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1. A New Class of Plane Curves with Arc Length Parametrization and Its Application to Linear Analysis of Curved Beams

2. Positive Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Singular Fractional Differential Systems with Riemann–Stieltjes Coupled Integral Boundary Value Conditions

3. D-Stability of the Initial Value Problem for Symmetric Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations

4. A Survey on Sharp Oscillation Conditions of Differential Equations with Several Delays

5. Localized Boundary Knot Method for Solving Two-Dimensional Laplace and Bi-harmonic Equations

6. A Closed-Form Expression of the Instantaneous Rotational Lurch Index to Evaluate Its Numerical Approximation

7. Existence Theory for a Fractional q-Integro-Difference Equation with q-Integral Boundary Conditions of Different Orders

8. δ-Almost Periodic Functions and Applications to Dynamic Equations

9. The Fractional Orthogonal Difference with Applications

10. Analytical Solution of Generalized Space-Time Fractional Cable Equation

11. Solution of Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients with the Aid of an Analytic Continuation of Laplace Transform

12. Separate Fractional (p,q)-Integrodifference Equations via Nonlocal Fractional (p,q)-Integral Boundary Conditions

13. New Irregular Solutions in the Spatially Distributed Fermi–Pasta–Ulam Problem

14. The Stability Analysis of A-Quartic Functional Equation

15. Approximation Solution of the Nonlinear Circular Sitnikov Restricted Four–Body Problem

16. Interior Elastic Scattering by a Non-Penetrable Partially Coated Obstacle and Its Shape Recovering

17. Periodic Solutions in Slowly Varying Discontinuous Differential Equations: The Generic Case

18. Vibration and Flutter of a Honeycomb Sandwich Plate with Zero Poisson’s Ratio

19. Positive Solutions for a Singular Elliptic Equation Arising in a Theory of Thermal Explosion

20. An Exterior Algebraic Derivation of the Euler–Lagrange Equations from the Principle of Stationary Action

21. Planar Typical Bézier Curves with a Single Curvature Extremum

22. Traveling Waves Solutions for Delayed Temporally Discrete Non-Local Reaction-Diffusion Equation

23. Generalization Second Order Macroscopic Traffic Models via Relative Velocity of the Congestion Propagation

24. Oscillation Criteria of Second-Order Dynamic Equations on Time Scales

25. Orbital Hypernormal Forms

26. The Hybrid FEM-DBCI for the Solution of Open-Boundary Low-Frequency Problems

27. Regularity of Weak Solutions to the Inhomogeneous Stationary Navier–Stokes Equations

28. Spectral Curves for the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

29. Numerical Stability Investigations of the Method of Fundamental Solutions Applied to Wave-Current Interactions Using Generating-Absorbing Boundary Conditions

30. Geometrical Properties of the Pseudonull Hypersurfaces in Semi-Euclidean 4-Space

31. Nonstationary Radiative–Conductive Heat Transfer Problem in a Semitransparent Body with Absolutely Black Inclusions

32. Solvability of an Optimization Problem for the Unsteady Plane Flow of a Non-Newtonian Fluid with Memory

33. Holomorphic Extensions Associated with Fourier–Legendre Series and the Inverse Scattering Problem

34. The Problem of the Non-Uniqueness of the Solution to the Inverse Problem of Recovering the Symmetric States of a Bistable Medium with Data on the Position of an Autowave Front

35. Lyapunov Functions and Lipschitz Stability for Riemann–Liouville Non-Instantaneous Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations

36. Integral Comparison Criteria for Half-Linear Differential Equations Seen as a Perturbation

37. Four-Quadrant Riemann Problem for a 2 × 2 System II

38. Quasilinear Dirichlet Problems with Degenerated p-Laplacian and Convection Term

39. Applications of Stieltjes Derivatives to Periodic Boundary Value Inclusions

40. Symmetric Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Uniform Beams

41. Finite Difference Method for Two-Sided Two Dimensional Space Fractional Convection-Diffusion Problem with Source Term

42. The Exact Solution of the Falling Body Problem in Three-Dimensions: Comparative Study

43. Eccentricity-Induced Seismic Behavior of Curved Bridges Based on Controllability

44. Ulam Stability of a Second Linear Differential Operator with Nonconstant Coefficients

45. Numerical Simulation of Flow over Non-Linearly Stretching Sheet Considering Chemical Reaction and Magnetic Field

46. Electrostatic Capacity of a Metallic Cylinder: Effect of the Moment Method Discretization Process on the Performances of the Krylov Subspace Techniques

47. Limit Cycles of a Class of Polynomial Differential Systems Bifurcating from the Periodic Orbits of a Linear Center

48. Generalized Fixed Point Results with Application to Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations

49. Research and Application of Filtering Grid Scale in Detached Eddy Simulation Model

50. Averaging Methods for Second-Order Differential Equations and Their Application for Impact Systems