
Your search keyword '"RADAR"' showing total 186 results
186 results on '"RADAR"'

Search Results

1. Kinematic Structure of Mesovortices in the Eyewall of Hurricane Ike (2008) Derived from Ground-Based Dual-Doppler Analysis.

2. Radar Rain-Rate Estimators and Their Variability due to Rainfall Type: An Assessment Based on Hydrometeorology Testbed Data from the Southeastern United States.

3. Thunderstorm Observation by Radar (ThOR): An Algorithm to Develop a Climatology of Thunderstorms.

4. Evaluating Two Array Autocalibration Methods with Multifrequency HF Radar Current Measurements.

5. Intercomparison of Attenuation Correction Methods for the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar.

6. Microphysical Characteristics of Overshooting Convection from Polarimetric Radar Observations.

7. Morphology, Intensity, and Rainfall Production of MJO Convection: Observations from DYNAMO Shipborne Radar and TRMM.

8. A Semisupervised Robust Hydrometeor Classification Method for Dual-Polarization Radar Applications.

9. A Comparison of Precipitation Occurrence from the NCEP Stage IV QPE Product and the CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar.

10. Polarimetric Radar Observations of Biological Scatterers in Hurricanes Irene (2011) and Sandy (2012).

11. Precipitation Classification and Quantification Using X-Band Dual-Polarization Weather Radar: Application in the Hydrometeorology Testbed.

12. Quantifying Errors due to Frequency Changes and Target Location Uncertainty for Radar Refractivity Retrievals.

13. X-Band Polarimetric Weather Radar Observations of a Hailstorm.

14. Spatial Averaging of HF Radar Data for Wave Measurement Applications.

15. Exploring the Benefits of Using CryoSat-2's Cross-Track Interferometry to Improve the Resolution of Multisatellite Mesoscale Fields.

16. High-Resolution Vertical Profiles of X-Band Polarimetric Radar Observables during Snowfall in the Swiss Alps.

17. Regional Comparison of GOES Cloud-Top Properties and Radar Characteristics in Advance of First-Flash Lightning Initiation.

18. Observations of Polarimetric Signatures in Supercells by an X-Band Mobile Doppler Radar.

19. Microwave Properties of Ice-Phase Hydrometeors for Radar and Radiometers: Sensitivity to Model Assumptions.

20. Comparison of Drop Size Distribution Parameter ( D0) and Rain Rate from S-Band Dual-Polarized Ground Radar, TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR), and Combined PR-TMI: Two Events from Kwajalein Atoll.

21. Estimation of Atmospheric Duct Structure Using Radar Sea Clutter.

22. Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in the CASA X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Network.

23. HF Radar Performance in a Low-Energy Environment: CODAR SeaSonde Experience on the West Florida Shelf*.

24. Algorithm for Estimation of the Specific Differential Phase.

25. Can a Unique Model Describe the Raindrop Shape–Size Relation? A Clue from Polarimetric Radar Measurements.

26. Theory and Characterization of Weather Radar Networks.

27. Uncertainties in Profiler and Polarimetric DSD Estimates and Their Relation to Rainfall Uncertainties.

28. Retrieval of Reflectivity in a Networked Radar Environment.

29. On the Possible Use of Copolar Correlation Coefficient for Improving the Drop Size Distribution Estimates at C Band.

30. Multipass Objective Analyses of Doppler Radar Data.

31. A Technique for the Automatic Detection of Insect Clutter in Cloud Radar Returns.

32. Differential Reflectivity Calibration for Operational Radars.

33. A Dual-Polarization-Radar-Based Assessment of the 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City Area Tornadic Supercell.

34. An Approximation to the Effective Beam Weighting Function for Scanning Meteorological Radars with an Axisymmetric Antenna Pattern.

35. Tornado Detection Using a Neuro–Fuzzy System to Integrate Shear and Spectral Signatures.

36. Time-Expanded Sampling for Ensemble Kalman Filter: Assimilation Experiments with Simulated Radar Observations.

37. Microphysical Retrievals from Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements at X Band.

38. A Time Series Weather Radar Simulator Based on High-Resolution Atmospheric Models.

39. Performance of the Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System as a Precipitation Gauge.

40. Estimation of Surface Currents in the Adriatic Sea from Sequential Infrared Satellite Images.

41. Retrieval of Raindrop Size Distribution from Simulated Dual-Frequency Radar Measurements.

42. Sources of Error in Dual-Wavelength Radar Remote Sensing of Cloud Liquid Water Content.

43. Performance of the Hail Differential Reflectivity (HDR) Polarimetric Radar Hail Indicator.

44. Discrimination of Bird and Insect Radar Echoes in Clear Air Using High-Resolution Radars.

45. Skill Assessment of Resolving Ocean Surface Current Structure Using Compact-Antenna-Style HF Radar and the MUSIC Direction-Finding Algorithm.

46. Current Patterns on the West Florida Shelf from Joint Self-Organizing Map Analyses of HF Radar and ADCP Data.

47. Empirical Estimation of Attenuation from Differential Propagation Phase Measurements at C Band.

48. Simulation of X-Band Rainfall Observations from S-Band Radar Data.

49. Identification and Removal of Ground Echoes and Anomalous Propagation Using the Characteristics of Radar Echoes.

50. A Fuzzy Logic Technique for Identifying Nonprecipitating Echoes in Radar Scans.


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