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1. Linear Programming Contractor for Interval Distribution State Estimation Using RDM Arithmetic.

2. Faster NTRU on ARM Cortex-M4 With TMVP-Based Multiplication.

3. Efficient Design of Scaled Rectangular (Saramäki) Window.

4. Voltage-Based Concatenatable Full Adder Using Spin Hall Effect Switching.

5. Profile-Based Output Error Compensation for Approximate Arithmetic Circuits.

6. Energy-Quality Scalable Design Space Exploration of Approximate FFT Hardware Architectures.

7. Reconfigurable Bit-Serial Operation Using Toggle SOT-MRAM for High-Performance Computing in Memory Architecture.

8. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues.

9. Understanding Algebraic Rewriting for Arithmetic Circuit Verification: A Bit-Flow Model.

10. Resilience of Randomized RNS Arithmetic with Respect to Side-Channel Leaks of Cryptographic Computation.

11. Efficient Hardware Arithmetic for Inverted Binary Ring-LWE Based Post-Quantum Cryptography.

12. A Delta Sigma Modulator-Based Stochastic Divider.

13. NTT Architecture for a Linux-Ready RISC-V Fully-Homomorphic Encryption Accelerator.

14. ReMCA: A Reconfigurable Multi-Core Architecture for Full RNS Variant of BFV Homomorphic Evaluation.

15. Efficient Software Implementation of the SIKE Protocol Using a New Data Representation.

16. Two Applications of Coset Cardinality Spectrum of Distributed Arithmetic Coding.

17. Lossless Coding of Point Cloud Geometry Using a Deep Generative Model.

18. Binary-Ternary Plus-Minus Modular Inversion in RNS.

19. A Distributed Network-Based Runtime Verification of Full Regular Temporal Properties.

20. High-Precision Anchored Accumulators for Reproducible Floating-Point Summation.

21. Optimized Interpolation of Four-Term Karatsuba Multiplication and a Method of Avoiding Negative Multiplicands.

22. Adaptive Filtering With Reduced Computational Complexity Using SOPOT Arithmetic.

23. Authenticated and Prunable Dictionary for Blockchain-Based VNF Management.

24. High-Speed FPGA Implementation of SIKE Based on an Ultra-Low-Latency Modular Multiplier.

25. Population Diversity of Nonelitist Evolutionary Algorithms in the Exploration Phase.

26. The Secret Arithmetic of Patterns: A General Method for Designing Constrained Codes Based on Lexicographic Indexing.

27. Fast Run-Length Compression of Point Cloud Geometry.

28. A Class of Low-Complexity DCT-Like Transforms for Image and Video Coding.

29. Arithmetic Approaches for Rigorous Design of Reliable Fixed-Point LTI Filters.

30. Hierarchical Verification of AMS Systems With Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams.

31. PEEC-Based Analysis of Complex Fusion Magnets During Fast Voltage Transients With H-Matrix Compression.

32. Optimized Address Assignment With Array and Loop Transformations for Minimizing Schedule Length.

33. High-Throughput Cognitive-Amplification Detector for LDPC Decoders.

34. ARMv8 SIKE: Optimized Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation on ARMv8 Processors.

35. High-Performance FPGA-Based CNN Accelerator With Block-Floating-Point Arithmetic.

36. Automated Test Generation for Debugging Multiple Bugs in Arithmetic Circuits.

37. Equivalence Verification of Polynomial Datapaths Using Ideal Membership Testing.

38. Consideration of Input Parameter Uncertainties in Load Flow Solution of Three-Phase Unbalanced Radial Distribution System.

39. Low-Complexity Multiplierless Constant Rotators Based on Combined Coefficient Selection and Shift-and-Add Implementation (CCSSI).

40. Window Processing of Binary Polarization Kernels.

41. Affine Arithmetic-Based B-Spline Surface Intersection with GPU Acceleration.

42. Evaluation of Singular Integral Equation in MoM Analysis of Arbitrary Thin Wire Structures.

43. Enhanced Precision Analysis for Accuracy-Aware Bit-Width Optimization Using Affine Arithmetic.

44. Biophysically Accurate Foating Point Neuroprocessors for Reconfigurable Logic.

45. Floating Point Calculation of the Cube Function on FPGAs.

46. CNTFET-Based Design of Ternary Logic Gates and Arithmetic Circuits.

47. Computation Error Analysis in Digital Signal Processing Systems With Overscaled Supply Voltage.

48. Reduction of Symmetric Complex Filters.

49. A New Basis for Shifters in General-Purpose Processors for Existing and Advanced Bit Manipulations.

50. Algorithms for Triple-Word Arithmetic.