
Your search keyword 'LN cat08778a' showing total 9 results
9 results on 'LN cat08778a'

Search Results

1. Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare : Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes

2. Text Analytics with Python : A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing.

3. Build Android-Based Smart Applications : Using Rules Engines, NLP and Automation Frameworks.

4. Applied Natural Language Processing with Python : Implementing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

5. Practical Machine Learning with Python. A Problem-Solver's Guide to Building Real-World Intelligent Systems.

6. Cloud Data Design, Orchestration, and Management Using Microsoft Azure : Master and Design a Solution Leveraging the Azure Data Platform.

7. Oracle Business Intelligence with Machine Learning : Artificial Intelligence Techniques in OBIEE for Actionable BI.

8. Veracity of Big Data : Machine Learning and Other Approaches to Verifying Truthfulness.

9. Deep Learning with Azure : Building and Deploying Artificial Intelligence Solutions on the Microsoft AI Platform.


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