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453 results

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2. Mental incapacity: some proposals for legislative reform.

3. The patient who refuses nursing care.

4. The criminalization of HIV transmission.

5. Assessing the impact of smoking cessation services on reducing health inequalities in England: observational study.

6. Society of Apothecaries diploma in sports medicine.

7. Ethical issues in health care.

8. Symposium 1: The Arthur case--a proposal for legislation.

9. British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2001.

10. GPs put the squeeze on access to hospital care.

11. The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study.

12. Long-term local area employment rates as predictors of individual mortality and morbidity: a prospective study in England, spanning more than two decades.

13. Modelling the association of disability according to the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) with mortality in the British Women's Heart and Health Study.

14. Work, permanent sickness and mortality risk: a prospective cohort study of England and Wales, 1971-2006.

15. Can we reduce health inequalities? An analysis of the English strategy (1997-2010).

16. A labour of Sisyphus? Public policy and health inequalities research from the Black and Acheson Reports to the Marmot Review.

17. Reversing the slow death of the clinical necropsy: developing the post of the Pathology Liaison Nurse.

18. Simple rationality? The law of healthcare resource allocation in England.

19. What does self rated health measure? Results from the British Whitehall Ii and French Gazel cohort studies.

20. Sudden unexpected death and covert homicide in infancy.

21. The importance of social sources of cigarettes to school students.

22. Interrelations between three proxies of health care need at the small area level: an urban/rural comparison.

23. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia of the L3 subtype in adults in the Northern health region of England 1983-99.

24. Snapshots of five clinical ethics committees in the UK.

25. Randomisation and resource allocation: a missed opportunity for evaluating health care and social interventions.

26. Ventilatory function and personal breathing zone dust concentrations in Lancashire textile weavers.

27. University of Manchester sports injury clinic.

28. Two forgotten pioneers. James Carson and George Bodington.

29. Community care--same problems, different epithet?

30. The use of patients in health care education: the need for ethical justification.

31. Postmodernity and a hypertensive patient: rescuing value from nihilism.

32. The Polkinghorne Report on Fetal Research: nice recommendations, shame about the reasoning.

33. Ethics of research with psychiatric patients: principles, problems and the primary responsibilities of researchers.

34. Transsexualism: a legal perspective.

35. Neurology in Gloucestershire: the clinical workload of an English neurologist.

36. Assessing the validity of recent estimates of problematic drug use in England.

37. Altruism towards the end of life.

38. Heat and risk of myocardial infarction: hourly level case- crossover analysis of MINAP database.

39. Association between use of nicotine replacement therapy for harm reduction and smoking cessation: a prospective study of English smokers.

40. 'The Anglo-Saxon disease': a pilot study of the barriers to and facilitators of the use of randomised controlled trials of social programmes in an international context.

41. Impact of smoke-free legislation on children's exposure to secondhand smoke: cotinine data from the Health Survey for England.

42. Sleep disturbance and daytime sleepiness predict vascular dementia.

43. Examining smoking behaviours among parents from the UK Millennium Cohort Study after the smoke-free legislation in Scotland.

44. Evaluating social and behavioural impacts of English smoke-free legislation in different ethnic and age groups: implications for reducing smoking-related health inequalities.

45. Tobacco point-of-sale displays in England: a snapshot survey of current practices.

46. Public support in England for a total ban on the sale of tobacco products.

47. Quit attempts in response to smoke-free legislation in England.

48. Evaluation of the National Congenital Anomaly System in England and Wales.

49. Smoke-free homes in England: prevalence, trends and validation by cotinine in children.

50. Explaining the social gradient in smoking cessation: it’s not in the trying, but in the succeeding.