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51. Existence Theory for a Fractional q-Integro-Difference Equation with q-Integral Boundary Conditions of Different Orders

52. The Langevin Equation in Terms of Generalized Liouville–Caputo Derivatives with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions Involving a Generalized Fractional Integral

53. δ-Almost Periodic Functions and Applications to Dynamic Equations

54. Vibration Analysis of a Guitar considered as a Symmetrical Mechanical System

55. Free In-Plane Vibrations of Orthotropic Rectangular Plates by Using an Accurate Solution

56. Well-posedness, regularity and asymptotic analyses for a fractional phase field system

57. Asymptotic stability of nonuniform behaviour

58. Similarity Solution and Heat Transfer Characteristics for a Class of Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Equation with Initial Value Conditions

59. Radial Symmetry for Weak Positive Solutions of Fractional Laplacian with a Singular Nonlinearity

60. Stability analysis of Beck's column over a fractional-order hereditary foundation

61. Applications of the Hille-Yosida theorem to the linearized equations of coupled sound and heat flow

62. On the double Lusin condition and convergence theorem for Kurzweil-Henstock type integrals

63. On semidiscrete constant mean curvature surfaces and their associated families

64. General numerical radius inequalities for matrices of operators

65. Dynamics of doubly stochastic quadratic operators on a finite-dimensional simplex

66. Multiplicity of bounded solutions to the $k$-Hessian equation with a Matukuma-type source

67. A comparison principle for convolution measures with applications

68. Bridges with random length: Gamma case

69. One-sided FKPP travelling waves for homogeneous fragmentation processes

70. On the relationship between the stochastic Galerkin method and the pseudo-spectral collocation method for linear differential algebraic equations

71. Spatial behavior in high order partial differential equations

72. Extensions to Chen's Minimizing Equal Mass Parallelogram Solutions

73. The fast signal diffusion limit in a chemotaxis system with strong signal sensitivity

74. Stability of Traveling Wavefronts for a Delayed Lattice System with Nonlocal Interaction

75. The Fractional Orthogonal Difference with Applications

76. Analytical Solution of Generalized Space-Time Fractional Cable Equation

77. A note on convexity of convolutions of harmonic mappings

78. Maillet type theorem for singular first order nonlinear partial differential equations of totally characteristic type. Part II

79. Oscillation criteria for third order nonlinear delay differential equations with damping

80. Local solvability of a fully nonlinear parabolic equation

81. Numerical treatment of retarded boundary integral equations by sparse panel clustering

82. Long range scattering for nonlinear Schr\'odinger equations with critical homogeneous nonlinearity in three space dimensions


84. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation

85. On uniqueness and stability for a thermoelastic theory

86. Interior-point methods for P∗(κ)-linear complementarity problem based on generalized trigonometric barrier function

87. Well-posedness and energy decay for Timoshenko systems with discrete time delay under frictional damping and/or infinite memory in the displacement

88. Planar piecewise linear random motions with jumps

89. Finite Element Method for Modeling 3D Resistivity Sounding on Anisotropic Geoelectric Media

90. A Complex Variable Solution for Rectangle Pipe Jacking in Elastic Half-Plane

91. The Modified Fourier-Ritz Approach for the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Cylindrical, Conical, Spherical Panels and Shells of Revolution with General Boundary Condition

92. Calibration Relations for Analogues of the Basis Splines with Uniform Nodes

93. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to weakly singular integral-algebraic and integro-differential equations

94. Infinite determinantal measures and the ergodic decomposition of infinite Pickrell measures. III. The infinite Bessel process as the limit of the radial parts of finite-dimensional projections of infinite Pickrell measures

95. Stable hypersurfaces with zero scalar curvature in Euclidean space

96. Existence of critical elliptic systems with boundary singularities

97. Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions Associated with the Quaternionic Fourier Transform

98. { Euclidean, Metric, and Wasserstein } Gradient Flows: an overview

99. Improving Approximate Singular Triplets in Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method

100. On the existence of proper Nearly Kenmotsu manifolds