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1. Polynomial Time Samplable Distributions

2. Domino Tilings on Orientable Surfaces

3. Small Circuit Double Covers of Cubic Multigraphs

4. Hereditary Noetherian Prime Rings 1. Integrality and Simple Modules

5. Class Number 2 Criteria for Real Quadratic Fields of Richaud–Degert Type

6. On Relations between Jacobians of Certain Modular Curves

7. Optimal Linear Perfect Hash Families

8. Optimal Interpolating Spaces Preserving Shape

9. Disproofs of Generalized Gilbert–Pollak Conjecture on the Steiner Ratio in Three or More Dimensions

10. Adding Action Refinement to a Finite Process Algebra

11. Improved Methods for Approximating Node Weighted Steiner Trees and Connected Dominating Sets

12. Quadratic Geometries, Projective Modules, and Idempotents

13. Face Size and the Maximum Genus of a Graph 1. Simple Graphs

14. Fourier–Stieltjes Algebras of Locally Compact Groupoids

15. Hypergraphs, the Qualitative Solvability of κ · λ = 0, and Volterra Multipliers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

16. On Certain Fixed Point Subgroups of Affine Kac-Moody Groups

17. Invariants of Domains under the Actions of Restricted Lie Algebras

18. Paths and Metrics in a Planar Graph with Three or More Holes. II. Paths

19. A Nebeský-Type Characterization for Relative Maximum Genus

20. A q-Analog of the Coxeter Complex

21. Weak Type Inequalities for Best Simultaneous Approximation in Banach Spaces

22. Irreducible Representations of the Lie-Algebra of the Diffeomorphisms of ad-Dimensional Torus

23. Centers and Two-Sided Ideals of Right Self-Injective Regular Rings

24. Ishikawa and Mann Iterative Processes with Errors for Nonlinear Strongly Accretive Operator Equations

25. Normality of the Elementary Subgroups of Twisted Chevalley Groups over Commutative Rings

26. Permutation Groups, Vertex-transitive Digraphs and Semiregular Automorphisms

27. Parallel Streams of Nonlinear Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers

28. The Matrix of Chromatic Joins

29. Minimal Injective and Flat Resolutions of Modules over Gorenstein Rings

30. A Realization of Certain Affine Kac-Moody Groups of Types II and III

31. A 5/4 Linear Time Bin Packing Algorithm

32. Asymptotic Formulae for the Solutions of a Linear Delay Difference Equation−

33. Tame and Wild Two by Two Matrix Orders

34. On the Jacobi Sums for Finite Commutative Rings with Identity

35. On Convergence Classes inL-fuzzy Topological Spaces

36. Nilpotent Injectors in General Linear Groups

37. A Criterion for Complete Decomposability and Butler Modules over Valuation Domains

38. On Validated Computing in Algebraic Number Fields

39. On Hilbert's Integral Inequality

40. Optimal Representations by Sumsets and Subset Sums

41. Finite Codimensional Invariant Subspaces in Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions

42. Biperfect Hopf Algebras

43. Filtrations of Modules, the Chow Group, and the Grothendieck Group

44. An Extension of the Corollary to Steinmetzs Theorem

45. Orbits onn-tuples for Infinite Permutation Groups

46. Ideals of the Enveloping AlgebraU(sl2)

47. Bivariate Hermite Interpolation and Numerical Curves

48. Biorthogonal Wavelet Bases on Rd

49. Undecidable Verification Problems for Programs with Unreliable Channels

50. Largely Singular Operators