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1. Impact of rurality on health practices and services: Summary paper to the inaugural rural and remote health scientific symposium.

2. Enduring Tensions in the 2000 Defence White Paper.

3. Research use and publishing diversity: The role of organisation research publishing for policy and practice.

4. Intimate partner violence and Bowen family systems theory: promoting safety and expanding capacity of families.

5. Poverty perspectives of the DFID White Paper and the Australian Aid Review: implications for international training.

6. A 'fair go' values framework for public policy.

7. Australia's national urban policy: The smart cities agenda in perspective.

8. Explaining transgender policy change: Policy momentum in Canada and Australia.

9. Learnings from the development of Public Sector Multi‐source Enduring Linked Data Assets.

10. Deliberate disproportionate policy outcomes and regulating deforestation in Queensland, Australia.

11. Spatial microsimulation as a method for estimating different poverty rates in Australia.

12. Old, Single and Poor: Using Microsimulation and Microdata to Analyse Poverty and the Impact of Policy Change among Older Australians.

13. A public policy primer on consolidating the water‐energy nexus.

14. Conditionality in the context of housing‐led homelessness policy: Comparing Australia's Housing First agenda to Scotland's "rights‐based" approach.

15. News and Notices.

16. Inclusive Research: Making a Difference to Policy and Legislation.

17. Thinking Strategically in Federal Policy: Defining the Attributes of High-level Policies.

18. Exploring the personal, programmatic and market barriers to choice in the NDIS for people with psychosocial disability.

19. Climate Discourse Complexes, National Climate Regimes and Australian Climate Policy.


21. Managing ethics in the tourism supply chain: the case of Chinese travel to Australia.

22. Public Sector Collaboration: Are We Doing It Well and Could We Do It Better?

23. New conditionality in Australian social security policy.

24. The Demise of "Pragmatism"? Assessing the Public Debate on Australia's Engagement with China.

25. Residential Aged Care Policy in Australia - Are We Learning from Evidence?

26. Two‐Level Games and Australia's Defence Procurement: The Case of Land‐Based Anti‐ship Missiles.

27. The Systems Perspective of National Innovation Ecosystems.

28. Australian veterinarians – global challenges.

29. Infrastructure Spending and Unemployment: Government Responsibility for Growth and Jobs.

30. Wages Policy and Unemployment in Australia.

31. Factors Influencing the Uptake of Research Evidence in Child Welfare: A Synthesis of Findings from Australia, Canada and Ireland.

32. Multiple Partial Couplings in the Multiple Streams Framework: The Case of Extreme Weather and Climate Change Adaptation.

33. Hired Guns: Local Government Mergers in New South Wales and the KPMG Modelling Report.

34. 'Policies that Fail - Words that Succeed': The Politics of Accessible Housing in Australia.


36. Indigenous family life in Australia: A history of difference and deficit.

37. The role of relative deprivation in majority‐culture support for multiculturalism.

38. Understanding the Drivers of Poverty Dynamics in Australian Households.

39. Regulation versus pricing in urban water policy: the case of the Australian National Water Initiative.

40. Third-party effects of water trading and potential policy responses.

41. Neoliberalism and the Institutions for Regional Development in Australia.

42. Real Institutional Responses to Neoliberalism in Australia.

43. The ‘Cultural Turn’ in Australian Regional Economic Development Discourse: Neoliberalising Creativity?

44. The relevance of research to policy formulation: an Australian perspective.

45. The Path to Full Employment.

46. Health status and labour market outcome: Empirical evidence from Australia.

47. A reverse form of welfarism: some reflections on Australian housing policy.

48. 'A transforming sentiment in this country': The Whitlam government and Indigenous self‐determination.

49. Closing the gap in Indigenous health inequity – Is it making a difference?

50. Intergenerational perspectives on ageing, economics and globalisation.