
Showing total 219 results
219 results

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1. Alcohol prices, the April effect, and the environment, in violence-related injury in England and Wales.

2. D.L. Davies and 'Normal drinking in recovered alcohol addicts': the genesis of a paper.

3. Evaluation and comparison of sensitivity of alcohol biomarkers PEth, EtG and EtPa in civil cases in England 2022-2023.

4. Where do high-risk drinking occasions occur more often? A cross-sectional, cross-country study.

5. Exploring the significance of relationality, care and governmentality in families, for understanding women's classed alcohol drinking practices.

6. Young people's explanations for the decline in youth drinking in England.

7. Locked down and drinking? Are more people self-identifying as having mental health difficulties alongside their drinking via an online platform?

8. Cultural consumption and Covid-19: evidence from the Taking Part and COVID-19 Cultural Participation Monitor surveys.

9. 'Go hard or go home': a social practice theory approach to young people's 'risky' alcohol consumption practices.

10. Reweighting national survey data for small area behaviour estimates: modelling alcohol consumption in Local Authorities in England.

11. Print and online textual news media coverage of UK low‐risk drinking guidelines from 2014 to 2017: A review and thematic analysis.

12. "If You Don't Drink at University, You're Going to Struggle to Make Friends" Prospective Students' Perceptions around Alcohol Use at Universities in the United Kingdom.

13. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Primary Care: A Study of General Practices in England.

14. Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis.

15. Socioeconomic inequalities in the delivery of brief interventions for smoking and excessive drinking: findings from a cross-sectional household survey in England.

16. Processes of local alcohol policy-making in England: Does the theory of policy transfer provide useful insights into public health decision-making?

17. The decline in youth drinking in England—is everyone drinking less? A quantile regression analysis.

18. Geographies of drink culture in Liverpool: Lessons from the drink capital of nineteenth-century England.

19. Understanding alcohol as an element of 'care practices' in adult White British women's everyday personal relationships: a qualitative study.

20. Transferring 24/7 sobriety from South Dakota to South London: the case of MOPAC's Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement Pilot.

21. Price Floors and Externality Correction*.

22. Healthier central England or North-South divide? Analysis of national survey data on smoking and high-risk drinking.

23. Attitudes and Learning through Practice Are Key to Delivering Brief Interventions for Heavy Drinking in Primary Health Care: Analyses from the ODHIN Five Country Cluster Randomized Factorial Trial.

24. The Use of Enforcement to Combat 'Street Culture' in England: An Ethical Approach?

25. A comfortable night out? Alcohol, drunkenness and inclusive town centres.

26. From alcoholism treatment to the alcohol harm reduction strategy for England: an overview of alcohol policy since 1950.

27. Association between smoking and alcohol-related behaviours: a time-series analysis of population trends in England.

28. Health and household surveys in Brazil and England: The National Health Survey and the Health Survey for England.

29. The key therapeutic factors needed to deliver behavioural change interventions to decrease risky substance use (drug and alcohol) for looked after children and care leavers: a qualitative exploration with young people, carers and front line workers.

30. Reasons why people change their alcohol consumption in later life: findings from the Whitehall II Cohort Study.

31. Personalized feedback based on a drink-pouring exercise may improve knowledge of, and adherence to, government guidelines for alcohol consumption.

32. Critical incidents and invulnerablity to risk: young people's experience of serious health-related incidents and their willingness to take health risks.

33. Towards improving service delivery in screening and intervention services in community pharmacies: a case study of an alcohol IBA service.

34. Getting England to be more physically active: are the Public Health Responsibility Deal's physical activity pledges the answer?

35. Personalized Feedback Based on a Drink-Pouring Exercise May Improve Knowledge of, and Adherence to, Government Guidelines for Alcohol Consumption.

36. Valuing the Relationship Between Drug and Alcohol Use and Life Satisfaction: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

37. Unacceptable failures: the final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK.

38. Youth, alcohol and place-based leisure behaviours: a study of two locations in England.

39. Alcohol licensing in Scotland: a historical overview.

40. The Big Drink Debate: perceptions of the impact of price on alcohol consumption from a large scale cross-sectional convenience survey in north west England.

41. NICE work if you can get it: Development of national guidance incorporating screening and brief intervention to prevent hazardous and harmful drinking in England.

42. Temperance, alcohol, and the American evangelical: a reassessment.

43. The performance of elements of a 'level of response to alcohol'-based model of drinking behaviors in 13-year-olds.

44. Self-reported never-drinkers in England 1994-2003: characteristics and trends in adults aged 18-54 years.

45. Alcohol use outcomes and heavy drinking at 4-5 years among a treatment sample of drug misusers.

46. Back to the future: understanding and responding to alcohol use in Liverpool.

47. Predicting small area health-related behaviour: a comparison of multilevel synthetic estimation and local survey data.

48. Diets of minority ethnic groups in the UK: influence on chronic disease risk and implications for prevention.

49. Modelling the adverse effects associated with ecstasy use.

50. Offender alcohol interventions: minding the policy gap.