
Showing total 1,109 results
1,109 results

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1. What's the 'Problem' with Workplace Accommodation? A Disability Policy Journey Over Time.

2. Co‐creating digital educational resources to enhance quality in student nurses' clinical education in nursing homes: Report of a co‐creative process.

3. Getting to the bottom of research funding: Acknowledging the complexity of funding dynamics.

4. Concept analysis of patient journey disruptions: the obstacle of integrated care.

5. Developing a research tool to detect iatrogenic adverse events in psychiatric health care by involving service users and health professionals.

6. Gender Differences in Math and Science Academic Self-Concepts and the Association With Female Climate in 8th Grade Classrooms.

7. Why do people participate in research interviews? Participant orientations and ethical contracts in interviews with victims of interpersonal violence.

8. Patient-Reported Experiences and Associated Factors in a Norwegian Radiotherapy Setting: An Explorative Cross-Sectional Study.

9. Ethical decision-making in internet research – Investigating protest groups against Child Welfare Services on Facebook.

10. Mapping the field of physical therapy and identification of the leading active producers. A bibliometric analysis of the period 2000- 2018.

11. Changes in work tasks and organization of general practice in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a comparative international study.

12. Comparison of external evaluation policies and regulations for quality improvement and safety of health services in Norway and the United States.

13. A tale of two cases – investigating reasoning in similar cases with different outcomes.

14. Joint Utility or Sub-optimal Outcomes? Household Income Development of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples Transitioning to Parenthood in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

15. 'The art of kindergarten drop off': how young Norwegian-Somali parents perform ethnicity to avoid reports to Child Welfare Services.

16. A Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Score Is Feasible for Risk Stratification in the Norwegian Population.

17. Comparing population views on state responsibility for children in vulnerable situations – the role of institutional context and socio-demographic characteristics.

18. Integration and differentiation in collaboration between services for youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET).

19. Epidemiology of forearm fractures in women and men in Norway 2008–2019.

20. Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students.

21. The role of organisational resources for integrating health surveillance data into municipal action in Norway.

22. Factors associated with discharge destination from acute care after moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries in Norway: a prospective population-based study.

23. Weaker association between hearing loss and non-employment in recent generations: the HUNT cohort study.

24. Barriers to research in palliative care: A systematic literature review.

25. Challenges and opportunities of multimodal data in human learning: The computer science students' perspective.

26. Clinical associations for traditional and complementary medicine use among norwegian cancer survivors in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study: a cross-sectional study.

27. Associations between educators' and children's physical activity and sedentary time in Norwegian preschools: A cross-sectional study.

28. Lung cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden: a comparison and proposal for harmonization.

29. Next to Nothing: The Impact of the Norwegian Introduction Programme on Female Immigrants' Labour Market Inclusion.

30. Satisfaction is insufficient: Insights from a randomized, controlled trial of a marketing simulation game.

31. Uses of the Journal Impact Factor in national journal rankings in China and Europe.

32. Ageing in Space: Remaking Community for Older Adults.

33. Inequality of opportunity in a land of equal opportunities: The impact of parents' health and wealth on their offspring's quality of life in Norway.

34. Alcohol consumption among older adults with symptoms of cognitive decline consulting specialist health care.

35. Transitional care for patients with acute stroke—A priority‐setting project.

36. Training the ageing bodies: New knowledge paradigms and professional practices in elderly care.

37. Lesbian and gay individuals' path into foster parenting in Norway—Barriers and facilitators at the person and system levels.

38. Stepping through the door - exploring low-threshold services in Norwegian family centres.

39. The importance of interdisciplinarity in accommodating patient needs among norwegian nurses.

40. Undergraduate Nursing Students' Experiences of Conducting Clinical Research Projects in Their Bachelor Theses - a Qualitative Study.

41. Does social capital matter more when health status is poor? Labour market attachment among long-term recipients of social assistance in Norway: Betyr sosial kapital mer for personer med dårlig helsetilstand? Arbeidsmarkedstilknytning blant langtidsmottagere av økonomisk sosialhjelp i Norge

42. RHYME: musicking for all.

43. Negotiating towards a Next Turn: Phonetic Resources for ‘Doing the Same’.

44. "It's our children!" Exploring intersectorial collaboration in family centres.

45. The establishing of Chinese medical concepts in Norwegian acupuncture schools: the cultural translation of jingluo ('circulation tracts').

46. We all care just as much about the child: stakeholders' experiences of parenting support in a Norwegian school context.

47. Health Inequalities in Older Norwegians and the Mediating Role of Social Networks.

48. Teachers' reflections on proposals for change in situated teamwork.

49. Balancing fatherhood: Experiences of fatherhood among men with a difficult past.

50. Experiments in interdisciplinarity: Responsible research and innovation and the public good.