
Showing total 16 results
16 results

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1. Labour Market Outcomes of Postsecondary Graduates, Class of 2015. Education, Learning and Training: Research Paper Series

2. Can Online Learning Reproduce the Full College Experience? Center for Policy Innovation Discussion Paper. Number 3

3. Education and Technological Revolutions: The Role of the Social Sciences and the Humanities in the Knowledge Based Economy.

4. Training Information Professionals in the Digital Humanities: An Analysis of DH Courses in LIS Education

5. Collaborative Work and the Future of Humanities Teaching

6. Who Is Represented in the Teaching Commons?: SoTL through the Lenses of the Arts and Humanities

7. Knowledge Utility: From Social Relevance to Knowledge Mobilization

8. What is Social Sciences and Humanities Research 'Worth,'? Neoliberalism and the Framing of Social Sciences and Humanities Work in Canada

9. Teaching a 'Humanistic' Science: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Course Design at the Post-Secondary Level

10. Cultivating Partnerships in the Digital Humanities

11. Nuclear Avenue: "Cyclonic Development", Abandonment, and Relations in Uranium City, Canada.

12. Humanities and Geriatric Education: a Strategy for Recruitment?

13. Growing up nuclear.

14. The Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme: Contributions to Canadian Sociology.

15. Reading the Quebec imaginary: Marcel Rioux and dialogical form.

16. Philosophy and sociology in Quebec: a socio-epistemic inversion.