
Showing total 61 results
61 results

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1. Wilsonian Effective Action and Entanglement Entropy

2. Involutes of pseudo-null curves in Lorentz–Minkowski 3-space

3. Hilbert-Asai Eisenstein series, regularized products, and heat kernels

4. Toeplitz Quantization for Non-commutating Symbol Spaces such as SUq(2)

5. Heat flow, heat content and the isoparametric property

6. Pointwise slant submersions from cosymplectic manifolds

7. Proof of the cosmic no-hair conjecture in the T3-Gowdy symmetric Einstein-Vlasov setting

8. Einstein manifolds with skew torsion

9. New handy and accurate approximation for the Gaussian integrals with applications to science and engineering

10. Perturbative and non-pertrubative trace anomalies

11. Circuit Complexity from Cosmological Islands

12. Differential Galois theory of infinite dimension

13. A New Formulation of Maxwell’s Equations

14. Classification of f-Biharmonic Curves in Lorentz–Minkowski Space

15. Ground state solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Bopp-Podolsky system with critical Sobolev exponent

16. Remarks on Almost Cosymplectic 3-Manifolds with RICCI Operators

17. Quaternions and Functional Calculus

18. Classification of Warped Product Submanifolds in Kenmotsu Space Forms Admitting Gradient Ricci Solitons

19. Positive Energy Condition and Conservation Laws in Kantowski-Sachs Spacetime via Noether Symmetries

20. Derived coisotropic structures I: affine case

21. Relation Between Stereographic Projection and Concurrence Measure in Bipartite Pure States

22. Innovation processes associated with stationary Gaussian processes with application to the problem of prediction

23. The variational theory of higher-order linear differential equations

24. Coding theory in Gaussian channel with feedback. II. Evaluation of the filtering error

25. The singular measure of a Dirichlet space

26. On affine transformations of a Riemannian manifold

27. On some curvature conditions of pseudosymmetry type

28. Ambitoric geometry I: Einstein metrics and extremal ambikaehler structures

29. A limit equation associated to the solvability of the vacuum Einstein constraint equations using the conformal method

30. Cosmological time versus CMC time in spacetimes of constant curvature

31. A geometric theory of zero area singularities in general relativity

32. On the second gaussian map for curves on a K3 surface

33. Estimating the trace-free Ricci tensor in Ricci flow

34. The dependence of capacities on moving branch points

35. Two-Dimensional Models With (0,2) Supersymmetry: Perturbative Aspects

36. Boundary regularity, uniqueness and non-uniqueness for AH Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds

37. Global existence and convergence of solutions of the Calabi flow on Einstein 4-manifolds

38. Bergman norm estimates of Poisson integrals

39. Existence of Dirichlet infinite harmonic measures on the unit disc

40. Surfaces in Möbius geometry

41. Dedekind sums and quadratic residue symbols

42. On the imaginary quadratic Doi-Naganuma lifting of modular forms of arbitrary level

43. A convergence theorem for Riemannian manifolds and some applications

44. Algebraic Riemann manifolds

45. The Hilbert series of rings of matrix concomitants

46. The Feynman integral of quadratic potentials depending on $n$ time variables

47. Ternary quadratic forms and Brandt matrices

48. On higher covariant derivatives of the curvature tensors of Kählerian $C$-spaces

49. Multiplicity of some classes of Gaussian processes

50. Analytic functions on some Riemann surfaces