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1. Morphisms of naturally valenced association schemes and quotient schemes

2. Semigroups of left quotients: existence, straightness and locality

3. Axiom of choice and chromatic number of Rn

4. On a general class of multi-valued weakly Picard mappings

5. Equivalence theorems of the convergence between Ishikawa and Mann iterations with errors for generalized strongly successively Φ-pseudocontractive mappings without Lipschitzian assumptions

6. Bounds for the maximal height of divisors of xn−1

7. Second order linear sequence subgroups in finite fields

8. On the solutions of a functional equation arising from multiplication of quantum integers

9. Properties of generic and almost every mappings in ZZ

10. Constructing a 3-tree for a 3-connected matroid

11. Normal subgroups and p-regular G-class sizes

12. The analogue of Erdős–Turán conjecture in Zm

13. The Eckmann–Hilton argument and higher operads

14. Pushing up point stabilizers, I

15. A generalized Cayley–Hamilton theorem

16. The modulo 2 structure of rank 3 permutation modules for odd characteristic symplectic groups

17. Ordering of trees with fixed matching number by the Laplacian coefficients

18. Learning finite cover automata from queries

19. On the residue classes of integer sequences satisfying a linear three term recurrence formula

20. On the regular semisimple elements and primary classes of GL(n,q)

21. Fuzzy rough set model on two different universes and its application

22. Graph Minors. XIX. Well-quasi-ordering on a surface

23. Analogies of Dedekind sums in function fields

24. Errors in graph embedding algorithms

25. Planar zero-divisor graphs

26. Traceability codes

27. Free biholomorphic functions and operator model theory

28. The difference basis and bi-basis of Zm

29. Perturbations of subalgebras of type II1 factors

30. Jacobi polynomials and associated reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

31. The divisibility modulo 24 of Kloosterman sums on GF(2m), m odd

32. The invariance of the arithmetic mean with respect to generalized quasi-arithmetic means

33. Constrained minimum vertex cover in bipartite graphs: complexity and parameterized algorithms

34. The Pettis integral for multi-valued functions via single-valued ones

35. Symmetry theorems for Ext vanishing

36. Exposing 3-separations in 3-connected matroids

37. On sums of squares of primes II

38. Enumerating permutation polynomials over finite fields by degree II

39. Partitions of natural numbers with the same representation functions

40. Ordered spanning sets for quasimodules for Möbius vertex algebras

41. Improved algorithms for finding length-bounded two vertex-disjoint paths in a planar graph and minmax k vertex-disjoint paths in a directed acyclic graph

42. Efficient algorithms for the block edit problems

43. Tensor envelopes of regular categories

44. A theory of Stochastic systems. Part II: Process algebra

45. Characteristic imsets for learning Bayesian network structure

46. Algebras of infinitesimal CR automorphisms

47. Comparative study of variable precision rough set model and graded rough set model

48. On the homology of sln(tC[t]) and a theorem of Stembridge

49. Kolmogorov Theorem revisited

50. Two issues in using mixtures of polynomials for inference in hybrid Bayesian networks