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1. Current Visceral Leishmaniasis Research: A Research Review to Inspire Future Study.

2. Prevalence of Malocclusion Traits in Primary Dentition, 2010–2024: A Systematic Review.

3. Developing the first national database and map of lymphatic filariasis clinical cases in Bangladesh: Another step closer to the elimination goals.

4. Women's and men's reports of past-year prevalence of intimate partner violence and rape and women's risk factors for intimate partner violence: A multicountry cross-sectional study in Asia and the Pacific.

5. Sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in settings affected by armed conflicts in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: systematic review.

6. State of rare disease management in Southeast Asia.

7. East London's Homeless: a retrospective review of an eye clinic for homeless people.

8. Epidemiological landscape of esophageal cancer in Asia: Results from GLOBOCAN 2020.

9. Psychological distress and unhealthy dietary behaviours among adolescents aged 12–15 years in nine South-East Asian countries: a secondary analysis of the Global School-Based Health Survey data.

10. Communicable Diseases Prevalence among Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

11. Taking action against malnutrition in Asian healthcare settings: an initiative of a Northeast Asia Study Group.

12. Worldwide Prevalence of Alcohol Use in Non-Fatally Injured Motor Vehicle Drivers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

13. Rheumatic heart disease burden, trends, and inequalities in Asia, 1990–2019.

14. Nutritional inequalities among under-five children: a geospatial analysis of hotspots and cold spots in 73 low- and middle-income countries.

15. The prevalence of tuberculosis and malaria in minority indigenous populations of South- East Asia and the Western Pacific Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

16. Recommendations for indicators: night blindness during pregnancy--a simple tool to assess vitamin A deficiency in a population.

17. Differential educational patterning of cardiometabolic risks between women and men among community-dwelling Chinese adults in Hong Kong: the mediating role of obesity.

18. Prevalence of celiac disease in low and high risk population in Asia–Pacific region: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

19. The Prevalence of Infectious Keratitis after Keratorefractive Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study.

20. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychosocial health and well-being in South-Asian (World Psychiatric Association zone 16) countries: A systematic and advocacy review from the Indian Psychiatric Society.

21. Trends in the epidemiology of young-onset colorectal cancer: a worldwide systematic review.

22. High Rates of Prescribing Antimicrobials for Prophylaxis in Children and Neonates: Results From the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children Point Prevalence Survey.

23. Global birth prevalence of congenital heart defects 1970-2017: updated systematic review and meta-analysis of 260 studies.

24. systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition: associations with geographical region and sex.

25. A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition: associations with geographical region and sex.

26. Home blood pressure control status in 2017-2018 for hypertension specialist centers in Asia: Results of the Asia BP@Home study.

27. Paleopathological Considerations on Malaria Infection in Korea before the 20th Century.

28. Birth prevalence of congenital talipes equinovarus in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

29. Global summary of maternal and newborn vitamin D status - a systematic review.

30. Current and future economic burden of diabetes among working-age adults in Asia: conservative estimates for Singapore from 2010-2050.

31. Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori-Negative, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Related Peptic Ulcer Disease in Patients Referred to Afzalipour Hospital.

32. Ethnic variations in morbidity and mortality from lower respiratory tract infections: a retrospective cohort study.

33. Cardiovascular disease and multimorbidity: A call for interdisciplinary research and personalized cardiovascular care.

34. National tuberculosis prevalence surveys in Asia, 1990-2012: an overview of results and lessons learned.

35. Women's empowerment and child nutritional status in South Asia: a synthesis of the literature.

36. Prevalence of and interventions for sarcopenia in ageing adults: a systematic review. Report of the International Sarcopenia Initiative (EWGSOP and IWGS).

37. Smoking and smokeless tobacco use in nine South and Southeast Asian countries: prevalence estimates and social determinants from Demographic and Health Surveys.

38. Emmetropisation and the aetiology of refractive errors.

39. Socioeconomic inequalities in smoking in low and mid income countries: positive gradients among women?

40. The impact of different GFR estimating equations on the prevalence of CKD and risk groups in a Southeast Asian cohort using the new KDIGO guidelines.

41. Determining the best population-level alcohol consumption model and its impact on estimates of alcohol-attributable harms.

42. Is Chytridiomycosis an Emerging Infectious Disease in Asia?

43. Midgut Barrier Imparts Selective Resistance to Filarial Worm Infection in Culex pipiens pipiens.

44. Prevalence of Influenza A viruses in wild migratory birds in Alaska: Patterns of variation in detection at a crossroads of intercontinental flyways.

45. Helicobacter pylori Eradication Therapy for Functional Dyspepsia: A Meta-Analysis by Region and H. pylori Prevalence.

46. Cost effectiveness of HIV and sexual reproductive health interventions targeting sex workers: a systematic review.

47. Genomic sequencing is required for identification of tuberculosis transmission in Hawaii.

48. Diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis: a global overview with special focus on the situation in Asian countries with high TB-DM burden.