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1. Using SVD on Clusters to Improve Precision of Interdocument Similarity Measure

2. Upper Bound Solution of Safety Factor for Shallow Tunnels Face Using a Nonlinear Failure Criterion and Shear Strength Reduction Technique

3. Adaptive Shape Kernel-Based Mean Shift Tracker in Robot Vision System

4. Incremental Discriminant Analysis in Tensor Space

5. Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Sparse Coding

6. Enhancing Both Efficiency and Representational Capability of Isomap by Extensive Landmark Selection

7. Single Image Superresolution Using Maximizing Self-Similarity Prior

8. Robust Object Tracking Based on Simplified Codebook Masked Camshift Algorithm

9. Objective Attributes Weights Determining Based on Shannon Information Entropy in Hesitant Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making

10. Natural Image Enhancement Using a Biogeography Based Optimization Enhanced with Blended Migration Operator

11. Incremental Tensor Principal Component Analysis for Handwritten Digit Recognition

12. Fast Threshold Selection Algorithm of Infrared Human Images Based on Two-Dimensional Fuzzy Tsallis Entropy

13. Study of Stability of Rotational Motion of Spacecraft with Canonical Variables

14. An Adaptive Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network Classifier Based on Principle Component Analysis and Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

15. Some applications of fractional calculus in engineering

16. A Novel Graph Constructor for Semisupervised Discriminant Analysis: Combined Low-Rank and k-Nearest Neighbor Graph

17. A Model of Generating Visual Place Cells Based on Environment Perception and Similar Measure

18. A Novel Method of Fault Diagnosis for Rolling Bearing Based on Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform and Improved Multiscale Permutation Entropy

19. Image Retrieval Based on Multiview Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Gaussian Mixture Model Spectral Clustering Method

20. Improved Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multilevel Color Image Thresholding Problem

21. Kernel Recursive Least-Squares Temporal Difference Algorithms with Sparsification and Regularization

22. Detection of Surface Defects on Steel Strips Based on Singular Value Decomposition of Digital Image

23. A Feature Selection Approach Based on Interclass and Intraclass Relative Contributions of Terms

24. Periodic Properties of 1D FE Discrete Models in High Frequency Dynamics

25. Robust Structure Preserving Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Dimensionality Reduction

26. Combined Similarity to Reference Image with Joint Sparsifying Transform for Longitudinal Compressive Sensing MRI

27. Image Matching Based on Local Phase Quantization Applied for Measuring the Tensile Properties of High Elongation Materials

28. Sparse Representation Based Binary Hypothesis Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification

29. A Decoupled Calibration Method for Camera Intrinsic Parameters and Distortion Coefficients

30. A Consistent Track-to-Track Fusion Method Based on Copula Theory

31. Improved Fractal Space Filling Curves Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem

32. Improved Genetic Algorithm with Gene Recombination for Bus Crew-Scheduling Problem

33. A Rank-Constrained Matrix Representation for Hypergraph-Based Subspace Clustering

34. An Image Filter Based on Shearlet Transformation and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

35. An Efficient Kernel Learning Algorithm for Semisupervised Regression Problems

36. A Novel Frequency Domain Iterative Image Registration Algorithm Based on Local Region Extraction

37. Empirical Validation of Objective Functions in Feature Selection Based on Acceleration Motion Segmentation Data

38. Exploring the Mode Change Behavior of Park-and-Ride Users

39. Reversible Watermarking Using Prediction-Error Expansion and Extreme Learning Machine

40. Subspace Learning via Local Probability Distribution for Hyperspectral Image Classification

41. A Modified Biogeography-Based Optimization for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

42. Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction from Highly Undersampled k-Space Data Using Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform Sparsity Prior

43. Representation of 3D Environment Map Using B-Spline Surface with Two Mutually Perpendicular LRFs

44. Probability Estimation in the Framework of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Evidence Theory

45. Face Recognition Using Double Sparse Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis

46. Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Economic Model

47. The Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy MULTIMOORA Method for Group Decision Making in Engineering

48. Decision Rules Acquisition for Inconsistent Disjunctive Set-Valued Ordered Decision Information Systems

49. Game Theory Based Construction Efficient Topology in Wireless Sensor Networks

50. A New Scheme for Keypoint Detection and Description