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1. Applications of Fractional Lower Order Frequency Spectrum Technologies to Bearing Fault Analysis

2. Exponential Stability of Antiperiodic Solution for BAM Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays

3. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation

4. The Modified Fourier-Ritz Approach for the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Cylindrical, Conical, Spherical Panels and Shells of Revolution with General Boundary Condition

5. Passive Control of Switched Singular Systems via Output Feedback

6. Stability and Bogdanov-Takens Bifurcation of an SIS Epidemic Model with Saturated Treatment Function

7. Complexity Uncertainty Analysis of Dynamic in a Dual-Channel Energy Supply Chain Model with Heterogeneous Retailers

8. Noether Theorem for Nonholonomic Systems with Time Delay

9. Optimal O(1) Bilateral Filter with Arbitrary Spatial and Range Kernels Using Sparse Approximation

10. An Improved Interpolating Element-Free Galerkin Method Based on Nonsingular Weight Functions

11. Efficiently Implementing the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Hurst Exponent

12. Discrete Fractional COSHAD Transform and Its Application

13. Theory and computation of disturbance invariant sets for discrete-time linear systems

14. A Class of Negatively Fractal Dimensional Gaussian Random Functions

15. Mathematical Transform of Traveling-Wave Equations and Phase Aspects of Quantum Interaction

16. Efficient and Accurate Frequency Estimator under Low SNR by Phase Unwrapping

17. On the Novel Finite-Time Stability Results for Uncertain Fractional Delay Differential Equations Involving Noninstantaneous Impulses

18. N-Soliton Solutions of the Coupled Kundu Equations Based on the Riemann-Hilbert Method

19. Local Convergence Balls for Nonlinear Problems with Multiplicity and Their Extension to Eighth-Order Convergence

20. Generalized Fractional Integral Formulas for the k-Bessel Function

21. The Resonance Reliability and Global Sensitivity Analysis of Curved Pipe Conveying Fluid Based on TIS Method

22. A New Stability Criterion for Neutral Stochastic Delay Differential Equations with Markovian Switching

23. Efficient Numerical Methods for Analysis of Square Ratio of κ-μ and η-μ Random Processes with Their Applications in Telecommunications

24. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction for Multifidelity Computer Experiments

25. Complex Dynamics of a Discrete-Time Predator-Prey System with Ivlev Functional Response

26. Homogeneous Stabilizer by State Feedback for Switched Nonlinear Systems Using Multiple Lyapunov Functions’ Approach

27. Analytical Analysis on Nonlinear Parametric Vibration of an Axially Moving String with Fractional Viscoelastic Damping

28. Numerical Study on Flow around Four Square-Arranged Cylinders at Low Reynolds Numbers

29. Poisson Summation Formulae Associated with the Special Affine Fourier Transform and Offset Hilbert Transform

30. A New Mathematical Method for Solving Cuttings Transport Problem of Horizontal Wells: Ant Colony Algorithm

31. A Proximal Fully Parallel Splitting Method for Stable Principal Component Pursuit

32. Delay Induced Hopf Bifurcation of an Epidemic Model with Graded Infection Rates for Internet Worms

33. A Coupled Pseudospectral-Differential Quadrature Method for a Class of Hyperbolic Telegraph Equations

34. Efficient Techniques for Solving the Periodic Projected Lyapunov Equations and Model Reduction of Periodic Systems

35. A Single Image Deblurring Algorithm for Nonuniform Motion Blur Using Uniform Defocus Map Estimation

36. Nonlinear Dynamics and Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of the Higher-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Derivative Non-Kerr Nonlinear Terms

37. Adaptive Finite-Time Stabilization of High-Order Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic and Parametric Uncertainties

38. Linear Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion of Solutions for a Nonlinear Carrier Wave Equation in an Annular Membrane with Robin-Dirichlet Conditions

39. Bayesian Inference for Step-Stress Partially Accelerated Competing Failure Model under Type II Progressive Censoring

40. Multisoliton Solutions and Breathers for the Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations via the Hirota Method

41. Wavelet-Based Methodology for Evolutionary Spectra Estimation of Nonstationary Typhoon Processes

42. Some Identities Involving Chebyshev Polynomials

43. GM-PHD Filter Combined with Track-Estimate Association and Numerical Interpolation

44. Normal Inverse Gaussian Model-Based Image Denoising in the NSCT Domain

45. Convergence Analysis of Contrastive Divergence Algorithm Based on Gradient Method with Errors

46. A Reconstruction Procedure Associated with Switching Lyapunov Function for Relaxing Stability Assurance of T-S Fuzzy Mode

47. Properties of the Set of Hadamardized Hurwitz Polynomials

48. Existence, Uniqueness, and Characterization Theorems for Nonlinear Fuzzy Integrodifferential Equations of Volterra Type

49. Stochastic Fractional Heat Equations Driven by Fractional Noises

50. Differential Transform Method with Complex Transforms to Some Nonlinear Fractional Problems in Mathematical Physics