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35 results

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1. Towards better characterization of global warming impacts in the environment through climate classifications with improved global models.

2. Global Observations and CMIP6 Simulations of Compound Extremes of Monthly Temperature and Precipitation.

3. Future Increase in Lightning Around the South China Sea Under Climate Change.

4. Detection and Attribution of Human‐Perceived Warming Over China.

5. Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled CMIP6‐CCAM Models Over Australia.

6. Storylines of Sahel Precipitation Change: Roles of the North Atlantic and Euro‐Mediterranean Temperature.

7. Connecting Large‐Scale Meteorological Patterns to Extratropical Cyclones in CMIP6 Climate Models Using Self‐Organizing Maps.

8. Projected Changes in Hot, Dry, and Compound Hot‐Dry Extremes Over Global Land Regions.

9. 21st Century Scenario Forcing Increases More for CMIP6 Than CMIP5 Models.

10. Piecewise‐quantile mapping improves bias correction of global climate model daily precipitation towards preserving quantiles and extremes.

11. Effect of CO2 concentration on drought assessment in China.

12. Heat Stress During Arba'een Foot‐Pilgrimage (World's Largest Gathering) Projected to Reach "Dangerous" Levels Due To Climate Change.

13. CMIP5 and CMIP6 Model Projection Comparison for Hydrological Impacts Over North America.

14. Evaluation of the CMIP6 Precipitation Simulations Over Global Land.

15. Annual Mean Arctic Amplification 1970–2020: Observed and Simulated by CMIP6 Climate Models.

16. Detection of Forced Change Within Combined Climate Fields Using Explainable Neural Networks.

17. Spatio‐temporal analysis of copula‐based probabilistic multivariate drought index using CMIP6 model.

18. Inter‐comparison of historical simulation and future projections of rainfall and temperature by CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs over Egypt.

19. Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric and Surface Albedo on Polar Amplification Using Satellite Observations and CMIP6 Model Output.

20. Assessment of CMIP6 global climate models in reconstructing rainfall climatology of Bangladesh.

21. Synoptic circulation changes over Central Europe from 1900 to 2100: Reanalyses and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6.

22. Antarctic Sea Ice Projections Constrained by Historical Ice Cover and Future Global Temperature Change.

23. Improved representation of atmospheric dynamics in CMIP6 models removes climate sensitivity dependence on Hadley cell climatological extent.

24. The importance of 1.5°C warming for the Great Barrier Reef.

25. A novel method for ranking CMIP6 global climate models over the southeast Asian region.

26. Extreme Water Vapor Transport During the March 2021 Sydney Floods in the Context of Climate Projections.

27. Biases Beyond the Mean in CMIP6 Extreme Precipitation: A Global Investigation.

28. Large potential for crop production adaptation depends on available future varieties.

29. Performance of the Taiwan Earth System Model in Simulating Climate Variability Compared With Observations and CMIP6 Model Simulations.

30. Future drought in CMIP6 projections and the socioeconomic impacts in China.

31. Exposure of mammal genetic diversity to mid‐21st century global change.

32. The Performance of CMIP6 Versus CMIP5 in Simulating Temperature Extremes Over the Global Land Surface.

33. Regional Climate Sensitivity of Climate Extremes in CMIP6 Versus CMIP5 Multimodel Ensembles.

34. Climate Change Projections for the Australian Monsoon From CMIP6 Models.

35. Insights From CMIP6 for Australia's Future Climate.