
Showing total 519 results
519 results

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1. Intelligent Sensing of Thermal Error of CNC Machine Tool Spindle Based on Multi-Source Information Fusion.

2. Fault Diagnosis of Hydropower Units Based on Gramian Angular Summation Field and Parallel CNN.

3. A Fault Diagnosis Method of Four-Mass Vibration MEMS Gyroscope Based on ResNeXt-50 with Attention Mechanism and Improved EWT Algorithm.

4. A Multi-Stance Detection Method by Fusing Sentiment Features.

5. Adaptive Whitening and Feature Gradient Smoothing-Based Anti-Sample Attack Method for Modulated Signals in Frequency-Hopping Communication.

6. Chinese Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition Based on BILTAR and GlobalPointer Modules.

7. Application of Vibration Data Mining and Deep Neural Networks in Bridge Damage Identification.

8. Advances in Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey of Methods, Benchmarks, Models, and Datasets.

9. Multi-Identity Recognition of Darknet Vendors Based on Metric Learning.

10. Calligraphy Character Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

11. GCN-Transformer-Based Spatio-Temporal Load Forecasting for EV Battery Swapping Stations under Differential Couplings.

12. TCPSNet: Transformer and Cross-Pseudo-Siamese Learning Network for Classification of Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images.

13. Mix-VIO: A Visual Inertial Odometry Based on a Hybrid Tracking Strategy.

14. Enhancing Multichannel Fiber Optic Sensing Systems with IFFT-DNN for Remote Water Level Monitoring.

15. A Fault Diagnosis Method for a Missile Air Data System Based on Unscented Kalman Filter and Inception V3 Methods.

16. Deep Learning Techniques for Radar-Based Continuous Human Activity Recognition †.

17. Application Research of Bridge Damage Detection Based on the Improved Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model.

18. Exploring the Advancements and Future Research Directions of Artificial Neural Networks: A Text Mining Approach.

19. Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Two-Branch Multiscale Spatial Spectral Feature Fusion with Self-Attention Mechanisms.

20. Semi-Supervised Autoencoder for Chemical Gas Classification with FTIR Spectrum.

21. Effect of Phase Shifting on Real-Time Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances.

22. Enhancing Human Activity Recognition with Siamese Networks: A Comparative Study of Contrastive and Triplet Learning Approaches.

23. Research on Communication Signal Modulation Recognition Based on a CCLDNN.

24. Using Transfer Learning and Radial Basis Function Deep Neural Network Feature Extraction to Upgrade Existing Product Fault Detection Systems for Industry 4.0: A Case Study of a Spring Factory.

25. Welding Quality Detection for Variable Groove Weldments Based on Infrared Sensor and Artificial Neural Network.

26. Wind Turbine Blade Icing Prediction Using Focal Loss Function and CNN-Attention-GRU Algorithm.

27. A Seam Tracking Method Based on an Image Segmentation Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

28. Adaptive Modular Convolutional Neural Network for Image Recognition.

29. Examining the Performance of Various Pretrained Convolutional Neural Network Models in Malware Detection.

30. Autoencoder-Based Visual Anomaly Localization for Manufacturing Quality Control.

31. Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Mutually Guided Image Filtering.

32. Distract Your Attention: Multi-Head Cross Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition.

33. Deep-Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation Approach for Point Clouds of Extra-High-Voltage Transmission Lines.

34. Origin Identification of Saposhnikovia divaricata by CNN Embedded with the Hierarchical Residual Connection Block.

35. MFNet: Mutual Feature-Aware Networks for Remote Sensing Change Detection.

36. ARTD-Net: Anchor-Free Based Recyclable Trash Detection Net Using Edgeless Module.

37. A Multilevel Spatial and Spectral Feature Extraction Network for Marine Oil Spill Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Image.

38. Day-Ahead Forecast of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand with Deep Neural Networks.

39. Congestive Heart Failure Category Classification Using Neural Networks in Short-Term Series.

40. Extraction of Significant Features by Fixed-Weight Layer of Processing Elements for the Development of an Efficient Spiking Neural Network Classifier.

41. Sentiment Analysis of Students' Feedback on E-Learning Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Model.

42. Detecting Compressed Deepfake Images Using Two-Branch Convolutional Networks with Similarity and Classifier.

43. Deep Neural Network for Lung Image Segmentation on Chest X-ray.

44. A Novel Target Tracking Scheme Based on Attention Mechanism in Complex Scenes.

45. Material Classification and Aging Time Prediction of Structural Metals Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Combined with Probabilistic Neural Network.

46. Dual-Domain Prior-Driven Deep Network for Infrared Small-Target Detection.

47. Ensemble System of Deep Neural Networks for Single-Channel Audio Separation.

48. Using Open Vector-Based Spatial Data to Create Semantic Datasets for Building Segmentation for Raster Data.

49. Improvement of Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model Based on YOLO Algorithm and Its Research in Pavement Defect Detection.

50. Object Detection and Classification of Metal Polishing Shaft Surface Defects Based on Convolutional Neural Network Deep Learning.