
Showing total 84 results
84 results

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1. The first edrioasteroid echinoderm from the lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota of Yunnan Province, China.

2. Inferring multispecies distributional aggregation level from limited line transect‐derived biodiversity data.

3. Dispersal limitation and environmental filtering effects: The taxonomic and functional beta diversity of ground beetles along the altitudinal gradient in Chinese warm‐temperature forests.

4. Elevational patterns of fish functional and phylogenetic community structure in a monsoon climate river basin.

5. The relationship between species richness and biomass changes from boreal to subtropical forests in China.

6. Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China.

7. Relationship between species diversity and ecotope diversity.

8. Closing the carbon budget of estuarine wetlands with tower-based measurements and MODIS time series.

9. Seed Dynamics in Relation to Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rainforest of Hainan Island, South China: (I) Seed Rain.

10. Soil organic carbon storage of paddy soils in China using the 1:1,000,000 soil database and their implications for C sequestration.

11. Application of a geographically-weighted regression analysis to estimate net primary production of Chinese forest ecosystems.

12. Leaf litter presence in the non‐growing season prolongs plant legacy effects on soil fungal communities and succeeding plant growth.

13. Distinctive patterns of soil microbial community during forest ecosystem restoration in southwestern China.

14. Thecate stem medusozoans (Cnidaria) from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota.

15. Leaf N:P ratio does not predict productivity trends across natural terrestrial ecosystems.

16. Anatomy, palaeoautecology and phylogenetic affinity of tubular Glossolites magnus from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota, South China.

17. Phosphorus Variations in Volcanic Sequences Reveal the Linkage Between Regional Tectonics and Terrestrial Biota Evolution.

18. Solenites (Czekanowskiales) from the Late Mesozoic Jehol Biota of Southeastern Jilin, China and its Paleoclimatic Implications.

19. Linking the Jehol Biota Evolution to the Early Cretaceous Volcanism During the North China Craton Destruction: Insights From F, Cl, S, and P.

20. Effects of restoration strategies on wetland: A case‐study of Xinqiang River National Wetland Park.

21. Ecological and evolutionary processes shape below‐ground springtail communities along an elevational gradient.

22. Extraordinarily early Venus' flower basket sponges (Hexactinellida, Euplectellidae) from the uppermost Ordovician Anji Biota, China.

23. Diatom‐inferred microtopography formation in peatlands.

24. The evolutionary and functional implications of the unusual quadrate of Longipteryx chaoyangensis (Avialae: Enantiornithes) from the Cretaceous Jehol Biota of China.

25. Latitudinal variation in the diversity and composition of various organisms associated with an exotic plant: the role of climate and plant invasion.

26. Plant evolution overwhelms geographical origin in shaping rhizosphere fungi across latitudes.

27. Characteristics and metabolic patterns of soil methanogenic archaea communities in the high‐latitude natural forested wetlands of China.


29. A phylogenetic and trait‐based analysis of community assembly in a subtropical forest in central China.

30. Metacommunity Structure of Stream Insects across Three Hierarchical Spatial scales.

31. Ichnology, palaeoenvironment, and ecosystem dynamics of the Early Cambrian (Stage 4, Series 2) Guanshan Biota, South China.

32. The evolution of the modern avian digestive system: insights from paravian fossils from the Yanliao and Jehol biotas.

33. Rapid diversification of alpine bamboos associated with the uplift of the Hengduan Mountains.


35. Grazing intensity enhances spatial aggregation of dominant species in a desert steppe.

36. Exploring the community phylogenetic structure along the slope aspect of subalpine meadows in the eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China.

37. Changes in the composition and diversity of bacterial communities 13 years after soil reclamation of abandoned mine land in eastern China.

38. The role of functional traits and individual variation in the co-occurrence of Ficus species.

39. Diversity-dependent stability under mowing and nutrient addition: evidence from a 7-year grassland experiment.

40. Diatom ecological response to altered hydrological forcing of a shallow lake on the Yangtze floodplain, SE China.

41. Indigenous ecological knowledge and natural resource management in the cultural landscape of China's Hani Terraces.

42. Fungal endophyte communities in four Rhizophoraceae mangrove species on the south coast of China.

43. Carbon accumulation in paddy ecosystems in subtropical China: evidence from landscape studies.

44. The role of the soil seed and seedling bank in the regeneration of diverse plant communities in the subtropical Ailao Mountains, Southwest China.

46. Biogeochemical Characterizations and Reclamation Strategies of Saline Sodic Soil in Northeastern China.

47. Impact of future climate change on terrestrial ecosystems in China.

48. A sustainable landscape ecosystem design.

49. Impact of land use on distributed hydrological processes in the semi-arid wetland ecosystem of Western Jilin.

50. Biotic condition assessment and the implication for lake fish conservation: a case study of Lake Qionghai, China.