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1. Correction and notes to the paper 'A classification of Artin–Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields'

2. $p$ -adic Eisenstein–Kronecker series for CM elliptic curves and the Kronecker limit formulas

3. FI-modules and stability for representations of symmetric groups

4. Growth of the Weil–Petersson diameter of moduli space

5. Morphisms determined by objects. The case of modules over Artin algebras

6. New estimates for a time-dependent Schrödinger equation

7. Non-commutative varieties with curvature having bounded signature

8. The foundational inequalities of D. L. Burkholder and some of their ramifications

9. More mixed Tsirelson spaces that are not isomorphic to their modified versions

10. Kronecker-Weber plus epsilon

11. Traces of intertwiners for quantum groups and difference equations, I

12. Commutators of free random variables

13. On isometric and minimal isometric embeddings

14. Linear independence result for $p$ -adic $L$ -values

15. Primality of multiply connected polyominoes

16. Local rings with self-dual maximal ideal

17. Noncommutative boundaries and the ideal structure of reduced crossed products

18. Two generalizations of Auslander–Reiten duality and applications

19. A tropical motivic Fubini theorem with applications to Donaldson–Thomas theory

20. The Markoff group of transformations in prime and composite moduli

21. Linear differential equations on the Riemann sphere and representations of quivers

22. Spectral instability of characteristic boundary layer flows

23. Gaussian fluctuations of Young diagrams and structure constants of Jack characters

24. The symplectic arc algebra is formal

25. Multiplicity estimates: A Morse-theoretic approach

26. The geometry of Newton strata in the reduction modulo $p$ of Shimura varieties of PEL type

27. Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds, I

28. Prime polynomials in short intervals and in arithmetic progressions

29. Kadison-Kastler stable factors

30. Integrability of the pentagram map

31. Loop spaces and representations

32. Quasisplit Hecke algebras and symmetric spaces

33. Hypersurfaces of prescribed curvature measure

34. K3格子への有限シンプレクティック作用

35. The Picard group of the moduli space of curves with level structures

36. Bounds on the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity

37. The geometry of Markov traces

38. Stickelberger elements and Kolyvagin systems

39. Internal DLA and the Gaussian free field

40. Existence of regular neighborhoods for H-surfaces

41. The norm of a Ree group

42. On the conjugacy growth functions of groups

43. Exponentially generic subsets of groups

44. The base change fundamental lemma for central elements in parahoric Hecke algebras

45. Appell polynomials and their relatives III. Conditionally free theory

46. Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures revisited

47. On tilting modules over cluster-tilted algebras

48. The characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix: A probabilistic approach

49. The geometric theory of the fundamental germ

50. Finite dimensional point derivations for graph algebras