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1. Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries. CEP Discussion Paper No. 1617

2. Integration of Migrant Children in Educational Systems in Spain: Stakeholders' Views

3. Language Test Misuse

4. Learning about Europe through Educational Gaming

5. 'Immigrants' as Recipients of Easy-to-Read in Spain

6. Education for Europe? Professionalization between Effectiveness and Autonomy

7. Scientists' Social Mobility and Problems of Its Regulation by the State

8. Explaining Cross-Country Differences in Attitudes towards Immigration in the EU-15

9. Competing diversity indices and attitudes toward cultural pluralism in Europe.

10. Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe.

11. Immigration attitudes and the influence of positive, negative, and neutral intergroup exposure.

12. 'Europe' in Greece: Lay constructions of Europe in the context of Greek immigration debates.

13. European Pathways from September 11th: What Role for Public Opinion?

14. Understanding cultural diversity and economic prosperity in Europe: a literature review and proposal of a culture–economy framework.

15. Implementing Dynamics of Immigration Integration in Labor Force Participation Projection in EU28.

16. Unemployment benefits and immigration: evidence from the EU.

17. The care of the immigrant self: technologies of citizenship and the healthcare sector.

18. The dark side of European immigration policy.

19. Economic Shocks and the Development of Immigration Attitudes.

20. Pitfalls of immigrant inclusion into the European welfare state.

21. Immigrant Involvement in Voluntary Associations in Europe.

22. Moral economies of the welfare state: A qualitative comparative study.

23. Terms of exclusion: public views towards admission and allocation of rights to immigrants in European countries.

24. Markets against politics: migration, EU enlargement and the idea of Europe.

25. Revisiting Secularization in Light of Growing Diversity: The European Case.

26. Countervailing contact: Community ethnic diversity, anti-immigrant attitudes and mediating pathways of positive and negative inter-ethnic contact in European societies.

27. Political Trust and Support for Immigration in the European Mass Public.

28. Fixed-term work contracts and anti-immigration attitudes. A novel test of ethnic competition theory.

29. All cops are trusted? How context and time shape immigrants' trust in the police in Europe.

30. Give Me Your Least Educated: Immigration, Education and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe.

31. Do Attitudes to Immigrants Change in Hard Times? Ireland in a European Context.

32. Theories of State Accommodation of Muslim Religious Practices in Western Europe.

33. The Immigration-Security Nexus: A View from the European Parliament.

34. Defining Nations Across Borders: State Preferences for Co-Ethnic/Return Migrants in Europe and East Asia.

35. Paranoid styles and innumeracy: implications of a conspiracy mindset on Europeans' misperceptions about immigrants.

36. The Spatial Integration of Immigrants in Europe: A Cross-National Study.

37. Contact or Conflict?: The Effect of Immigrant Colleagues on Attitudes Towards Immigrants.

38. Intergenerational relations among immigrants in Europe: the role of ethnic differences, migration and acculturation.

39. Witnessing the experience of European bordering: Watching the documentary Under den samme himmel in an immigration detention centre.

40. Ethnic inequality in retirement income: a comparative analysis of immigrant–native gaps in Western Europe.

41. Economic crisis and occupational integration of recent immigrants in Western Europe.

42. A "healthy immigrant effect" or a "sick immigrant effect"? Selection and policies matter.

43. Symbolic boundaries, incorporation policies, and anti-immigrant attitudes: what drives exclusionary policy preferences?

44. Friends or foes? Migrants and sub-state nationalists in Europe.

45. Western Europe and its Islam.

46. National and regional proportion of immigrants and perceived threat of immigration: A three-level analysis in Western Europe.


48. Networks and political engagement of migrant organisations in five European cities.

49. The Culture of your Homeland or the Context you live in? Examining the Cultural and Institutional Explanation of Generalized Trust using Migration as a Natural Experiment.

50. Citizenship and Integration: The Enduring Legacy of National Definitions.