
Showing total 13 results
13 results

Search Results

1. Association between dry eye and periodontal disease in community-dwelling Japanese adults: data from the Uonuma cohort study.

2. Association between dry eye and periodontal disease in community-dwelling Japanese adults: data from the Uonoma cohort study.

3. Knowledge of caries risk factors/indicators among Japanese and Irish adult patients with different socio-economic profiles: a cross-sectional study.

4. Best practice transfer by public health nurses in Japan: actual conditions and related factors.

5. Dysphoric milk ejection reflex among Japanese mothers: a self-administered survey.

6. Complementary and alternative medicine use by pregnant women in Japan: a pilot survey.

7. Associations of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life with age, oral status, and oral function among psychiatric inpatients in Japan: a cross-sectional study.

8. What determines medical students' career preference for general practice residency training?: a multicenter survey in Japan.

9. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) of the association of the Japanese Kampo concept "Suidoku" (fluid disturbance) and the body composition of women.

10. Community-wide promotion of physical activity in middle-aged and older Japanese: a 3-year evaluation of a cluster randomized trial.

11. Correlation between family physician’s direct advice and pneumococcal vaccination intention and behavior among the elderly in Japan: a cross-sectional study.

12. Association between tooth loss and cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older Japanese adults: a 4-year prospective cohort study from the Ohasama study.

13. Individual- and community-level neighbor relationships and physical activity among older Japanese adults living in a metropolitan area: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis.