
Showing total 14 results
14 results

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1. Panels, Powerpoints and Papers.

2. Realizable accessibility: evaluating the reliability of public transit accessibility using high-resolution real-time data.

3. Incorporating features of autonomous vehicles in activity-based travel demand model for Columbus, OH.

4. The intersection of food justice and religious values in secular spaces: insights from a nonprofit urban farm in Columbus, Ohio.

5. Spatial Regression Analysis vs. Kriging Methods for Spatial Estimation.

6. Simulating the Effect of Autonomous Vehicles on Roadway Mobility in a Microscopic Traffic Simulator.

7. Distance decay and coverage in facility location planning.

8. ALREADY LIVE DO NOT PUBLISH Gene chips unmask cryptic diseases.

9. A geographically weighted regression approach to investigating local built-environment effects on home prices in the housing downturn, recovery, and subsequent increases.

10. Depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and health-related quality of life among older adults with HIV.

11. Using home buyers’ revealed preferences to define the urban–rural fringe.

12. Spatial analysis of the relationship between housing values and investments in transportation infrastructure.

13. Husbands' Sex-Role Preferences and Contraceptive Intentions: The Case of the Male Pill.

14. Androgyny, Stress, and Satisfaction: Dual- Career and Traditional Relationships.