
Showing total 1,218 results
1,218 results

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1. Systematic examination of post‐ and pre‐citation of Indian‐authored retracted papers.

2. Wilt and gummosis disease of subabul caused by Fusarium equiseti ‐ a first record from India.

3. Reply to the comments by Pillai, S. P., George, B. G., Ray, J. S., and Kale, V. S., (GJ‐19‐0112) on Paper: "Depositional history and provenance of cratonic "Purana" basins in southern India: A multipronged geochronology approach to the Proterozoic Kaladgi and Bhima basins" by Joy et al., 2018

4. Are journal archiving and embargo policies impeding the success of India's open access policy?

5. Unveiling the Mechanisms of the 1819 M 7.7 Kachchh Earthquake, India: Integrating Physics‐Based Simulation and Strong Ground Motion Estimates.

6. Utilization of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and its linkages with undernutrition in India.

7. Measuring maternal autonomy and its effect on child nutrition in rural India.

8. Birth Patterns in the Aftermath of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in India: The Case of Madras City.

9. Selected Papers: Epilepsy in Asia.

10. Diabetes and tuberculosis syndemic in India: A narrative review of facts, gaps in care and challenges.

11. Insecticide susceptibility of Phlebotomus argentipes sandflies, vectors of visceral leishmaniasis in India.

12. Realizing "30 × 30" in India: The potential, the challenges, and the way forward.

13. Using environmental education to nurture positive human–wildlife interactions in India.

14. Evaluating feedback dynamics between poaching and population with an application to Indian tigers.

15. Compounding Uncertainties in Economic and Population Growth Increase Tail Risks for Relevant Outcomes Across Sectors.

16. Urbanization and COVID-19 Prevalence in India.

17. Impact on Financialisation on Accumulation: Evidence from India.

18. Social innovations and the fight against poverty: An analysis of India's first prosocial P2P lending platform.

19. Developing a methodological framework for capturing regional disparities in social development.

20. The study of engagement at work from the artificial intelligence perspective: A systematic review.

21. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of Bundelkhand Craton, North India: A connection to Columbia supercontinent.

22. Understanding vehicle demand dynamics in Indian road transport: A qualitative framework.

23. Towards sustainable urban system through the development of small towns in India.

24. Small‐scale field evaluation of the entomological efficacy and the residual activity of Fludora® Fusion WP‐SB indoor residual spraying against Anopheles culicifacies s.l. in Gujarat, India.

25. CSR practices and Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring the connections in Indian context.

26. Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies for Growth with Price Stability in a Post‐COVID‐19 Indian Economy*.

27. Collectivization of smallholder farmers, strategic competition, and market performance: Experiences from two selected villages of West Bengal, India.

28. Financial cycle, business cycle, and policy uncertainty in India: An empirical investigation.

29. Traffic video‐based intelligent traffic control system for smart cities using modified ant colony optimizer.

30. How deadline orientation and architectural modularity influence software quality and job satisfaction.

31. Evaluating the impact of climate change and geo‐environmental factors on flood hazards in India: An integrated framework.

32. Growing Like India—the Unequal Effects of Service‐Led Growth.

33. Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of mHealth in India.

34. First foods: Why improving young children's diets matter.

35. Pandemics and consumer well‐being from the Global South.

36. Transportation, employment and gender norms: Evidence from Indian cities.

37. Can borrowing constraints enhance environmental sustainability? An alternative parametric approach.

38. Tectono‐climatic and depositional environmental controls on the Neolithic habitation sites, Vaigai River Basin, Southern India.

39. Survey based assessment of sustainable agricultural practices: Evidence from Indian plots.

40. Flotation response of coal washery reject fines: Characteristics, process optimization, and oxidation.

41. Farm support and market distortion: Evidence from India.

42. Nonlinear relationships between inflation, output growth and uncertainty in India: New evidence from a bivariate threshold model.

43. Clinical validation of a smartphone application for automated wound measurement in patients with venous leg ulcers.

44. Decision‐making processes of public sector accounting reforms in India—Institutional perspectives.

45. Provenance and sedimentation age of the Proterozoic clastic succession of the Garhwal‐Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, NW‐India: Clues from U–Pb zircon and Sr–Nd isotopes.

46. A Passage to India: Altering Tracks through Paternalistic Welfarism for High Performance in India's Public Sector Rail Undertakings.

47. Developing an emission risk control model in coal‐fired power plants for investigating CO2 reduction strategies for sustainable business development.

48. Learning accountability in the public sector: The experience of Kerala.

49. Can colonial institutions explain differences in labour returns? Evidence from rural colonial India.

50. Outsource to India: The impact of service outsourcing to India on the labor market in the United States.