
Showing total 30 results
30 results

Search Results

1. Healing rate of hospital‐acquired skin tears using adhesive silicone foam versus meshed silicone interface dressings: A prospective, randomized, non‐inferiority pilot study.

2. Exploring the impact of remoteness on people with head and neck cancer: Utilisation of a state‐wide dataset.

3. Factors associated with emergency department service outcomes for people with a mental health problem brought in by police: a retrospective cohort study.

4. One Size Fits All: The Role of Technology in Practitioner's Experience of Working from Home during COVID19.

5. The profile, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of alcohol- and non-alcohol-related patient presentations to Queensland emergency departments: a multi-site observational study.

6. A qualitative investigation into clinical documentation: why do clinicians document the way they do?

7. Beyond multimorbidity: primary care and the older person with complex needs.

8. Factors affecting the performance of public out-patient services.

9. Interprofessional, student-led community health clinic: expanding service provision and clinical education capacity.

10. Evaluation of a professional development experience designed to equip school support staff with skills to facilitate youth mental health promotion.

11. 'You don't know what you don't know': The essential role of management exposure, understanding and commitment in peer workforce development.

12. Effects and mechanisms of an allied health research position in a Queensland regional and rural health service: a descriptive case study.

13. 'You never leave work when you live on a cattle property': Special problems for rural property owners who have to relocate for specialist treatment.

14. Opening the black box in nursing work and management practice: the role of ward managers.

15. Psychosocial development of 5-year-old children with hearing loss: Risks and protective factors.

16. The impact of aspiration pneumonia and nasogastric feeding on clinical outcomes in stroke patients: A retrospective cohort study.

17. Injuries in Australian school-level rugby union.

18. Consumer and carer perspectives in the development of a mental health research, treatment and teaching facility: A thematic analysis.

19. Postpartum consultations in Australian general practice.

20. Work and personal well-being of nurses in Queensland: Does rurality make a difference?

21. Student and supervisor productivity change during nutrition and dietetic practice placements: A cohort study.

22. Prophylactic dressing to minimize sacral pressure injuries in high-risk hospitalized patients: a pilot study.

23. Effect of a maternity consumer representative training program on participants' confidence and engagement.

24. Clinical profile of people referred to mental health nurses under the Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program.

25. Improving eye care for Indigenous Australians in primary health care settings.

26. Decision-making for living kidney donors: an instinctual response to suffering and death.

27. Health service utilization by indigenous cancer patients in Queensland: a descriptive study.

28. Occupational therapy students' contribution to occasions of service during practice placements in health settings.

29. 'All these allied health professionals and you're not really sure when you use them': insights from Australian international medical graduates on working with allied health.

30. Children's postoperative pro re nata (PRN) analgesia: Nurses' administration practices.