
Showing total 31 results
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1. A critical review of successional dynamics in boreal forests of North America.

2. Effects of forest management intensity and climate change severity on volume growth, timber yield, carbon stocks, and the amount of deadwood in Scots pine, Norway spruce, and silver birch stands in boreal conditions.

3. Impacts and prognosis of natural resource development on aquatic biodiversity in Canada's boreal zone1.

4. Fungal community dynamics in coarse woody debris across decay stage, tree species, and stand development stage in northern boreal forests.

5. Effects of natural resource development on the terrestrial biodiversity of Canadian boreal forests1.

6. Regional patterns of postfire canopy recovery in the northern boreal forest of Quebec: interactions between surficial deposit, climate, and fire cycle.

7. Potential changes in monthly fire risk in the eastern Canadian boreal forest under future climate change.

8. Forecasting wildfire-induced declines in potential forest harvest levels across Québec.

9. Effects of natural resource development on the terrestrial biodiversity of Canadian boreal forests1.

10. Impacts and prognosis of natural resource development on aquatic biodiversity in Canada's boreal zone1.


12. Boreal peatland forests: ditch network maintenance effort and water protection in a forest rotation framework.

13. Continuous-cover management and attractiveness of managed Scots pine forests.

14. Analyzing risk of regeneration failure in the managed boreal forest of northwestern Quebec.

15. Regional risks of wind damage in boreal forests under changing management and climate projections.

16. Empirical models of albedo transitions in managed boreal forests: analysis of performance and transportability1.

17. Carbon in Canada's boreal forest - A synthesis1.

18. Does postharvest silviculture improve convergence of avian communities in managed and old-growth boreal forests?

19. A continental comparison indicates long-term effects of forest management on understory diversity in coniferous forests.

20. Changes in relative abundance of snowshoe hares () across a 265-year gradient of boreal forest succession.

21. Responses of boreal epiphytic bryophytes to different levels of partial canopy harvest.

22. Mixed-species effect on tree aboveground carbon pools in the east-central boreal forests.

23. Response of beaver, moose, and snowshoe hare to clear-cutting in a Quebec boreal forest: a reassessment 10 years after cut.

24. The changing landscape of Canada's western boreal forest: the current dynamics of permafrost

25. Consequences of various landscape-scale ecosystem management strategies and fire cycles on age-class structure and harvest in boreal forests.

26. Testing forest ecosystem management in boreal mixedwoods of northwestern Quebec: initial response of aspen stands to different levels of harvesting.

27. Stand composition and structure of the boreal mixedwood and epigaeic arthropods of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) landbase in northwestern Alberta.

28. Trends and periodicities in the Canadian Drought Code and their relationships with atmospheric circulation for the southern Canadian boreal forest.

29. Impact a court terme d'une coupe avec protection de la regeneration sur la gelinotte huppee (Bonasa umbellus) en foret boreale (in French)

30. Old growth in the boreal forest: A dynamic perspective at the stand and landscape level.

31. Characterization of old "wet boreal" forests, with an example from balsam fir forests of western Newfoundland.