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1. Freehand drawing activity: a comparison between tablet-finger vs paper&crayon throughout time.

2. The efficacy of appropriate paper-based technology for Kenyan children with cerebral palsy.

3. Erasure and agency in sexuality and relationships education and knowledge among trans young people in Australia.

4. The Influence of Spirituality on Professional Identity, Role Performance, and Career Resilience among Nursing Home Social Workers.

5. Data Driven Identification of Injury Risk Factors During Expansion on Irish Dairy Farms.

6. More than one crisis: COVID-19 response actors navigating multi-dimensional crises in Flanders, Belgium.

7. Analyzing work-as-imagined and work-as-done of incident management teams using interaction episode analysis.

8. The poetic wavelength – a narrative interview study exploring the potential of poetry to support meaning making and recovery following psychosis.

9. Parents' Journeys of Mastery and Knowledge Construction After Their Infant's First Stage of Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease.

10. Application of Trauma-Informed Care Principles to Care Needs Identified by Mothers of NICU-Hospitalized Children.

11. Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of pain neuroscience education in the current Lebanese physical therapist health care approach: a qualitative study.

12. Conversation in Youth Work: A Process for Encounter.

13. Moral thinking and communication competencies of college students and graduates in Taiwan, the UK, and the US: a mixed-methods study.

14. Evaluating the effectiveness of game-based learning for teaching refugee children Arabic using the integrated LEAGUÊ-GQM approach.

15. Neoliberalism, Control of Trans and Gender Diverse Bodies and Social Work.

16. Posttraumatic growth following a drug-related death: A family perspective.

17. Internet addiction as a multi-dimensional concept and its relationship with well-being: evidence from PLS-SEM and IPMA analysis.

18. Implications of time and space factors related with youth substance use prevention: a conceptual review and case study of the Icelandic Prevention Model being implemented in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

19. Vulnerability to drug use and risky sexual behaviours: youth and adolescents coping with trauma and stress in protracted displacement in Abuja.

20. Unexpected lucidity in dementia: application of qualitative methods to develop an informant-reported lucidity measure.

21. Digitalising analogue policy targets! 'Digital capabilities' of older persons and policy digitalisation of social safety net programs in a developing country context.

22. Need for social work interventions in the emergency department.

23. Cultural diversity in secondary school: the response to immigrant students in Spain from a counselling perspective.

24. 'It absolutely needs to move out of that structure': Māori with bipolar disorder identify structural barriers and propose solutions to reform the New Zealand mental health system.

25. The silent shot: An analysis of the origin, sustenance and implications of the MMR vaccine – autism rumour in the Somali diaspora in Sweden and beyond.

26. A qualitative study on the needs of visually impaired users in Brazil for smart home interactive technologies.

27. Collaborative peer observation of teaching: enhancing academics' collegiality and collaboration.

28. Promoting racial equity and antiracist practice in child welfare: perceptions of public child welfare administrators.

29. iPad Use Among Older Women with Low Vision: Follow-Up Focus Group Findings.

30. The invisible body work of 'last responders' – ethical and social issues faced by the pathologists in the Global South.

31. Understanding compliance as multi-faceted: values and practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria.

32. One Size Fits All: The Role of Technology in Practitioner's Experience of Working from Home during COVID19.

33. Capturing Research Impact: The Case Study of a Community Wellbeing Research Partnership.

34. Antecedents of blatant benevolence on social media.

35. 'Ebola is a business': an analysis of the atmosphere of mistrust in the tenth Ebola epidemic in the DRC.

36. A virtual ethnography study of Indonesian migrant domestic workers' empowerment in online communities.

37. Who are relatives? Young adults, relatives and professionals' perceptions of relatives during the rehabilitation of young adults with a severe acquired brain injury.

38. "If It Didn't Get Reported, It Didn't Happen": Current Nonfatal Overdose Reporting Practices among Nontraditional Reporters in Texas.

39. Intercepted journeys: Associations between migration and mobility experiences and depressive symptoms among substance using migrants at the Mexico-Guatemala border.

40. LGBT+ Older Adults in Rural South Central Appalachia: Perceptions of Current and Future Formal Service Needs.

41. Why choose a career in teaching? Exploring motivational factors that influence the decision to teach.

42. Live music in hospital oncology settings: environmental, interpersonal, and personal outcomes for staff, patients, and carers.

43. Unpacking the role of transport inequalities among older adults for accessing healthcare in Bengaluru, India.

44. Designing a leadership and management training curriculum for undergraduate health professions students: Lessons from the University of Sierra Leone.

45. Navigating uncertainties of death: Minimally Invasive Autopsy Technology in global health.

46. Factors associated with experiencing lifetime intimate partner violence among pregnant displaced women living in refugee camps in Erbil, Iraq.

47. How Black and Latino young men who have sex with men in the United States experience and engage with eligibility criteria and recruitment practices: implications for the sustainability of community-based research.

48. Longitudinal investigation of moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students: findings from a mixed-methods study.

49. Process evaluation of an autism-specific workplace tool for employers.

50. Participant evaluation of a behavioral intervention targeting reduction of sedentary behavior in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods study.