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2. Involutes of pseudo-null curves in Lorentz–Minkowski 3-space

3. Dynamic Analysis and Hopf Bifurcation of a Lengyel–Epstein System with Two Delays

4. Homogenization of boundary value problems in plane domains with frequently alternating type of nonlinear boundary conditions: critical case

5. Study on the Manifold Cover Lagrangian Integral Point Method Based on Barycentric Interpolation

6. Fractional integrals and solution of fractional kinetic equations involving k-Mittag-Leffler function

7. Discrete Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform in Polar Coordinates Part I: Theory and Operational Rules

8. Well-posedness, regularity and asymptotic analyses for a fractional phase field system

9. Applications of the Hille-Yosida theorem to the linearized equations of coupled sound and heat flow

10. A comparison principle for convolution measures with applications

11. Bridges with random length: Gamma case

12. The Fractional Orthogonal Difference with Applications

13. Long range scattering for nonlinear Schr\'odinger equations with critical homogeneous nonlinearity in three space dimensions


15. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation

16. On uniqueness and stability for a thermoelastic theory

17. Planar piecewise linear random motions with jumps

18. The Modified Fourier-Ritz Approach for the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Cylindrical, Conical, Spherical Panels and Shells of Revolution with General Boundary Condition

19. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to weakly singular integral-algebraic and integro-differential equations

20. Infinite determinantal measures and the ergodic decomposition of infinite Pickrell measures. III. The infinite Bessel process as the limit of the radial parts of finite-dimensional projections of infinite Pickrell measures

21. Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions Associated with the Quaternionic Fourier Transform

22. A new family of transportation costs with applications to reaction-diffusion and parabolic equations with boundary conditions

23. Thurston's metric on Teichmüller space and the translation distances of mapping classes

24. A. Stern's analysis of the nodal sets of some families of spherical harmonics revisited

25. A Trigonometric Analytical Solution of Simply Supported Horizontally Curved Composite I-Beam considering Tangential Slips

26. Heat flow, heat content and the isoparametric property

27. Pointwise slant submersions from cosymplectic manifolds

28. Estimates of solutions for parabolic differential and difference functional equations and applications

29. On interface transmission conditions for conservation laws with discontinuous flux of general shape

30. On the global Gaussian Lipschitz space

31. Stability and Bogdanov-Takens Bifurcation of an SIS Epidemic Model with Saturated Treatment Function

32. Robust Exponential Synchronization for a Class of Master-Slave Distributed Parameter Systems with Spatially Variable Coefficients and Nonlinear Perturbation

33. An Analytical Solution of Partially Penetrating Hydraulic Fractures in a Box-Shaped Reservoir

34. On generalized fractional integral operator associated with generalized Bessel-Maitland function

35. Some inequalities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains

36. On the bochner conformal curvature of Kähler-Norden manifolds

37. Observations on the vanishing viscosity limit

38. Differential equations with general highly oscillatory forcing terms

39. An Improved Interpolating Element-Free Galerkin Method Based on Nonsingular Weight Functions

40. Seiberg-Witten-like equations on 5-dimensional contact metric manifolds

41. Asymptotic behavior of the Kawazumi-Zhang invariant for degenerating Riemann surfaces

42. Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Axisymmetric Polar Orthotropic Circular Membranes under the Fixed Boundary Condition

43. Long time decay for 3D Navier-Stokes equations in Fourier-Lei-Lin spaces

44. Strong uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations with unbounded measurable drift term

45. Applications of Fourier analysis in homogenization of Dirichlet problem III: Polygonal Domains

46. Low Mach number limit for the isentropic Euler system with axisymmetric initial data

47. The inverse Fueter mapping theorem in integral form using spherical monogenics

48. Hardy-Poincaré, Rellich and uncertainty principle inequalities on Riemannian manifolds

49. Inverse Boundary Value Problem for a Fractional Differential Equations of Mixed Type with Integral Redefinition Conditions

50. Bifurcation phenomena in a single-species reaction-diffusion model with spatiotemporal delay