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64 results

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1. Generalization of uniqueness and value sharing of meromorphic functions concerning differential polynomials

2. Fixed point theorem for new type of auxiliary functions

3. Initial coefficient bounds for certain class of meromorphic bi-univalent functions

4. Properties and Inference for a New Class of Generalized Rayleigh Distributions with an Application

5. Some classes of sequence spaces defined by a Musielak-Orlicz function

6. On generalized γµ-closed sets and related continuity

7. Labels distance in bucket recursive trees with variable capacities of buckets

8. Some Existence Results for Systems of Impulsive Stochastic Differential Equations

9. On a new one-parameter generalization of dual-complex Jacobsthal numbers

10. Induced star-triangle factors of graphs

11. Frames associated with shift invariant spaces on positive half line

12. Certain classes of bi-univalent functions associated with the Horadam polynomials

13. Pre-derivations and description of non-strongly nilpotent filiform Leibniz algebras

14. On λD − R0 and λD − R1 spaces

15. On some properties of split Horadam quaternions

16. Assessing the effect size of users’ consciousness for computer networks vulnerability

17. A new parameterized logarithmic kernel function for linear optimization with a double barrier term yielding the best known iteration bound

18. Construction of Barnette graphs whose large subgraphs are non-Hamiltonian

19. On bounds of the sine and cosine along straight lines on the complex plane

20. Study of Γ-hyperrings by fuzzy hyperideals with respect to a t-norm

21. A Tauberian theorem for the statistical generalized Nörlund-Euler summability method

22. gr-n-ideals in graded commutative rings

23. The sparing number of certain graph powers

24. Fractional natural decomposition method for solving a certain class of nonlinear time-fractional wave-like equations with variable coefficients

25. Computing metric dimension of compressed zero divisor graphs associated to rings

26. New classes of local almost contractions

27. On extensions of Baer and quasi-Baer modules

28. Integrals of polylogarithmic functions with negative argument

29. A sequence adapted from the movement of the center of mass of two planets in solar system

30. Performance and economic analysis of Markovian Bernoulli feedback queueing system with vacations, waiting server and impatient customers

31. Generalized operator for Alexander integral operator

32. Some properties of analytic functions related with Booth lemniscate

33. Certain classes of analytic functions defined by fractional q-calculus operator

34. On the sum of the Lah numbers and zeros of the Kummer confluent hypergeometric function

35. On the ℒ-duality of a Finsler space with exponential metric αeβ/α

36. On generalized Laguerre matrix polynomials

37. Totally geodesic property of the unit tangent sphere bundle with g-natural metrics

38. Uniqueness of polynomial and differential monomial

39. A result regarding monotonicity of the Gamma function

40. Convolution of second order linear recursive sequences II

41. Some fixed point results for rational type and subrational type contractive mappings

42. Properties of nearly ω-continuous multifunctions

43. New characterization of symmetric groups of prime degree

44. Unbounded solutions of an iterative-difference equation

45. Common fixed point theorems for contractive mappings satisfying Φ-maps in S-metric spaces

46. Generalized pairing strategies-a bridge from pairing strategies to colorings

47. The calculus of variations on jet bundles as a universal approach for a variational formulation of fundamental physical theories

48. Ricci solitons on QR-hypersurfaces of a quaternionic space form ℚn

49. On statistical convergence in quasi-metric spaces

50. Some vector inequalities for two operators in Hilbert spaces with applications