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1. One world, big society: a discursive analysis of the Conservative green paper for international development.

2. A Comment on: "Presidential Address: Demand‐Side Constraints in Development: The Role of Market Size, Trade, and (In)Equality," by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg and Tristan Reed.

3. The ‘Southernisation’ of development?

4. Developing intermediate cities.

5. Key and Smart Actions to Alleviate Hunger and Poverty Through Irrigation and Drainage.

6. Progress Toward The Sustainable Development Goal on Poverty: Assessing The Effect of Income Growth on The Exit Time from Poverty in Benin.

7. Managing migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Regulation, extra-legal relation and extortion.

8. Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty among the Poorest? A Macro Quantile Regression Approach.

9. The Impact of Financial Crises on the Poor.

10. A Decade of Poverty Reduction in Kazakhstan 2001-2009: Growth and/or Redistribution?

11. Using cultural heritage sites in Mexico to understand the poverty alleviation impacts of protected areas.

12. A fairer and more resilient multilateral trading system will require a reinvigorated WTO.

13. 'Don't mourn; organize' institutions and organizations in the politics and economics of growth and poverty-reduction.

14. Multiple equilibria and global indeterminacy in an endogenous growth model with congestible public goods.


16. Zakat as a Poverty Reduction Mechanism Among the Muslim Community: Case Study of Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

17. An African Growth Miracle? Or: What do Asset Indices Tell Us About Trends in Economic Performance?

18. Rethinking Asian poverty in a time of Asian prosperity.

19. Boosting tourism's contribution to growth and development: Analysis of the evidence.

20. Millennium Development Goals: Impact on national strategies and spending.

21. Inequality: Measurement, Trends, Impacts and Policies.

22. Tourism and poverty alleviation: An empirical analysis using panel data on Peru's departments.

23. Trade Liberalization, Economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty: The Case of China.

24. Managing Food Price Instability in Asia: A Macro Food Security Perspective.

25. Understanding the Relationship between Inflation and Growth: A Wavelet Transformation Approach in the Case of Bangladesh.

26. Linkages and Trust in the Value Chain for Small-scale Aquaculture in Asia.

27. Why Growth and Redistribution Matter for Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Sri Lanka on the Elusive Quest for Pro-Poor Growth.

28. Rethinking economic development.

29. Developmentalities and Donor-NGO Relations: Contesting Foreign Aid Policies in New Zealand/Aotearoa.

30. Agrarian Poverty, Nutrition and Economic Class - A Study of Gujarat, India.


32. Stakeholder model for community economic development in alleviating poverty in municipalities in South Africa.

33. The case for accelerating profit-making at the base of the pyramid: what could and should the donor community be seeking to do, and what results should it expect?

34. Funding schemes for infrastructure investment and poverty alleviation in Africa: Evidence from Guinea‐Bissau.

35. To make growth reduce poverty, industrialize: Using manufacturing to mediate the effect of growth on poverty.

36. Management of the international development aid system: The Case of Tanzania.

37. Federalism and development in Nigeria.

38. How Significant Is Sub-Saharan Africa's Demographic Dividend for Its Future Growth and Poverty Reduction?

39. Going Round in Circles: Circular Migration, Poverty Alleviation and Marginality.

40. Are There Myths on Road Impact and Transport in Sub-Saharan Africa?

41. Africa's Statistical Tragedy.

42. What Did US$18 bn Achieve? The 2005 Debt Relief to Nigeria.

43. Micro-credit and Micro-equity: The David and the Goliath of Micro-enterprise Financing.

44. Not by Rent Alone: Analysing the Pro-Poor Functions of Small-Scale Fisheries in Developing Countries.

45. Development Policy and the Poor, Part 2: Preferential Option for the Poor.

46. Inequality, Growth, Poverty and Lunar Eclipses: Policy and Arithmetic.

47. The microfinance promise—can it be kept? A macro perspective.

48. Sustainable development from millennium 2015 to Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

49. Does the environmental Kuznets curve exist between globalization and energy consumption? Global evidence from the cross‐correlation method.

50. Remittances and financial development in Latin America and the Caribbean countries: A dynamic approach.