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101. Demographic history and local adaptation of Myripnois dioica (Asteraceae) provide insight on plant evolution in northern China flora.

102. WRF-GC (v2.0): online two-way coupling of WRF (v3.9.1.1) and GEOS-Chem (v12.7.2) for modeling regional atmospheric chemistry–meteorology interactions.

103. ddRAD sequencing: an emerging technology added to the biosecurity toolbox for tracing the origin of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).

104. East Asian Liberalization, Bubbles, and the Challenge from China.


107. Exceptionally Persistent Madden‐Julian Oscillation Activity Contributes to the Extreme 2020 East Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall.

108. Impacts of Sea Surface Temperature and Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns in the Northern Mid-Latitudes on Winter Extremely Cold Events in North China.

109. On the Determinants of Trading Hubs in East and Southeast Asia.

110. Size-resolved atmospheric ice-nucleating particles during East Asian dust events.

111. Phenotypic, Nutritional, and Antioxidant Characterization of Blanched Oenanthe javanica for Preferable Cultivar.

112. Importance of Examined Lymph Node Number in Accurate Staging and Enhanced Survival in Resected Gastric Adenocarcinoma—The More, the Better? A Cohort Study of 8,696 Cases From the US and China, 2010–2016.

113. Terrestrial expression of the Cretaceous greenhouse regime and its relationship with OAE 1a: Evidence from the Jiaolai Basin, eastern China.

114. Effects of Nonuniform Land Surface Warming on Summer Anomalous Extratropical Cyclone Activity and the East Asian Summer Monsoon: Numerical Experiments with a Regional Climate Model.

115. Slash youth in China: From precarious strugglers to successful exemplars.

116. Characterization and identification of the major flavonoids in Phyllostachys edulis leaf extract by UPLC–QTOF–MS/MS.

117. Measurement Report: Determination of aerosol vertical features on different timescales over East Asia based on CATS aerosol products.

118. A Dipole Mode of Spring Precipitation between Southern China and Southeast Asia Associated with the Eastern and Central Pacific Types of ENSO.

119. Dynamic Origin of the Interannual Variability of West China Autumn Rainfal.

120. How Chinese Agricultural Immigrants Affect Farmers in the Russian Far East.

121. Mesoscale Convective System Precipitation Characteristics over East Asia. Part I: Regional Differences and Seasonal Variations.

122. Identification of the impact of climate change and human activities on rainfall-runoff relationship variation in the Three-River Headwaters region.

123. Differences between CMIP6 and CMIP5 Models in Simulating Climate over China and the East Asian Monsoon.

124. Origins of East Asian Summer Monsoon Seasonality.

125. Historically rice-farming societies have tighter social norms in China and worldwide.

126. Strengthened Relationship between Tropical West Pacific and Midsummer Precipitation over Northeast China after the Mid-1990s.

127. On the land-atmosphere interaction in the summer monsoon transition zone in East Asia.

128. A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO2 columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections.

129. Assessment of the Forecast Skill of Multiphysics and Multistochastic Methods within the GRAPES Regional Ensemble Prediction System in the East Asian Monsoon Region.

130. Modulation of the Relationship between ENSO and Its Combination Mode by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

131. Atmospheric teleconnection processes linking winter air stagnation and haze extremes in China with regional Arctic sea ice decline.

132. Mechanisms for Spatially Inhomogeneous Changes in East Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation during the Mid-Holocene.

133. Extreme Temperature Change of the Last 110 Years in Changchun, Northeast China.

134. Interdecadal change in the impact of North Atlantic SST on August rainfall over the monsoon transitional belt in China around the late 1990s.

135. Asian dust-storm activity dominated by Chinese dynasty changes since 2000 BP.

136. Juxtaposition of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Asian Summer Monsoon Shapes Subtropical East Asian Precipitation.

137. The characteristics of atmospheric brown carbon in Xi'an, inland China: sources, size distributions and optical properties.

138. Phylogeography and demographic history of Gyrodactylus konovalovi (Monogenoidea: Gyrodactylidae), an ectoparasite on the East Asia Amur minnow (Cyprinidae) in Central China.

139. A Lagrangian Analysis of Water Vapor Sources and Pathways for Precipitation in East China in Different Stages of the East Asian Summer Monsoon.

140. Why the Increasing Trend of Summer Rainfall over North China Has Halted since the Mid-1990s.

141. Effect of Warm SST in the Subtropical Eastern North Pacific on Triggering the Abrupt Change of the Mei-Yu Rainfall over South China in the Early 1990s.

142. Evaluation and uncertainty investigation of the NO2, CO and NH3 modeling over China under the framework of MICS-Asia III.

143. Characteristics of Aerosols over the Summer Monsoon Transition Zone.

144. Amamiclytus wuxingensis sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), the third species of the genus from mainland China.

145. The syncollisional granitoid magmatism and crust growth during the West Qinling Orogeny, China: Insights from the Jiaochangba pluton.

146. Multimodel simulations of a springtime dust storm over northeastern China: implications of an evaluation of four commonly used air quality models (CMAQ v5.2.1, CAMx v6.50, CHIMERE v2017r4, and WRF-Chem v3.9.1).

147. When, How, and with What Success? The Joint Effect of Entry Timing and Entry Mode on Survival of Japanese Subsidiaries in China.


149. Long-term Trend of Cloud Optical Thickness in East Asia and Its Impact on Radiation Budget.

150. Twenty‐Five Years of Lower Tropospheric Ozone Observations in Tropical East Asia: The Influence of Emissions and Weather Patterns.