
Showing total 13 results
13 results

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1. Need for enrichment of lutetium isotope and design of a laser based separator module.

2. Quantitative analysis of UF4 and ThF4 in Indian MSR fuel using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy.

3. Project-scale prospectivity analysis for unconformity-related uranium deposits in the Badami Group of the western Kaladgi basin, India.

4. Emerging Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Activities in India.

5. Recycle Fuel Fabrication for Closed Fuel Cycle in India.

6. Policy Initiatives by the Government of India to Accelerate the Growth of Installed Nuclear Power Capacity in the Coming Years.

7. Radon (222Rn) level variations on a regional scale from the Singhbhum Shear Zone, India: A comparative evaluation between influence of basement U-activity and porosity

8. Optimization of Thorium loading in fresh core of Indian PHWR by evolutionary algorithms

9. Suitable gamma energy for gamma-spectrometric determination of 238U in surface soil samples of a high rainfall area in India

10. Extraction of uranium from the concentrated brine rejected by integrated nuclear desalination plants

11. A perspective on fast reactor fuel cycle in India

12. Exploration for concealed fracture controlled uranium mineralization: A case from Shivaramapuram-Nutankalva tract in basement granitoids, south of Cuddapah basin, Andhra Pradesh, India.

13. Mapping of alteration zones associated with uranium mineralization using joint analysis of quasi 3D ERT with gravity anomaly near Kutni, South Purulia Shear Zone, India.