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1. A further remark to paper ‘Convergence theorems for the common solution for a finite family of ϕ-strongly accretive operator equations’

2. The mathematical background of proving processes in discrete optimization—exemplification with Research Situations for the Classroom.

3. The Never-Ending Happiness of Paul Erdős's Mathematics.

4. On the effectiveness of wastewater cylindrical reactors: an analysis through Steiner symmetrization

5. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

6. Axiomatic Set Theory à la Dijkstra and Scholten

7. New Tour on the Subdifferential of Supremum via Finite Sums and Suprema

8. Analysing the robustness of evolutionary algorithms to noise : refined runtime bounds and an example where noise is beneficial

9. Non-linear differential polynomials sharing small function with finite weight

10. Semigroups whose endomorphisms are power functions

11. Strong Convergence Theorems for Lipschitzian Demicontraction Semigroups in Banach Spaces

12. Graphs with multiplicative vertex-coloring 2-edge-weightings

13. Two Inner Sequences Based Invariant Subspaces in $${{H}^{2} (\mathbb{D}^{2})}$$ H 2 ( D 2 )

14. Common Fixed Point Theorems for a Finite Family of Discontinuous and Noncommutative Maps

15. Recent results on iteration theory: iteration groups and semigroups in the real case

16. Weak and Strong Convergence Theorems for Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces

17. Some results on best proximity points of cyclic alpha-psi contractions in Menger probabilistic metric spaces

18. Intuitionistic logic and Muchnik degrees

19. Strong Convergence of an Implicit Iteration Process for a Finite Family of Uniformly L-Lipschitzian Mappings in Banach Spaces

20. The structure of fixed-point sets of uniformly lipschitzian semigroups

21. The M-principal graph of a commutative ring

22. A Note on Algorithms for Determining the Copositivity of a Given Symmetric Matrix

23. The Structure of Reachable Sets and Geometric Optimality of Singular Trajectories for Certain Affine Control Systems in ℝ3. The Sub-Lorentzian Approach

24. PCP Characterizations of NP: Toward a Polynomially-Small Error-Probability

25. Modified Block Iterative Algorithm for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems in Banach Spaces

26. Extensions between Cohen–Macaulay modules of Grassmannian cluster categories

27. Modified Krasnoselskii–Mann iterative algorithm for nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces

28. Structured condition numbers for linear systems with parameterized quasiseparable coefficient matrices

29. A Counterexample to 'An Extension of Gregus Fixed Point Theorem'

30. Committee polyhedral separability: complexity and polynomial approximation

31. The split common fixed point problem for asymptotically nonexpansive semigroups in Banach spaces

32. Coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed point theorems on a metric space with a graph

33. On Browder’s convergence theorem and Halpern iteration process for G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces endowed with graphs

34. Three kinds of new hybrid projection methods for a finite family of quasi-asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces

35. Strong convergence of a general iterative algorithm for a finite family of accretive operators in Banach spaces

36. Global optimality results for multivalued non-self mappings in b-metric spaces

37. On some fixed point theorems under ( α , ψ , ϕ ) $(\alpha,\psi,\phi)$ -contractivity conditions in metric spaces endowed with transitive binary relations

38. Common fixed point of multifunctions on partial metric spaces

39. Convergence of general algorithm for I-generalized asymptotically nonexpansive nonself-mappings in uniformly convex hyperbolic spaces

40. Hybrid iterative algorithms for two families of finite maximal monotone mappings

41. A discussion on best proximity point and coupled best proximity point in partially ordered metric spaces

42. Fixed point theorems of ordered contractive mappings on cone metric spaces over Banach algebras

43. Contractibility and fixed point property: the case of Khalimsky topological spaces

44. Applications of order-theoretic fixed point theorems to discontinuous quasi-equilibrium problems

45. Nagumo theorems of third-order singular nonlinear boundary value problems

46. Fixed point theory of the soft Meir-Keeler type contractive mappings on a complete soft metric space

47. Linear discriminant analysis for interval data

48. Foreword: Special Issue on IPEC 2014

49. A modified Mann iterative scheme by generalized f-projection for a countable family of relatively quasi-nonexpansive mappings and a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems

50. Convergence theorems of modified Mann iterations