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1. Correction and notes to the paper 'A classification of Artin–Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields'

2. Addendum to the paper 'A note on weighted Bergman spaces and the Cesàro operator'

8. On a paper of Zarrow

9. Note on G. Whaples’ paper 'Algebraic extensions of arbitrary fields'

10. On Bernoulli’s numbers and Fermat’s last theorem (Second Paper)

15. Hilbert-Asai Eisenstein series, regularized products, and heat kernels

16. Corrigendum: Unirationality of Hurwitz Spaces of Coverings of Degree ≤5

17. $p$ -adic Eisenstein–Kronecker series for CM elliptic curves and the Kronecker limit formulas

18. FI-modules and stability for representations of symmetric groups

19. Harmonic Maass forms of weight $1$

20. Sally’s question and a conjecture of Shimoda

21. Growth of the Weil–Petersson diameter of moduli space

22. Morphisms determined by objects. The case of modules over Artin algebras

23. New estimates for a time-dependent Schrödinger equation

24. Non-commutative varieties with curvature having bounded signature

25. Optimal three-ball inequalities and quantitative uniqueness for the Lamé system with Lipschitz coefficients

26. The foundational inequalities of D. L. Burkholder and some of their ramifications

27. From dyadic $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ to $\Lambda_{\alpha}$

28. More mixed Tsirelson spaces that are not isomorphic to their modified versions

29. Fundamental solutions of the Tricomi operator, III

30. Categorification of the Temperley-Lieb category, tangles, and cobordisms via projective functors

31. On approximation of topological groups by finite quasigroups and finite semigroups

32. Biholomorphic maps between Teichmüller spaces

33. Baer's extension equivalence

34. Indefinite binary quadratic forms with Markov ratio exceeding 9

35. Kronecker-Weber plus epsilon

36. The Cramer-Rao inequality for star bodies

37. Nonlinear potentials in function spaces

38. Almost sure convergence of weighted series of contractions

39. Formal groups and the isogeny theorem

40. Group schemes and local densities

41. Traces of intertwiners for quantum groups and difference equations, I

42. On the number of nonreal zeros of real entire functions and the Fourier-Pólya conjecture

43. Solutions, spectrum, and dynamics for Schrödinger operators on infinite domains

44. Critical values of the twisted tensor $L$ -function in the imaginary quadratic case

45. Commutators of free random variables

46. Characterizations of filter regular sequences and unconditioned strong $d$-sequences

47. On isometric and minimal isometric embeddings

48. On positivity, criticality, and the spectral radius of the shuttle operator for elliptic operators

49. Differential Galois theory of infinite dimension

50. Smooth group actions on definite $4$ -manifolds and moduli spaces