 0%. In addition, the two most aggressive tumors had the highest ploidy and 5N-ER values. Nuclear DNA cytometric studies appear to offer promise as an aid in the evaluation of pancreatic islet cell tumors, particularly gastrinomas.
- Published
- 1987
39. Fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of breast masses: our experience.
- Author
Miccoli P, Iacconi P, Simi U, Roncella M, Arganini M, and Melis GB
- Subjects
- Adult, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Cytological Techniques, False Negative Reactions, False Positive Reactions, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Biopsy, Needle, Breast Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
The authors compare their experience, obtained after 626 examples of fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast, with the results of other departments. The very high specificity of the test is confirmed (absence of false positive). Also false negatives are quite low (6%). Finally, the repeatibility of such a procedure and the low cost suggest inclusion of fine needle aspiration cytology in every diagnostic protocol for mammary cancer.
- Published
- 1986
40. Graves' disease and thyroid cancer.
- Author
Behar R, Arganini M, Wu TC, McCormick M, Straus FH 2nd, DeGroot LJ, and Kaplan EL
- Subjects
- Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Carcinoma etiology, Carcinoma surgery, Chicago, Female, Graves Disease complications, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Sex Factors, Thyroid Neoplasms etiology, Thyroid Neoplasms surgery, Thyroidectomy, Carcinoma epidemiology, Graves Disease epidemiology, Thyroid Neoplasms epidemiology
- Abstract
The relationship between Graves' disease or its therapy and carcinoma of the thyroid remains uncertain. We studied 20 patients found to have thyroid cancer in glands previously treated for Graves' disease between 1961 and 1986 at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Sixteen (80%) occurred in women and four (20%) occurred in men. The mean age at operation was 37 years (range, 19 to 69 years) and did not differ by sex. Fifteen of the 20 cancers (75%) were papillary while five (25%) were follicular. Six individuals (30%) had a history of external radiation to the head and neck as an infant, child, or young adult. Two others had received radioiodine (RAI) therapy for Graves' disease 1 and 19 years earlier. Patients were divided into three groups: group I: four patients (20%) had a neck mass 4, 14, 20, and 41 years after having had a subtotal thyroidectomy (STT) for Graves' disease; three of four had a history of external irradiation therapy. These tumors behaved aggressively, resulting in the death of two of the four patients. group II: 11 patients (55%) had diffusely enlarge toxic goiters without a nodule. A carcinoma was diagnosed intraoperatively on frozen section in only two of these patients. The others received STT. After recognition on permanent section, those carcinomas that were 4 mm or greater in diameter received postoperative RAI. One recurrence occurred and was treated successfully with further RAI. group III: Five patients (25%) had Graves' disease and a palpable thyroid nodule. None of them had had a prior thyroidectomy for Graves' disease, as in group 1. Thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed in all patients preoperatively or intraoperatively, and a total thyroidectomy was performed. Each patient is alive and well with a mean follow-up of 5 years. Between 1971 and 1981, 194 patients had surgery for Graves' disease, and 10 (5.2%) were found to have an associated carcinoma; six patients (3.1% of the total) did not have a nodule or any other suspicion of malignancy before surgery. During the same time, 303 patients received RAI therapy for Graves' disease and one (0.3%) has subsequently developed thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid cancer associated with Graves' disease is found more commonly in surgically treated patients than in patients after RAI therapy. The greatest risk factor in our patients was previous external radiation to the head and neck. Such individuals should be treated with total thyroid ablation rather than the usual STT, since they are at risk of developing aggressive thyroid cancers if thyroid remnants are left.
- Published
- 1986
41. Diagnosis and treatment of hypoglycemic disorders.
- Author
Kaplan EL, Arganini M, and Kang SJ
- Subjects
- Adult, Blood Glucose analysis, C-Peptide blood, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Hypoglycemia etiology, Hypoglycemia therapy, Infant, Newborn, Insulin blood, Insulinoma complications, Insulinoma diagnosis, Insulinoma surgery, Pancreatic Neoplasms complications, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnosis, Pancreatic Neoplasms surgery, Proinsulin blood, Hypoglycemia diagnosis
- Abstract
Many other hypoglycemic states can be confused with an insulinoma. This article presents the diagnosis, localization, and therapy of these islet cell tumors. Also presented is a discussion of the role of nesidioblastosis in persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in the neonate.
- Published
- 1987
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42. Construction of a continent perineal colostomy by using electrostimulated gracilis muscles after abdominoperineal resection: personal technique and experience with 32 cases.
- Author
Cavina E, Seccia M, Evangelista G, Chiarugi M, Buccianti P, Chirico A, Lenzi M, Bortolotti P, Bellomini G, and Arganini M
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma surgery, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Biofeedback, Psychology, Electric Stimulation, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Muscle Contraction, Rectal Neoplasms surgery, Thigh, Colostomy methods, Muscles surgery, Perineum surgery
- Abstract
A series of 32 patients operated on for rectal carcinoma is reported. A new technique by using the gracilis muscles to reconstruct a functional anal sphincter after abdominoperineal resection was performed. No operative mortality was recorded. Functionality of the new sphincter was guaranteed by electromyostimulation. Electrostimulation has been useful in both increasing the muscular trophic level and in improving the postoperative bio-feedback. Perineal infection was recorded in 9 patients being the most common complication although it did not compromise the functionality of the new sphincter. In one case acute colonic ischaemia was treated by resection and definitive left colostomy. 17 out of the 27 patients in which a functional follow-up was obtained, scored a "very good" continence to stool and flatus while in 6 patients occasional episodes of incontinence to liquid stool are referred. Local or distant metastases presented in 6 patients. The obtained results encourage in continuing the research with this technique in the attempt to reduce the number of patients that must pay the high price of a definitive abdominal colostomy for cure.
- Published
- 1987
43. Fine needle aspiration cytopathology of phyllodes tumor. Differential diagnosis with fibroadenoma.
- Author
Simi U, Moretti D, Iacconi P, Arganini M, Roncella M, Miccoli P, and Giacomini G
- Subjects
- Adenofibroma diagnosis, Biopsy, Needle methods, Breast Neoplasms classification, Breast Neoplasms diagnosis, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Adenofibroma pathology, Breast Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
The differential diagnosis of benign or borderline phyllodes tumors of the breast in fine needle aspiration biopsy smears was studied. Smears from five histologically proven cases and 20 proven cases of fibroadenoma were evaluated with regard to their cytologic features. The findings indicate that the presence of a high cellularity of stromal fragments (including bipolar naked nuclei), clusters of hyperplastic ductal cells and giant cells and the absence of apocrine metaplasia may suggest a diagnosis of phyllodes tumor, as opposed to fibroadenoma. The borderline phyllodes tumor showed a sarcomatous atypia and/or small intranuclear cytoplasmic invaginations in some cells. The differential diagnosis of this tumor with malignant phyllodes tumor and plasma-cell mastitis is also discussed.
- Published
- 1988
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