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1. Relative sea level rise contributions to flood construction levels in British Columbia.

2. Structure from motion used to revive archived aerial photographs for geomorphological analysis: an example from Mount Meager volcano, British Columbia, Canada.

3. Detrital geochronology of the Cunningham Lake formation: an overlap succession linking Cache Creek terrane to Stikinia at ∼205 Ma.

4. Improvements in the airtightness of housing in Richmond, British Columbia.

5. Seismic assessment of rainscreen stucco systems.

6. New geoscientific constraints on the hydrocarbon potential of the Nechako-Chilcotin plateau of central British Columbia1.

7. Long-term nivation rates, Cathedral Massif, northwestern British Columbia.

8. A model for analyzing water reuse and resource recovery potential in urban areas.

9. Geology of northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta: diamonds, shallow gas, gravel, and glaciers.

10. Fuzzy set theory based methodology for the analysis of measurement uncertainties in river discharge and stage.

11. Traffic accident modeling: some statistical issues.

12. A field-based procedure for determining number of waste sorts for solid waste characterization.

13. Spatially overlapping episodes of deformation, metamorphism, and magmatism in the southern Omineca Belt, southeastern British Columbia.

14. Líl̓wat oral traditions of Qw̓elqw̓elústen (Mount Meager): Indigenous records of volcanic eruption, outburst flood, and landscape change in southwest British Columbia.

15. An ankylosaur femur from the mid-Cretaceous of the peace region of northeastern British Columbia.

16. Electrically anisotropic structure of the Rocky Mountain Trench near Valemount, British Columbia inferred from magnetotellurics: implications for geothermal exploration.

17. Lithostratigraphic and tectonic framework of Jurassic and Cretaceous Intermontane sedimentary basins of south-central British Columbia.

18. Giant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus) from late Wisconsinan deposits at Cowichan Head, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

19. Regional seismic risk in British Columbia — damage and loss distribution in Victoria and Vancouver.

20. Late-glacial lakes in the Thompson Basin, British Columbia: paleogeography and evolution.

21. Timing and tectonic setting of Stikine Terrane magmatism, Babine-Takla lakes area, central British Columbia.

22. Geochronology of mid-Cretaceous to Eocene magmatism, Babine porphyry copper district, central British Columbia.

23. Assessing the relative threats from Canadian volcanoes.

24. The Texas Creek landslide, southwestern British Columbia: new ages and implications for the culture history and geomorphology of the mid-Fraser River region.

25. Timing of Cache Creek Ocean closure: insights from new Jurassic radiolarian ages in British Columbia and Yukon and their significance for Canadian Cordillera tectonics.

26. Where ice gave way to fire: deglacial volcanic activity at the edge of the Coast Mountains in Milbanke Sound, BC.

27. Seismicity at the intersection of the Coast Shear Zone and Anahim Volcanic Belt near Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada.

28. Role of hydrologic information in stochastic dynamic programming: a case study of the Kemano hydropower system in British Columbia.

29. New geoscientific constraints on the hydrocarbon potential of the Nechako-Chilcotin plateau of central British Columbia1.

30. Stratigraphy of the upper Hazelton Group and the Jurassic evolution of the Stikine terrane, British Columbia.

31. Public geoscience to reduce exploration risk: new methods to characterize the basement beneath geological cover and to address community engagement in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region of British Columbia.

32. Geological significance of high-resolution magnetic data in the Quesnel terrane, Central British Columbia.

33. Design and seismic behaviour of taller eccentrically braced frames.

34. Experimental evaluation of an orthotropic, monolithic, modular wooden-dome structural system.

35. A comparison of two regional seismic damage estimation methodologies.

36. Stratigraphic evidence for multiple Holocene advances of Lillooet Glacier, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.

37. Large Holocene landslides from Pylon Peak, southwestern British Columbia.

38. Conodont biostratigraphy of the Lower to Middle Devonian Deserters Formation (new), Road River Group, northeastern British Columbia.

39. Effect of ageing on stiffness of very loose sand.

40. Pleistocene to Holocene volcanism in the Canadian Cordillera.

41. Flood-resilient governance in Okanagan valley of British Columbia: current practices and future directives.

42. A 500 ka record of volcanism and paleoenvironment in the northern Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia.

43. Effects of postharvest deficit irrigation on sweet cherry (Prunus avium) in five Okanagan Valley, Canada, orchards: II. Phenology, cold hardiness, fruit yield, and quality.

44. Tools for climate resilience in tree fruit II: a calcium carbonate-based foliar spray showed potential for protecting fruit quality during an unprecedented heat event.

45. Preliminary investigations of ground failures triggered during the mid-November 2021 atmospheric river event along the southwestern British Columbia highway corridors.

46. Bridge infrastructure resilience assessment against seismic hazard using Bayesian best worst method.

47. A review of paleobotanical studies of the Early Eocene Okanagan (Okanogan) Highlands floras of British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, USA1.

48. Biochar-compost mixture and cover crop effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, yield, and fruit quality in an irrigated vineyard.

49. Late Pleistocene heather vole, Phenacomys, on the North Pacific Coast of North America: environments, local extinctions, and archaeological implications.

50. Structure, metamorphism, and mica 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the southern Purcell anticlinorium and its transition into the central Kootenay arc, Omineca belt, southeastern British Columbia.