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57 results

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1. The impact of COVID‐19 on patient engagement in the health system: Results from a Pan‐Canadian survey of patient, family and caregiver partners.

2. 'To me, it's ones and zeros, but in reality that one is death': A qualitative study exploring researchers' experience of involving and engaging seldom‐heard communities in big data research.

3. Facilitating family‐focused Care of Older adults living in Long‐Term Care in Canada during Restricted Visiting due to COVID‐19.

4. Factors Influencing the Uptake of Research Evidence in Child Welfare: A Synthesis of Findings from Australia, Canada and Ireland.

5. What is 'care quality' and can it be improved by information and communication technology? A typology of family caregivers' perspectives.

6. A Qualitative Study of National Perspectives on Advancing Social Prescribing Using Co‐Design in Canada.

7. Translation and validation of the Canadian diabetes risk assessment questionnaire in China.

8. Factors affecting patients' journey with primary healthcare services during mental health‐related sick leave.

9. Patient perceptions of in‐hospital laboratory blood testing: A patient‐oriented and patient co‐designed qualitative study.

10. Challenges and recommendations for advancing respite care for families of children and youth with special health care needs: A qualitative exploration.

11. Family-centred care: a qualitative study of Chinese and South Asian immigrant parents' experiences of care in paediatric oncology.

12. Training physicians and residents for the use of Electronic Health Records—A comparative case study between two hospitals.

13. Content development of the Child Community Health Inclusion Index: An evaluation tool for measuring inclusion of children with disabilities in the community.

14. Patients with COVID‐19 share their experiences of recovering at home following hospital care transitions and discharge preparation.

15. Documenting surgical triage in rural surgical networks: Formalising existing structures.

16. Patient, family member and caregiver engagement in shaping policy for primary health care teams in three Canadian Provinces.

17. Understanding why patients with immune thrombocytopenia are deeply divided on splenectomy.

18. A critical exploration of nurses' perceptions of access to oncology care among Indigenous peoples: Results of a national survey.

19. Influence of parity and infant age on maternal self‐efficacy, social support, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum depression in the first six months in the Maritime Provinces, Canada.

20. Description of connected speech across different elicitation tasks in the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia.

21. A longitudinal, narrative study of professional socialisation among health students.

22. Public health nurses' experiences during the H1N1/09 response.

23. The role of Internet cancer information for older adults with cancer: Perspectives of older adults and healthcare professionals.

24. Factors influencing oral care in intubated intensive care patients.

25. The evaluation of evidence‐informed changes to an internationally educated nurse registration process.

26. First Nations students' perceptions of school nutrition policy implementation: A mixed methods study.

27. Downward occupational mobility of baccalaureate-prepared, internationally educated nurses to licensed practical nurses.

28. Understanding leisure-time physical activity: Voices of people with MS who have moderate-to-severe disability and their family caregivers.

29. Workplace continuing education for nurses caring for hospitalised older people.

30. Do Women Have a Choice? Care Providers' and Decision Makers' Perspectives on Barriers to Access of Health Services for Birth after a Previous Cesarean.

31. Multiple mini-interview predictive validity for performance on a pharmacy licensing examination.

32. Employee Attributions of Corporate Social Responsibility as Substantive or Symbolic: Validation of a Measure.

33. Capturing the Active Ingredients of Multicomponent Participatory Organizational Stress Interventions Using an Adapted Study Design.

34. The impact of quitting smoking on depressive symptoms: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four-Country Survey.

35. The social dynamics of safe sex practices among Canadian sex industry clients.

36. Impact of diabetes on healthcare costs in a population-based cohort: a cost analysis.

37. 'Stereotypes are reality': addressing stereotyping in Canadian Aboriginal medical education.

40. Gay men and intimate partner violence: a gender analysis.

41. Dietary practices and influences on diet intake among women in a Woodland Cree community.

42. The care delivery experience of hospitalized patients with complex chronic disease.

43. The General Assessment of Personality Disorder (GAPD) as an Instrument for Assessing the Core Features of Personality Disorders.

44. Stigma in school-based mental health: perceptions of young people and service providers.

45. Creating the socially marginalised youth smoker: the role of tobacco control.

46. A transatlantic survey of nutrition practice in acute pancreatitis.

47. Information behaviour of Canadian pharmaceutical policy makers.

48. Testing the factor structure of the Family Quality of Life Survey - 2006.

49. Culture in medical education: comparing a Thai and a Canadian residency programme.

50. Unpacking the multiple dimensions and levels of responsibility of the charge nurse role in long‐term care facilities.