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2,511 results

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1. Correction and notes to the paper 'A classification of Artin–Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields'

2. Bounds on entanglement dimensions and quantum graph parameters via noncommutative polynomial optimization

3. Generating subtour elimination constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions

4. Multigraphs (only) satisfy a weak triangle removal lemma

5. A weak 2-weight problem for the Poisson-Hermite semigroup

6. Some aspects on solving transportation problem

7. Double exponential lower bounds for possible solutions in the Second Case of the Fermat Last Theorem

8. Noncatastrophic convolutional codes over a finite ring

9. SIR epidemics and vaccination on random graphs with clustering

10. Periodic trajectories in P-time event graphs and the non-positive circuit weight problem

11. On a conjecture for $\ell$-torsion in class groups of number fields: from the perspective of moments

12. The Landis conjecture with sharp rate of decay

13. Efficient computation of the oriented chromatic number of recursively defined digraphs

14. Decreasing Minimization on M-convex Sets: Background and Structures


16. A new principle in the interpretability logic of all reasonable arithmetical theories

17. Reflexive coloring complexes for 3-edge-colorings of cubic graphs

18. Arithmetic progressions in finite groups

19. Quantitative absolute continuity of planar measures with two independent Alberti representations

20. On The Maximum Order Complexity Of Thue-Morse And Rudin-Shapiro Sequences Along Polynomial Values

21. Consistency and asymptotic normality of stochastic block models estimators from sampled data

22. Representations of the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process as a mixture of Markov processes on $\mathbb {Z}^{d}$ and infinite trees

23. A geometric characterization of minimal codes and their asymptotic performance

24. Guarantees for the Kronecker Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform Using a Coherence and Sampling Argument

25. The Barwise-Schlipf Theorem

26. On Data-Processing and Majorization Inequalities for f-Divergences with Applications

27. The multiplicative coalescent, inhomogeneous continuum random trees, and new universality classes for critical random graphs

28. Improved convergence rates for Lasserre-type hierarchies of upper bounds for box-constrained polynomial optimization

29. Computability, orders, and solvable groups

30. Enclosings of decompositions of complete multigraphs in 2-edge-connected r -factorizations

31. Minimal linear codes arising from blocking sets

32. Sharp Bounds on the Runtime of the (1+1) EA via Drift Analysis and Analytic Combinatorial Tools

33. Biased random k-SAT

34. Random polynomials: central limit theorems for the real roots

35. Dismantlability, connectedness, and mixing in relational structures

36. Rigidity theory for $C^*$-dynamical systems and the 'Pedersen Rigidity Problem', II

37. Multi-variate correlation and mixtures of product measures

38. Computing Modular Data for Pointed Fusion Categories

39. Time-Bounded Influence Diffusion with Incentives

40. Sturm's theorem on the zeros of sums of eigenfunctions: Gelfand's strategy implemented

41. The components of the singular locus of a component of a Springer fiber over x^2 = 0

42. On the complexity of quasiconvex integer minimization problem

43. Facial unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs with restriction on big vertices

44. The DMT classification of real and quaternionic lattice codes

45. Dynkin games with Poisson random intervention times

46. Construction of Milnorian representations

47. The cycle polynomial of a permutation group

48. Weak∗ fixed point property in ℓ1 and polyhedrality in Lindenstrauss spaces

49. Semi-Baxter and strong-Baxter: two relatives of the Baxter sequence

50. On the Complexity of Closest Pair via Polar-Pair of Point-Sets