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1. Introduction to the Special Section on the 2018 Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC).

2. Introduction to the Special Section on the 2020 Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC).

3. Factors Influencing the Adoption of Open Government Data at the Firm Level.

4. Compensating Misalignment Using Dynamic Random-Effect Control System: A Case of High-Mixed Wafer Fabrication.

5. Elevated Performance of the Smart City—A Case Study of the IoT by Innovation Mode.

6. Low-Voltage Low-Power Integrable CMOS Circuit Implementation of Integer- and Fractional–Order FitzHugh–Nagumo Neuron Model.

7. CASE2014 Call for Papers.

8. Advertisement.

9. System Reliability Assessment of a Fast Retransmit Through ${k}$ Separate Minimal Paths Under the Latency.

10. Effects of Submarine-Cable Types and Parameters on Performance of a Future-Scheduled Offshore Wind Farm Connected to Taiwan Power System.

11. Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the 2021 Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC).

12. A Fast Frequency Control Based on Model Predictive Control Taking Into Account of Optimal Allocation of Power From the Energy Storage System.

13. Implementation and Measurements of a Prototype Marine-Current Power Generation System on Peng-Hu Island.

14. Development of a Transmission Network Fault Location Platform Based on Cloud Computing and Synchrophasors.

15. Optimal Design of the Sectional Switch and Tie Line for the Distribution Network Based on the Fault Incidence Matrix.

16. Design and Deployment of Special Protection System for Kinmen Power System in Taiwan.

17. Fuzzy Selection Model for Quality-Based IC Packaging Process Outsourcers.

18. Call for Paper.

19. Taiwan's First Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farm Connection—A Real Project Case Study With a Comparison of Wind Turbine.

20. Analysis of a Commercial Wind Farm in Taiwan Part II: Different Current-Limit Reactors and Load Tap Changers on System Performance.

22. Learning and International Knowledge Transfer in Latecomer Firms: The Case of Taiwan's Flat Panel Display Industry.

23. A Light-Weight Neural Network for Wafer Map Classification Based on Data Augmentation.

24. Ionospheric Phase Screen Compensation for the Sentinel-1 TOPS and ALOS-2 ScanSAR Modes.

25. Developing an Automatic Virtual Metrology System.

26. Transferring of VFTO From an EHV to MV System as Observed in Taiwan's No. 3 Nuclear Power Plant.

27. Application of Extracted Rules From a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Moulding Machine Cycle Time Improvement.

28. Analysis of a Commercial Wind Farm in Taiwan Part I: Measurement Results and Simulations.

29. Modified Frequency-Partitioned Spectrum Estimation for a Wireless Health Advanced Monitoring Bio-Diagnosis System.

30. ICONIC'2009: Fourth International Conference on Electromagnetic Near-Field Characterization and Imaging.

31. An Integrated Urban Positioning Algorithm Using Matching, Particle Swam Optimized Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and a Spatial City Model.

32. Role and Value of Pumped Storage Units in an Ancillary Services Market for Isolated Power Systems Simulation in the Taiwan Power System.

33. A Study on Generator Capacity for Wind Turbines Under Various Tower Heights and Rated Wind Speeds Using Weibull Distribution.

34. Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection.

35. Load Profile Synthesis and Wind-Power-Generation Prediction for an Isolated Power System.

36. Optimal Placement of Line Switches for Distribution Automation Systems Using Immune Algorithm.

37. Assessing the Performance and Finding the Benchmarks of the Electricity Distribution Districts of Taiwan Power Company.

38. Evaluation of the Maximum Potential Rise in Taipei Rail Transit Systems.

39. Hierarchical Equipment Health Index Framework.

40. Semiautomatic Object-Oriented Landslide Recognition Scheme From Multisensor Optical Imagery and DEM.

41. Applications of FANP and BOCR in Renewable Energy—Study on the Choice of the Sites for Wind Farms.

42. How Does a Technological Firm Develop Its Competitive Advantage? A Dynamic Capability Perspective.

43. TAIEX Forecasting Using Fuzzy Time Series and Automatically Generated Weights of Multiple Factors.

44. Multiregion Short-Term Load Forecasting in Consideration of HI and Load/Weather Diversity.

45. Feasible Strategy for Allocating Cost of Primary Frequency Regulation.

46. A Probabilistic Generative Framework for Extractive Broadcast News Speech Summarization.

47. Design Development and Implementation of the Human-System Interface for Lungmen Nuclear Project.

48. An Expert System for Three-Phase Balancing of Distribution Feeders.

49. Using TACS Functions Within EMTP to Set Up Current-Transformer Model Based on the Jiles—Atherton Theory of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis.

50. Generation Cost Assessment of an Isolated Power System With a Fuzzy Wind Power Generation Model.