
Showing total 191 results
191 results

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1. A pragmatic ensemble learning approach for rainfall prediction.

2. Adoption of energy-efficiency measures by Australian low-income households.

3. Climate change adaptation across businesses in Australia: interpretations, implementations, and interactions.

4. Climate change and the wise use of wetlands: information from Australian wetlands.

5. Consultants and the business of climate services: implications of shifting from public to private science.

6. Spatial Wildfire Risk Modeling Using a Tree-Based Multivariate Generalized Pareto Mixture Model.

7. Business As Usual Versus Climate-responsive, Optimised Crop Plans – A Predictive Model for Irrigated Agriculture in Australia in 2060.

8. Agronomic factors are the dominant influence on nitrogen fertilizer strategies in dryland cropping systems.

9. A palaeoclimate proxy database for water security planning in Queensland Australia.

10. A Comparative Assessment of Models to Predict Monthly Rainfall in Australia.

11. Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tropical cyclone-induced storm surges.

12. Opinions of 12 to 13-year-olds in Austria and Australia on the concern, cause and imminence of climate change.

13. Influence of bias-correcting global climate models for regional climate simulations over the CORDEX-Australasia domain using WRF.

14. Climate change in a regional context: relative vulnerability in the Australasian skier market.

15. Understanding the public's response towards 'enhanced water recovery' in the Great Artesian Basin (Australia) using the carbon capture and storage process.

16. Climate change and Australia's primary industries: factors hampering an effective and coordinated response.

17. The challenge of adapting centralised electricity systems: peak demand and maladaptation in South East Queensland, Australia.

18. Building adaptive capacity in South East Queensland, Australia.

19. The research-policy nexus in climate change adaptation: experience from the urban water sector in South East Queensland, Australia.

20. The socio-economic vulnerability of the Australian east coast grazing sector to the impacts of climate change.

21. Changes in relative fit of human heat stress indices to cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal hospitalizations across five Australian urban populations.

22. Potential range shift of a long-distance migratory rice pest, Nilaparvata lugens, under climate change.

23. A systematic regional approach for climate change adaptation to protect biodiversity.

24. Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire.

25. Information infrastructure for Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System.

26. A Method for Catchment Scale Mapping of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems to Support Natural Resource Management (Queensland, Australia).

27. Executives' engagement with climate science and perceived need for business adaptation to climate change.

28. Risk and economic viability of housing climate adaptation strategies for wind hazards in southeast Australia.

29. Quantifying the response of cotton production in eastern Australia to climate change.

30. Climate warriors down under: Contextualising Australia's youth climate justice movement.

31. Stationary and non-stationary temperature-duration-frequency curves for Australia.

32. Spatio-temporal modelling of heat stress and climate change implications for the Murray dairy region, Australia.

33. Climate change impacts and adaptation of commercial marine fisheries in Australia: a review of the science.

34. Living on Climate-Changed Country: Indigenous Health, Well-Being and Climate Change in Remote Australian Communities.

35. Disaster resilience in a flood-impacted rural Australian town.

36. Coastal climate hazards and urban planning: how planning responses can lead to maladaptation.

37. A comparative assessment of the potential impact of climate change on the ski industry in New Zealand and Australia.

38. Does climatic crisis in Australia's food bowl create a basis for change in agricultural gender relations?

39. Principles to coordinate managed aquifer recharge with natural resource management policies in Australia.

40. Experiencing 'drought and more': local responses from rural Victoria, Australia.

41. An assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation for the Torres Strait Islands, Australia.


43. Key findings from the Indian Ocean Climate Initiative and their impact on policy development in Australia.

44. Solar Festivals and Climate Bills: Comparing NGO Climate Change Campaigns in the UK and Australia.

45. The Vulnerability of the Australian Beef Industry to Impacts of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) under Climate Change.

46. Identifying areas of high drought risk in southwest Western Australia.

47. Using ensemble learning to model climate associated variation in wood properties of planted Eucalyptus nitens in north-western Tasmania.

48. Assessing Australia's future solar power ramps with climate projections.

49. Health costs of wildfire smoke to rise under climate change.

50. Global desert variation under climatic impact during 1982–2020.