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1. Field monitoring of the ground vibrations adjacent to an onshore wind turbine foundation.

2. A simplified approach for the historical analysis of urban person travel.

3. Introduction to the Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, "Magmatic and metallogenic processes associated with large igneous provinces".

4. Ecological connectivity of invasive and native fishes in a historic navigation waterway.

5. Modelling diameter at breast height distribution of jack pine and black spruce natural stands in eastern Canada.

6. Revisiting the origins of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) in Canada.

7. The Potsdam–Beekmantown Group boundary, Nepean Formation type section (Ottawa, Ontario): a cryptic sequence boundary, not a conformable transition.

8. Sugar maple sap, soil, and foliar chemistry in response to non-industrial wood ash fertilizer in Muskoka, Ontario.

9. Reply to the discussion by N. Eyles and A. Mohajer on "Analysis and reinterpretation of deformation features in the Rouge River valley, Scarborough, Ontario".

10. Traffic and speed characteristics on two-lane highways: field study.

11. Application of seismic stratigraphy and sedimentology to regional hydrogeological investigations: an example from Oak Ridges Moraine, southern Ontario, Canada.

12. Walkerton: Lessons learned in comparison with waterborne outbreaks in the developed world.

13. Scale model testing and calibration of City of Ottawa sewer weirs.

14. Marine and freshwater centrohelid heliozoans (Haptista: Centroplasthelida) in Canada, including taxonomic revisions and descriptions of 22 new species and subspecies.

15. Susceptibility of endangered Cornus florida (eastern flowering dogwood) to the introduced fungal pathogen Discula destructiva (dogwood anthracnose) in the Canadian Carolinian forest: insights from environmental, ecological, and population genetics assessments

16. Use of two novel trailer types for transportation of pigs to slaughter. II. Effects on trailer microclimate, pig behaviour, physiological response, and meat quality under Canadian winter conditions.

17. Seismic performance assessment of an existing multispan bridge in eastern Canada retrofitted with fiber reinforced elastomeric isolator.

18. Holocene paleoclimate and paleoecology determined from fossil Coleoptera at Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

19. Reply—A re-examination of the effects of fire suppression in the boreal forest.

20. Enhanced resolution of geological structures from magnetic data: an example from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Northern Ontario.

21. Occupancy and detection of Wavyrayed Lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola) in Ontario, Canada1.

22. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada.

23. Development of a Vs30 (NEHRP) map for the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

24. Magmatic and tectonic emplacement of the Pukaskwa batholith, Superior Province, Ontario, Canada.

25. How different is different? Defining management and conservation units for a problematic exploited species.

26. Limnology in northeastern Ontario: from acidification to multiple stressors.

27. Fuzzy set approach to condition assessments of novel sustainable pavements in the Canadian climate.

28. The Hamilton Bar Fauna: evidence for a Hypsithermal age.

29. A survey of Penicillium brevicompactum and P. bialowiezense from indoor environments, with commentary on the taxonomy of the P. brevicompactum group.

30. The Late Ordovician Dawson Point Formation (Timiskaming outlier, Ontario): key to a new regional synthesis of Richmondian–Hirnantian carbonate and siliciclastic magnafacies across the central Canadian craton.

31. Imaging the upper part of the Red Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Ontario, with 3-D traveltime tomography.

32. Ice-wedge casts in Late Wisconsinan glaciofluvial deposits, southern Ontario, Canada.

33. Butterfly assemblages along a human disturbance gradient in Ontario, Canada.

34. Persistence of enteric bacteria in alluvial streams.

35. Paleomagnetism and U–Pb geochronology of the 2.17 Ga Biscotasing dyke swarm, Ontario, Canada: evidence for vertical-axis crustal rotation across the Kapuskasing Zone.

36. Regional unconformities and the sedimentary architecture of the Oak Ridges Moraine area, southern Ontario.

37. A structural reappraisal of the Beardmore–Geraldton Belt at the southern boundary of the Wabigoon subprovince, Ontario, and implications for gold mineralization.

38. Understory vegetation in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: 20-year successional changes.

39. Patterns of canopy interception and throughfall along a topographic sequence for black spruce dominated forest ecosystems in northwestern Ontario.

41. Estimating the urban metabolism of Canadian cities: Greater Toronto Area case study.

42. Numerical models of the exchange flows between Hamilton Harbor and Lake Ontario.

43. Late Ordovician platform foundering, its paleoceanography and burial, as preserved in separate (eastern Michigan Basin, Ottawa Embayment) basins, southern Ontario.

44. Changes in phytoplankton communities following logging in the drainage basins of three boreal forest lakes in northwestern Ontario (Canada), 1991-2000.

45. Kimberlites from the Wawa area, Ontario.

46. Hydrogeology of the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer system: implications for protection and management from the Duffins Creek watershed.

47. Analysis and reinterpretation of deformation features in the Rouge River valley, Scarborough, Ontario.

48. Critical loads of acidity for surface waters in south-central Ontario, Canada: regional application of the Steady-State Water Chemistry (SSWC) model.

49. Chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Alona Bay lavas, Ontario.

50. Effects of stand age on net primary productivity of boreal black spruce forests in Ontario, Canada.