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1. Primal-dual hybrid gradient image denoising algorithm based on overlapping group sparsity and fractional-order total variation.

2. The EEG signals encryption algorithm with K-sine-transform-based coupling chaotic system.

3. Solution of maximum scatter traveling salesman problem through evolutionary approaches.

4. Gradient descent algorithm for the optimization of fixed priorities in real-time systems.

5. A novel adaptive weight algorithm based on decomposition and two-part update strategy for many-objective optimization.

6. A novel spectral method and error estimates for fourth-order problems with mixed boundary conditions in a cylindrical domain.

7. A study on partial pivot ACA boundary element method for elasticity problems.

8. A new approach to multi-domain fast multipole boundary element method.

9. Multi-source fusion positioning algorithm based on pseudo-satellite for indoor narrow and long areas.

10. DIMNet: Dense implicit function network for 3D human body reconstruction.

11. Algorithm for Optimal and Complete Testing of Software and Hardware Data Security Tools.

12. S_IDS: An efficient skyline query algorithm over incomplete data streams.

13. A curvature-segmentation-based minimum time algorithm for autonomous vehicle velocity planning.

14. Evolutionary approach for dynamic constrained optimization problems.

15. D-NISQ: A reference model for Distributed Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum computers.

16. A data-driven optimisation method for a class of problems with redundant variables and indefinite objective functions.

17. An automatic affinity propagation clustering based on improved equilibrium optimizer and t-SNE for high-dimensional data.

18. A relation-centric algorithm for solving text-diagram function problems.

19. A two-stage frequency-domain generation algorithm based on differential evolution for black-box adversarial samples.

20. A block-based heuristic search algorithm for the two-dimensional guillotine strip packing problem.

21. An adaptive dual-strategy constrained optimization-based coevolutionary optimizer for high-dimensional feature selection.

22. An improved BAT algorithm for collaborative dynamic target tracking and path planning of multiple UAV.

23. Two-machine job shop problem with a single server and sequence-independent non-anticipatory set-up times.

24. PANDA: A physarum-inspired algorithm to solve the multi-objective discrete network design problem.

25. Applications of Lagrangian relaxation-based algorithms to industrial scheduling problems, especially in production workshop scenarios: A review.

26. Normalized square difference based multilevel thresholding technique for multispectral images using leader slime mould algorithm.

27. Algorithms for covering multiple barriers.

28. On equilibrium performance assurance with costly monitoring.

29. Addressing label ambiguity imbalance in candidate labels: Measures and disambiguation algorithm.

30. A new attributed graph clustering by using label propagation in complex networks.

31. African buffalo algorithm: Training the probabilistic neural network to solve classification problems.

32. Research on a Risk Control Model Based on Selective Ensemble Algorithm of Hierarchical Clustering and Simulated Annealing.

33. Online Task Scheduling Algorithm with Complex Dependencies in Edge Computing.

34. A density clustering-based differential evolution algorithm for solving nonlinear equation systems.

35. Explainability of deep reinforcement learning algorithms in robotic domains by using Layer-wise Relevance Propagation.

36. Masked autoencoder with dynamic multi-loss adaptation mechanism for few shot wafer map pattern recognition.

37. A distributed algorithm for solving quadratic optimization problems.

38. Solving task allocation problem in multi Unmanned Aerial Vehicles systems using Swarm intelligence.

39. Deep Learning Approaches for Question Answering System.

40. DBGSA: A novel data adaptive bregman clustering algorithm.

41. Drawing the almost convex set in an integer grid of minimum size.

42. Reachable region query and its applications.

43. Iterative Feedback Tuning Algorithm for Tower Crane Systems.

44. Non-convex fractional-order derivative for single image blind restoration.

45. Techno-economic based static and dynamic transmission network expansion planning using improved binary bat algorithm.

46. Mobile edge-enabled trust evaluation for the Internet of Things.

47. A robust supervised subspace learning approach for output-relevant prediction and detection against outliers.

48. An adaptive archive differential evolution with non-linear population size reduction and selective pressure.

49. On a simultaneous approach to the even and odd truncated matricial Stieltjes moment problem II: An α-Schur–Stieltjes-type algorithm for sequences of holomorphic matrix-valued functions.

50. Memetic algorithm with route decomposing for periodic capacitated arc routing problem.