
Showing total 2,371 results
2,371 results

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1. Physiotherapist and participant perspectives from a randomized-controlled trial of physiotherapist-supported online vs. paper-based exercise programs for people with moderate to severe multiple sclerosis.

2. The efficacy of appropriate paper-based technology for Kenyan children with cerebral palsy.

3. Decolonization and trauma-informed truth-telling about Indigenous Australia in a social work diversity course: a cultural safety approach.

4. Analyzing work-as-imagined and work-as-done of incident management teams using interaction episode analysis.

5. Patient and therapist experiences of using a smartphone application monitoring anxiety symptoms.

6. Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States.

7. Overcoming structural barriers to sharing power with communities in global health research priority-setting: Lessons from the Participation for Local Action project in Karnataka, India.

8. The invisible body work of 'last responders' – ethical and social issues faced by the pathologists in the Global South.

9. A guiding process to culturally adapt assessments for participation-focused pediatric practice: the case of the Participation and Environment Measures (PEM).

10. Older people's views on loneliness during COVID-19 lockdowns.

11. Betwixt and between: qualitative findings from a study on a specialist social work service for Travellers in Ireland.

12. "If It Didn't Get Reported, It Didn't Happen": Current Nonfatal Overdose Reporting Practices among Nontraditional Reporters in Texas.

13. The meaning and impact on well-being of bespoke dancing sessions for those living with Parkinson's.

14. Implications of time and space factors related with youth substance use prevention: a conceptual review and case study of the Icelandic Prevention Model being implemented in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

15. Contextualizing Resilience in Young People: The Use of Child and Youth Resilience Measure Revised and Interviews in a Mixed Method Approach.

16. Interpersonal violence experienced by people with communication disabilities in Iraq: Sustainable Development Goals 16 and 5.

17. 'I just think it's weird': the nature of ethical and substantive non-ethical concerns about infertility treatments among Black and White women in U.S. graduate programmes.

18. 'It absolutely needs to move out of that structure': Māori with bipolar disorder identify structural barriers and propose solutions to reform the New Zealand mental health system.

19. Access to assistive technology for persons with disabilities: a critical review from Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

20. Understanding compliance as multi-faceted: values and practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria.

21. Personalised medicine in the Danish welfare state: political visions for the public good.

22. Substance use policy and practice in the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from early pandemic responses through internationally comparative field data.

23. Reflections on the use of FPAR as a research methodology for sex worker (and key populations) research.

24. Taking small steps: Sensitising the police through male sex workers' community-led advocacy in Nairobi, Kenya.

25. Neoliberalism, Control of Trans and Gender Diverse Bodies and Social Work.

26. Collective eating and the management of chronic disease in Dakar: translating and enacting dietary advice.

27. What do child protection social workers consider to be the systemic factors driving workforce instability within the English child protection system, and what are the implications for the UK Government's reform strategy?

28. Exploring the usability, user experience and usefulness of a supportive website for people with dementia and carers.

29. Preventing image-based sexual coercion, harassment and abuse among teenagers: Girls deconstruct sexting-related harm prevention messages.

30. Integration and differentiation in collaboration between services for youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET).

31. Insecure attachment and support-seeking during COVID-19: a sequential mixed methods investigation.

32. Tracking activity-based therapy for people living with spinal cord injury or disease: insights gained through focus group interviews with key stakeholders.

33. Implementation and evaluation of a pain assessment app and novel community platform for long-term care health professionals.

34. Qualitative study of patients' decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors.

35. 'I don't think there's anything I can do which can keep me healthy': how the UK immigration and asylum system shapes the health & wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland.

36. Racisms and microaggressions in social work: the experience of racialized practitioners in Canada.

37. 'Ebola is a business': an analysis of the atmosphere of mistrust in the tenth Ebola epidemic in the DRC.

38. Exploring the socialization of homeless children in Czechia: sibling relationships.

39. Exploring the potential of creative museum-led activities to support stroke In-patient rehabilitation and wellbeing: A pilot mixed-methods study.

40. Who are relatives? Young adults, relatives and professionals' perceptions of relatives during the rehabilitation of young adults with a severe acquired brain injury.

41. Looking for impact in all the wrong places: Setting realistic expectations and measurable outcomes for small-scale community building initiatives.

42. Benefits of Hearing Voices Groups & Other Self-Help Groups for Voice Hearers: A Systematic Review.

43. Theorizing eldercare work: An orders of worth analysis.

44. 'Complexity' as a rhetorical smokescreen for UK public health inaction on diet.

45. Recognize & Resist: An Online Health Intervention to Promote Writing About Sexual Consent and Egalitarian Gender Roles Among One Direction Fanfiction Writers.

46. Opening the black box of fitness tracking: understanding the mechanisms of feedback in motivating physical activity among older Singaporeans.

47. Parents' Journeys of Mastery and Knowledge Construction After Their Infant's First Stage of Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease.

48. Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of pain neuroscience education in the current Lebanese physical therapist health care approach: a qualitative study.

49. Processes of assistive technology service delivery in Bangladesh, India and Nepal: a critical reflection.

50. 'You're in the alcohol Matrix, then you unplug from it, and you're like 'Wow"': exploring sober women's management, negotiation and countering of alcohol marketing in the UK.