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1. Sector Coupling Potential of a District Heating Network by Consideration of Residual Load and CO 2 Emissions.

2. Electricity Usage Efficiency and Electricity Demand Modeling in the Case of Germany and the UK.

3. Heat Pumps for Germany—Additional Pressure on the Supply–Demand Equilibrium and How to Cope with Hydrogen.

4. Modeling of Persistence, Non-Acceptance and Sufficiency in Long-Term Energy Scenarios for Germany.

5. Integration of Photovoltaics in Buildings–Support Policies Addressing Technical and Formal Aspects.

6. Quantification of the Flexibility Potential through Smart Charging of Battery Electric Vehicles and the Effects on the Future Electricity Supply System in Germany.

7. Analysis of an Urban Grid with High Photovoltaic and e-Mobility Penetration.

8. Validation and Performance of Satellite Meteorological Dataset MERRA-2 for Solar and Wind Applications.

9. Systemic Evaluation of the Effects of Regional Self-Supply Targets on the German Electricity System Using Consistent Scenarios and System Optimization.

10. Effects of Decentral Heat Pump Operation on Electricity Storage Requirements in Germany.

11. Flexible Short-Term Electricity Certificates—An Analysis of Trading Strategies on the Continuous Intraday Market.

12. Barriers behind the Retarded Shallow Geothermal Deployment in Specific Areas: A Comparative Case Study between Southern Spain and Germany.

13. Flexibility of Epichlorohydrin Production—Increasing Profitability by Demand Response for Electricity and Balancing Market.

14. Solar Prosumers in the German Energy Transition: A Multi-Level Perspective Analysis of the German ' Mieterstrom ' Model †.

15. Insights on Germany's Future Congestion Management from a Multi-Model Approach.

16. Consumers' Willingness to Accept Time-of-Use Tariffs for Shifting Electricity Demand.

17. Comparing Power-System and User-Oriented Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Representation and Its Implications on Energy System Modeling.

18. Potential Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Self-Sufficient Residential Use in Germany and the Czech Republic.

19. An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Forecast the Environmental Impact of Data Centers.