
Showing total 21 results
21 results

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1. NP-hardness and fixed-parameter tractability of the minimum spanner problem

2. Hardness and approximation of the asynchronous border minimization problem

3. Compression of M♮-convex functions -- Flag matroids and valuated permutohedra

4. On the mortality problem: From multiplicative matrix equations to linear recurrence sequences and beyond

5. Graph classes with linear Ramsey numbers

6. Two disjoint shortest paths problem with non-negative edge length

7. On a minimum enclosing ball of a collection of linear subspaces

8. A geometric lower bound on the extension complexity of polytopes based on the f-vector

9. Freeness properties of weighted and probabilistic automata over bounded languages

10. Preface : the second Malta conference in graph theory and combinatorics

11. On metric properties of maps between Hamming spaces and related graph homomorphisms

12. Approximability and inapproximability of the minimum certificate dispersal problem

13. An improved approximation lower bound for finding almost stable maximum matchings

14. The Computation of Odd Dimensional Projective Surgery Groups of Finite-Groups

15. The l-Diversity problem: Tractability and approximability

16. Degree distributions of evolving alphabetic bipartite networks and their projections

17. A polynomial algorithm to find an independent set of maximum weight in a fork-free graph

18. Generalizing the generalized Petersen graphs

19. On the Orthogonal Latin Square polytope

20. Hall polynomials for the representation-finite hereditary algebras

21. Bounds on algebraic code capacities for noisy channels. II